Recently, during an EMR/RCMP job fair, at a Chilliwack high school, a male to female transgender adult, who was part of the presentation, went into the student’s female bathroom/changeroom. This high school is equipped with a gender-neutral bathroom. Some students, both male and female, witnessed this and became upset.
Interview: A Conversation with Emily, Keegan & Angelo
These two students didn’t think it was correct for an adult male to go into the student’s female bathroom. Some students decided that they’d rather remove themselves from what they were experiencing as an uncomfortable situation, they left and walked to the parking lot.
The school officials spotted the students, and called them over to have this conversation with them.
Hear from these two high school students, 16 & 17 how they were affected by this, and what happened afterward.
Contact Info for RCMP | Contact Imagine High Secondary School and School Board Officials
More To The Story | Out On Patrol
Chilliwack RCMP Community Policing Office
Specifically contact RCMP with questions surrounding
RCMP Job Fairs:
Should you wish to speak with the RCMP about their
policies and procedures, please contact:
Superintendent RCMP Davy Lee at
Inspector Darren Pankratz at
or ask for them on the phone.
The Chilliwack RCMP Community Policing Office (CPO) serves as the operational police detachment for the City of Chilliwack and is located at:
45924 Airport Road
Chilliwack, British Columbia V2P 1A2
Non-Emergency Telephone:
Phone: 604.792.4611
Fax: 604.702.4243
Chilliwack RCMP on facebook
Imagine High School & SD33 Contacts
Imagine High:
Vice Principal:
T: 604-792-0941
F: 604-792-0971
45669 Yale Rd., Chilliwack, BC V2P 2N1
-Imagine High, SD33 Trustee Liaison:
-Assistant Superintendent:
-Imagine High on facebook
Comment from RCMP regarding Imagine High Job Fair, contact:

More to the Story

(Shared from social media)
Does anyone have children at Imagine High in Chilliwack?
Did you know that the school hosted an RCMP job fair at school yesterday?
And did you know that one of the officers that showed up was trans? Ponytail, stubble on his face, makeup, etc. A very obviously male RCMP officer dressed as a woman. Fine, be what you want.
How would you feel if I told you that this officer decided to use the girls bathroom/change room/locker room attached to the kids gym?
A grown man, in a position of authority, helping himself to the girls bathroom/change room at a high school? I was under the impression that that’s what the “gender neutral “ bathrooms were for? Actually, most schools have designated bathrooms for adults and visitors for safety reasons.
My son and his friend were absolutely disgusted when they saw this very clearly male officer enter the girls change room/bathroom. They got up and left the gym. The vice principal had an EA get them to give them trouble for not notifying an adult that they were leaving (which is fine, I understand that, and the boys actually immediately acknowledged that and apologized). But then proceeded to lecture them about their “attitudes” and how they must get their information from Fox News when they explained to her that they were disturbed and disgusted at what they witnessed. She raised her voice, she cut them off, she told them they needed to go home and think about their attitudes. She threatened to call their parents. This was not a few minute lecture, she carried on and held them up for almost 20 minutes as if they’d done something terribly wrong that needed reprimanding.
When she called me and I asked if my son had gotten loud or disrespectful, she said no. So I guess there’s no problem then, my son has every right to stand up for what he believes in and to remove himself from situations he is uncomfortable with. When my husband went to pick him up, he asked several female students how they felt about this.
Every one of them expressed they were uncomfortable with what this officer did.
I don’t care what you identify as. We have family who are in same sex relationships. But don’t shove it down our kids throats. I have a teenage daughter. She should feel safe at school. She should feel safe using the girls bathroom. She should have the right to use the girls bathroom without worrying that a grown man will go in to change or use the bathroom.
The fact that this man is in a position of authority makes this even more appalling. Pretty sad our kids can’t even trust the very people that claim they’re there to support them and keep them safe.
What about this organization called: OUT ON PATROL?

About: …”Out On Patrol is an incorporated non-profit society through the Province of British Columbia, serving 2SLGBTQ+ law enforcement and the community.”…
Education: “Our members have first-hand experience with the difficulties 2SLGBTQ+ youth face on a daily basis. Out On Patrol is proud to offer educational presentations for elementary and secondary schools, in an effort to combat bullying. These presentations also provide a platform for our members to act as positive role models for youth interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement.”
Their supporters include various RCMP and city/regional police departments. See a list here.
The BCACP sponsorship: On June 15, 2022, the British Columbia Association of Chiefs of Police unanimously passed a motion to endorse Out On Patrol and our initiatives. They committed to working collaboratively to further our mission and vision throughout the province of BC.
*It’s time to contact them, ask them to support all youth, without marketing Radical-TransActivism.
Out On Patrol: Board of Directors:
President: Constable Chris Birkett, Vancouver Police Department.
Contact him on X
Vice President: Constable Bryan Watson, Vancouver Police Department
Contact him on LinkedIn
Secretary: Constable Victoria DeFoe, Vancouver Police Department
No contact information.
Treasurer: Simon Authier LL.B., Vancouver Police
Contact him on LinkedIn
One of the organizations that funds “Out on Patrol” is the Motorola Solutions Foundation.
The philanthropist organization that funds “Out on Patrol” is called Motorola Solutions Foundation. Take a look at some of their ‘stock news’ to understand the larger roll they are playing with the 2030 agenda, CBDC and surveillance. They are full into DEI, ESG and funding the Radical-Trans-Queer-Agenda globally.

Motorola Solutions Foundation: 2022 ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS