BC school trustee who shared offensive anti-Christian meme offers no apology. [Apology posted days later. READ]
Petitions work, in that they show the number of concerned citizens!
The meme, which Westerby posted to a personal public Facebook account last Thursday, depicts a mob in rainbow colours labelled ‘Barbie’ rejoicing as they are about to steamroll over a group of characters labelled as the traditional family, the sanctity of marriage and Christian values.

Teri Westerby, a transgender school trustee in Chilliwack, British Columbia’s School District 33, has shown no remorse after sharing an offensive meme that targeted Christians and those with traditional family beliefs.
This is Teri Westerby, a school trustee at the woke @ChilliwackSD33 laughing about steamrolling the “traditional family” and “sanctity of marriage” on Facebook.
There’s nothing funny about the fact that school boards have been infiltrated by anti-family gender ideologues. pic.twitter.com/nzW78tj954— Cosmin Dzsurdzsa 🇷🇴 (@cosminDZS) July 28, 2023
The meme, which Westerby posted to a personal public Facebook account last Thursday, depicts a mob in rainbow colours labelled ‘Barbie’ rejoicing as they are about to steamroll over a group of characters labelled as the traditional family, the sanctity of marriage and Christian values. The bottom right corner of the meme also shows imagery of the lead characters in the Barbie movie, which is currently screening in theatres.
The decision to share the discriminatory meme, which could be perceived as promoting violence against Christians and others whose opinions may differ from Westerby’s, casts a shadow of hypocrisy over the trustee’s previous “anti-hate” and pro-inclusivity comments.
Hate speech is on the rise, but it’s illegal here in Canada.
It often feels like there isn’t anything we can do about it, but there is!
If you witness or are subjected to hate, discrimination or offensive language, including posters or signs, here is what you can do:
🧵— Teri Westerby (he/him) (@TeriWesterby33) April 3, 2023
Shortly after B.C.’s municipal election concluded last fall, the CBC quoted Westerby as citing the following as inspiration for running for the trustee position: “What I found is that children were crying out for representation and for someone to listen to them and to their families to make sure that the Chilliwack school board has someone who recognizes that every student has human rights.” [Story continues below video/petition link]
Protesters gather to demand resignation of Chilliwack trustee after discriminatory Facebook post
“We, the undersigned, in light of the hateful and bigoted Facebook post by Chilliwack School District (SD33) Trustee Teri Westerby,”…..”formally demand the immediate resignation of Teri Westerby, who, by this malicious, and inflammatory post, has marginalized, stigmatized, and possibly endangered a sizable group of the very students whom SD33 is responsible for protecting and supporting.”
[Westerby has released an apology, read it HERE]
Yet, when I reached out to Westerby to see if the trustee would be issuing an apology for posting the Christophobic meme while representing students in a region where the most popular religion is Christianity, Westerby failed to provide any comment for the public’s consideration. The public figure did, however, respond to my inquiry, by blocking me from their personal Facebook account where the meme was posted. [Westerby has released an apology, read it HERE]
“In my personal opinion as a trustee for 15 years I am deeply concerned that a trustee elected to represent the entire community would depict some members of this city in such an egregious manner. Does my colleague believe that people who uphold family and Christian values (including etc, whomever that is) need to be ‘steamrolled’ or destroyed?” Fellow Chilliwack school trustee Heather Maahs responded in an email statement to Rebel News over the concerning meme.
B.C. Chilliwack School Board just passed a policy allowing school-aged girls to show “exposed underwear” and “cleavage”.
In the video, the author of the policy Vice-Chair Willow Reichelt laughs at fellow trustee Heather Maas when she says that this encourages child predators. pic.twitter.com/a4PUHRRq69— Cosmin Dzsurdzsa 🇷🇴 (@cosminDZS) March 16, 2019
At least one Chilliwack resident, whose name we are keeping anonymous, shared similar concerns over the post to that of trustee Maahs. In a statement to Rebel News the grandparent of five children enrolled in SD 33 described Westerby’s post as hateful and harmful, adding that it “promotes violence and hatred to the largest demographic in Chilliwack.”
The concerned grandparent also sent an email calling on Trustee Westerby to take accountability for the post, as well as to the district’s superintendent Rohan Arul-pragasam and the Minister of Education and Child Development to ensure that “all children in our public schools have the right to equal protection under the law.”
Despite the entire Chilliwack Board of Education being emailed the concerned grandparent’s request and Rebel News’ inquiry, Maahs was the only trustee who made the effort to provide a public comment that separated at least herself from her colleague’s offensive post. Even the board’s chair Willow Reichelt, who reacted with a laughing emoji to the anti-Christian meme, chose not to provide public comment to the members of her community who may feel threatened by Westerby’s post.
Yet, just last week Reichelt did not hold back on publicly commenting to show her support for another meme Westerby posted on Facebook that also mocks Christians.
That meme depicts a lesbian woman telling a priest she is homosexual, to which the priest suggests she pray to God to cure her of “that sin.” The woman prays to have her “problem disappear,” with the meme suggesting that God answered the lesbian’s prayer by making the priest vanish into thin air.
And another one.
Looks like @ChilliwackSD33 school trustee Teri Westerby can’t get enough of posting memes that mock Christians.
Vendetta much? pic.twitter.com/IPW61zBWUW— Drea Humphrey – Prepping and Politics (@DreaHumphrey) July 30, 2023
When a commenter pointed out the over simplification of the meme, by saying that the meme’s message isn’t always the way homosexuals are counselled in church, Reichelt replied, “It is absolutely always this way if the religion is telling someone that being gay is a sin—to remove the ‘problem’ the solution is to ditch the religion. This doesn’t mean that all religious people are problems; many people have found a way to love god and to fully embrace 2SLGBTQ+ people.”
The controversial chair has made many headlines for the appearance of an iron fist-like rule over an elected board that is supposed to be comprised of equals. In February, video recordings of board meetings circulated online showing Reichelt arbitrarily censure citizen’s concerns about sexually explicit books in the district’s schools during board meetings.
Gender ideologues only have contempt and mockery for parental rights and believe the state should be the final authority over kids.
Watch Chair Willow Reichelt laugh at a trustee after she says children belong to their parents. pic.twitter.com/axzMlicZJy— Osler (@osler78) April 15, 2023
In April, a petition which has garnered over 5,100 signatures was drafted in effort to have Reichelt ousted from her position as chair. The signatories believe that Reichelt has acted unilaterally and failed to “listen when parents, guardians and other residents of the Chilliwack community, attempt to voice their concerns.” [SIGN PETITION HERE]

