We, the undersigned, Citizens and Residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to Urgently implement Canada’s expeditious withdrawal from the UN and all of its subsidiary organizations, including WHO.

Petition to the House of Commons in Parliament assembled


  • Canada’s membership in the United Nations (UN) and its subsidiary organizations, (e.g. World Health Organization (WHO)), imposes negative consequences on the people of Canada, far outweighing any benefits;
  • Canada’s agreement to participate in the UN/WHO comprehensive “Agenda 2030” undermines national sovereignty and personal autonomy;
  • Agenda 2030 and its operational “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG), Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), UN Judicial Review, International Health Regulations (IHR), One Health and similar programs are being rapidly implemented, absent the awareness and consent of the People or their elected representatives;
  • SDGs have negative impacts on potentially every aspect of life, including religious and cultural values, familial relations, education, nutrition, child development, property rights, economic and agricultural productivity, transportation, travel, health, informed consent, privacy and physical autonomy;
  • Under the CSE, publicly funded educational institutions are damaging children while concealing information from parents. Normalization of sexual values and activities with regard to children are endorsed and enforced, beginning at birth;
  • Agenda 2030 and secretly negotiated amendments to the IHR could likely impose unacceptable, intrusive universal surveillance, violating the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms; and
  • These sweeping impacts on public and private life serve the interests of UN/WHO and unelected private entities (e.g. World Economic Forum, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, International Planned Parenthood Federation, etc.), while diminishing the health rights and freedom of Canadians.

We, the undersigned, Citizens and Residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to Urgently implement Canada’s expeditious withdrawal from the UN and all of its subsidiary organizations, including WHO.


Secret Negotiations with World Health Organization Are Now Underway to Surrender Canada’s Sovereignty

Send an email to 400+ Canadian Government officials, Senators and Members of Parliament. CLICK HERE


Note: Thank you for entering the battle to preserve Canada’s national sovereignty. We are engaging in information warfare, which means that you can expect resistance to messages that are not consistent with the “Mainstream Narrative.” We firmly believe that TRUTH is the way to extinguish lies and propaganda. That is why we value statements backed by evidence. Canadian Sovereignty is a national issue, not a local one. Therefore, the action email text is relevant to every Member of Parliament. It is important to continue to educate MPs on the vital issue of Canadian Sovereignty. 

You can edit the action email text before you send it. You can add your postal address and telephone number at the beginning of the email to identify you as a constituent of your MP. Doing so will increase the likelihood of you receiving a personal reply. The email can contain a maximum of 3,ooo characters (about 500 words).  Please consider sharing this link with as many as you can: https://preventgenocide2030.org/canada-actions

Send an email to 400+ Canadian Government officials, Senators and Members of Parliament. CLICK HERE

Shared from https://inhere.salsalabs.org/canada-must-exit-the-who-now/index.html

Important videos to help us learn about why ALL Canadian’s need to sign this

Here is the latest version of what most people inaccurately refer to as the “Pandemic Treaty.” PLEASE do not get lost in the details. Be sure to read Chapter III and comprehend the bigger picture.



Alberta News & Views.

HELP Leslyn Lewis pull us OUT of the U.N. global takeover nightmare, we have Over 45K signatures and counting, as of Nov 1st.

This website does not endorse PP.
Who was his leadership team?
What he doesn’t do or say is more important than what he says.

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Mark Friesen & petition info starts at @ 13:00.

That apple PP video is an advertisement. Don’t fall for it. Shown @ 36 minutes into this interview. Conservative party ad.


Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis backs petition calling for Canada to exit UN, WHO

Thus far the petition has over 36,000 signatures, well past the 500 signature threshold required for it to be presented to Parliament to receive as response. SIGN THIS PETITION HERE

Published Wed. Oct 18th 2023. Anthony Murdoch

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) –– Conservative Party of Canada MP Leslyn Lewis has endorsed an official House of Commons petition demanding the nation’s federal government “urgently” withdraw from the United Nations and its subgroup, the World Health Organization (WHO), due to the organizations’ undermining of national “sovereignty” and the “personal autonomy” of citizens.