According to District 33’s Board of Education policy manual, the board’s core values should include kindness, inclusion, compassion and empathy for everyone.
To date, there are no signs that the controversial school board chair will resign over the public backlash she’s received. Aside from removing the steamroll Christian values meme from Facebook, Westerby also shows no sign of taking accountability for the emotional harm that could have been caused by the post.
Did you know no other news outlet in Canada tackles the issue of state-funded gender ideology for kids like Rebel News? Consider going to StopClassroomGrooming.com to stay informed and chip in a few bucks to help us cover the costs involved in such journalism.
This article was updated to include additional comments from a Chilliwack resident.
Shared from https://www.rebelnews.com/bc_school_trustee_who_shared_offensive_anti_christian_meme_offers_no_apology

The following image posted by Westerby, within hours of the Nashville school shooting, where a Trans-Identified person killed 6 people, 3 being children.

Should you want to email SD33 board, Superintendent, Mayor, Councillors & relevant politicians about Teri’s discriminatory conduct, copy and paste should work well for you:
teri_westerby@sd33.bc.ca, willow_reichelt@sd33.bc.ca, carin_bondar@sd33.bc.ca, heather_maahs@sd33.bc.ca, richard_procee@sd33.bc.ca, margaret_reid@sd33.bc.ca, david_swankey@sd33.bc.ca, rohan_arul-pragasam@sd33.bc.ca, kirk_savage@sd33.bc.ca, paula_jordan@sd33.bc.ca
mayor@chilliwack.com, mercer@chilliwack.com, kloot@chilliwack.com, westeringh@chilliwack.com, lum@chilliwack.com, shields@chilliwack.com, read@chilliwack.com
dan.coulter.MLA@leg.bc.ca, laurie.throness.mla@leg.bc.ca, kelli.paddon.MLA@leg.bc.ca, mark.strahl@parl.gc.ca

Westerby also publicly supports Drag Queen (Adult queer-cultured entertainment) for children.

SD33 board chair [Willow Reichelt] issues apology for controversial meme circulated by Teri Westerby
CHILLIWACK — Chilliwack Board of Education chair Willow Reichelt has issued an apology on behalf of the school district after trustee Teri Westerby circulated a Barbie-themed meme on social media that depicts a steamroller trampling Christian values and those that hold traditional values.
In the past week, Westerby circulated a meme on social media that appears to lampoon reaction in some conservative circles around the blockbuster Barbie movie starring Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie.
The meme disseminated by Westerby depicts Gosling and Robbie rejoicing in the bottom right-hand corner while a road roller moves to physically crush Christian values, those who adhere to certain traditional family views and those who hold a pro-life view around the sanctity of life.
“The meme that Trustee Westerby shared on his personal Facebook page was intended to poke fun at online commentators who are upset that the Barbie movie has a feminist message,” Reichelt said in a statement emailed to Fraser Valley Today. “If you know the history of the meme, you know that the intent is not to advocate crushing traditional values but to point out the absurdity of saying that the Barbie movie has that power. However, if you do not know the meme’s history [Artist: Matthew Inman], it’s understandable that the image could be hurtful. I apologize on behalf of the board for any hurt caused, and I want to offer my assurance that Christians and other people of faith are welcome and supported in this district.”
Trustee Heather Maahs had a much different take on the meme.
“I remain concerned that sentiments such as steam rolling, running over those with traditional Christian/religious values, are considered humourous by school trustees who are obliged to take inclusivity seriously,” Maahs said in a statement.
One SD33 trustee reportedly responded to Westerby’s meme by posting a laughing emoji.
Westerby’s social media post appears to run contrary to expectations of the Chilliwack Board of Education.
According to Chilliwack School District Policy 130 governing trustee conduct, “Trustees will conduct themselves in an appropriate, professional and respectful manner when carrying out their duties. Trustees will act with decorum and be respectful of other trustees, staff, students, partner groups and the public at all times. Trustees will carry out their duties faithfully, diligently and in a manner that will inspire public confidence in the ability and integrity of the Board.”
Westerby could not be reached for comment. An auto-generated response received by Fraser Today says Westerby was not available until August 8.

In the meantime, Reichelt says SD33 embraces students of all religious faiths, and those with no faith.
“The Chilliwack School District embraces families of all religious faiths (and no faith) and recognizes that different families have different values. We strive to create learning spaces where people of all different backgrounds can come together and treat each other with respect,” Reichelt said in her written statement.
Chilliwack trustee shares controversial meme with anti-Christian tone
Teri Westerby shared the meme in which the Barbie movie is portrayed steamrolling Christian values
A Chilliwack school trustee has shared controversial content on Facebook. You’ve heard that one many times before, but this time it’s Teri Westerby taking heat for sharing a meme that comes off as anti-Christian.
The meme celebrates the new Barbie movie for its left-leaning themes. A pink steamroller labelled Barbie, with a pride-coloured roller, is shown chasing a group of people that are labelled traditional family, Christian values and sanctity of marriage. People in the cab of the steamroller, including the driver, appear to be very happy.
Westerby, who became the first openly trans man elected to a school board in Canada in October 2022, shared the meme on his personal Facebook page last week. It’s a variation on the one seen below that was created [by Matthew Inman] to accompany a quote by the late reverend Jerry Falwell, who said, “If we do not act now, homosexuals will own America! If you and I do not speak up now, this homosexual steamroller will literally crush all decent men, women and children who get in its way… and our nation will pay a terrible price!”
Chilliwack school board chair Willow Reichelt suggested the Barbie meme that Westerby shared wasn’t literally suggesting violence against Christians any more than Falwell’s Gayroller [by artist Matthew Inman] was literally going to steamroll decent men, women and children. She said it was intended to poke fun at online commentators who are upset at the Barbie movie’s feminist message.
RELATED: Chilliwack school trustee Barry Neufeld tells parents to pull kids out of public school
RELATED: Widespread criticism for Chilliwack school trustee’s COVID-19 conspiracy theory rant
“If you know the history of the meme, you know that the intent is not to advocate crushing traditional values but to point out the absurdity of saying that the Barbie movie has that power,” Reichelt said. “However, if you do not know the meme’s history, it’s understandable that the image could be hurtful. I apologize on behalf of the board, and I want to offer my assurance that Christians and other people of faith are welcome and supported in this district.
“The Chilliwack School District embraces families of all religious faiths (and no faith) and recognizes that different families have different values. We strive to create learning spaces where people of all different backgrounds can come together and treat each other with respect.”
Westerby could not be reached for comment.
In the past, right-leaning members of the Chilliwack school board, most notably former trustee Barry Neufeld, have taken heat for sharing anti-SOGI [What does SOGI Curriculum stand for?] and anti-LGBTQ2 content on social media. Current/longtime trustee Heather Maahs said she is “deeply concerned that any trustee elected to represent the entire community would depict some members of this city in such an egregious manner.
[Barry Neufeld Video inserted by WEB-MASTER
not part of the Chilliwack Progress story]
“It makes me wonder, do some of my colleagues believe that people who uphold traditional family and Christian/religious values etc. need to be “steamrolled” or destroyed?” she said. “The same board censured me this past year for a meeting where the chair disallowed public comment and cut microphones, yet decided I was responsible for the public’s reaction, but now the chair supports this trustee when it comes to denigrating a large demographic of this community?”
Shared from https://www.theprogress.com/news/chilliwack-trustee-shares-controversial-meme-with-anti-christian-tone/
Protesters gather to demand resignation of Chilliwack trustee after discriminatory Facebook post
The board’s chair, Willow Reichelt, who has earned a reputation for arbitrarily silencing concerns related to sexually explicit books in schools and biological males in female spaces, eventually came to Westerby’s defence with an apology posted to social media.
Concerns over a Chilliwack, British Columbia, school board trustee’s controversial Facebook post continued last Friday, as a group of concerned citizens gathered for a protest.
Teri Westerby, a transgender school trustee in Chilliwack, British Columbia’s School District 33, has shown no remorse after sharing an offensive meme that targeted Christians and those with traditional family beliefs.https://t.co/idYEYbbnkB— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) July 30, 2023
On Aug. 4, a small group of concerned citizens gathered in Chilliwack’s downtown core to demand more disciplinary action be taken against one of the district’s newest school board trustees.
The small groups’ concerns match that of many B.C. citizens who have recently expressed outrage online about the discriminatory meme shared and since removed by Teri Westerby, School District 33’s “first openly trans man” to be elected.
The Barbie-themed meme shows a rainbow steamroller operated by brightly clothed characters rejoicing as they are about to steamroll over frightened characters without coloured garments on, who are also labelled as traditional family, sanctity of marriage and Christian values.
So… Chilliwack school district 33’s chair Willow Reichelt, issued an apology regarding trustee Teri Westerby’s anti-Christian & traditional family meme.
Your thoughts?
Click link for background story: https://t.co/cqO9zTeKnr pic.twitter.com/K25N7dPsBZ— Drea Humphrey – Prepping and Politics (@DreaHumphrey) August 2, 2023