“We, the undersigned, Citizens and Residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to Urgently implement Canada’s expeditious withdrawal from the U.N. and all of its subsidiary organizations, including WHO,” reads the petition, which was initiated by Doug Porter from Burnaby, British Columbia, and then endorsed by Lewis.

As of press time, the petition, which was opened on October 10, has just over 36,000 signatures. It will remain open for signing until February 7, 2024.

The petition states that Canada’s current membership in the UN along with the WHO has resulted in “negative consequences on the people of Canada,” which far outweigh “any benefits.”

Additionally, the petition reads that the UN’s “Agenda 2030″ undermines “national sovereignty and personal autonomy.”

Many of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal government goals, notably its environmental ones, are in lockstep with the United Nations’ “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

Agenda 2030 is a plan that was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015, and through its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), seeks to “transform our world for the better,” by “taking urgent action on climate change,” as well as “support[ing] the research and development of vaccines and medicines.” Some of the 17 goals also seek to expand “reproductive” services, including contraception and abortion, across the world in the name of women’s rights. 

According to the UN, “all” nations working on the program “will implement this plan.” 

Part of the plan includes phasing out coal-fired power plants, reducing fertilizer usage, and curbing natural gas use over the coming decades. Canada is one of the world’s largest oil and gas producers, however, Trudeau has made it one of his goals to decimate the industry.  

In a blow to the globalist UN agenda, however, Canada’s oil and gas sector recently scored a huge win after the Supreme Court of Canada declared Trudeau’s government’s Impact Assessment Act, dubbed the “no-more pipelines” bill, is mostly “unconstitutional.”   

As for Lewis, she is pro-life and has consistently called out the Trudeau government for pushing a globalist, anti-life agenda on Canadians. 

Early this year Lewis noted that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is “not our government” and that Canadians did not “sign up” to be attached to one of its charters. Lewis herself helped expose Canadians to the fact that Trudeau’s Liberal government signed onto the WEF charter in 2020. 

Petitions to Canada’s House of Commons can be started by anyone but must have the support of five Canadian citizens or residents, along with the support of a sitting MP. 

Once a petition has over 500 verified signatures, it is presented to the House of Commons, where it awaits an official government response. 

Petition calls out UN’s sex-ed programs, saying Canadians did not vote for these to be pushed on kids 


The Lewis-backed petition states that Canada should have nothing to do with the UN’s sexual education programs as they have been pushed on the populace without the “consent” of the people. 

The petition reads that Agenda 2030’s SDGs, as well as its “Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)” program, its UN Judicial Review, and its International Health Regulations (IHR) are being “rapidly implemented,” with the absent awareness and “consent of the People or their elected representatives.” 

The petition reads that SDGs have “negative impacts on potentially every aspect of life,” in Canada, including “religious and cultural values, familial relations, education, nutrition, child development, property rights, economic and agricultural productivity, transportation, travel, health, informed consent, privacy and physical autonomy.” 

When it comes to the UN’s CSE, the petition states that publicly funded educational institutions have been “damaging children while concealing information from parents.” 

As a result, the CSE’s “normalization” of “sexual values and activities with regard to children are endorsed and enforced, beginning at birth.” 

As for the WHO, it claims that the CSE gives kids “accurate, age-appropriate information,” however it then says sexual education should start at the age of 5 as per UN guidelines.  

“Learning is incremental; what is taught at the earliest ages is very different from what is taught during puberty and adolescence,” reads the CSE. 

report which was published by the UN’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, in collaboration with the WHO, told kids aged 5 to 8 that “people can show love for other people through touching and intimacy.” 

UN’s health regulations look to violate Canadians’ charter rights, says petition  

The petition notes that when it comes to Agenda 2030, many amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) were “secretly negotiated,” which as a result means they could “impose unacceptable, intrusive universal surveillance, violating the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Canadian Bill of Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” 

Shared from https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/conservative-mp-leslyn-lewis-backs-petition-calling-for-canada-to-exit-un-who/



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