The board’s chair, Willow Reichelt, who has earned a reputation for arbitrarily silencing concerns related to sexually explicit books in schools and biological males in female spaces, eventually came to Westerby’s defence with an apology posted to social media.
While the statement did include an apology on behalf of the board, it also provided excuses for Westerby’s decision to post the meme, implying that those who found the elected official’s decision to share a meme that celebrates the destruction of Christian values and traditional families as hateful or promoting violence, got it wrong.
Some felt the apology was backhanded in nature and that Westerby, who often claims to stand against what the trustee sees as hate and bigotry, should resign.
“It’s actually not the first time that something like this has been posted publicly,” Cindy Carpenter told Rebel News. Carpenter was the one who organized the protest to raise awareness about Westerby’s actions. Just a few days prior to posting the steamroll Christian values meme, Westerby posted another meme mocking Catholicism on Facebook.
The usual target, the priest. They really hate Catholicism the most. #chilliwack #sd33 #CatholicTwitter #Hate pic.twitter.com/r2jzxONrg2— FaLa 🚜🇨🇦❤️🔥 (@FranLa9) August 3, 2023
Carpenter, who is also a mom of children enrolled in SD33, added that although she isn’t a Christian herself, she believes that an elected official who is tasked with looking over the education of all children in the district and a leader in the Chilliwack Pride Society, should know that they are to be inclusive of all children, including Christian ones.
At the time of covering the protest, Westerby had still not made any public statements or apologies regarding the meme. The trustee did eventually take to Facebook last weekend claiming to be in complete shock over people taking the meme literally, and having been away from internet connection whilst camping for a week despite having found time to remove the meme days before making a comment.
The trustee apologized for any hurt citizens may have felt and further claimed to have received hateful messages and even death threats without providing an example of such for the public to see.
The @ChilliwackSD33’s school trustee, Teri Westerby has broken the silence about the anti-Christian and traditional family values , Barbie meme posted on the trustees Facebook account.
Here is the background story and I’ll post the apology separately. https://t.co/xrETmnu3dw— Drea Humphrey – Prepping and Politics (@DreaHumphrey) August 5, 2023

Aside from SD33 trustee Heather Maahs, who responded by expressing concerns about the meme prior to chair Reichelt or Westerby’s apology, Rebel News has not received a response to our inquiries made to the board for them to share comments for our reports on the matter.
We have not received a response from the RCMP at this time concerning whether or not they are aware of any death threats being made towards any of the SD33 trustees since Westerby posted the steamroller meme.
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SD33 2023 Policy Manual