The Dutch people are rising up to protest destructive WEF climate law.

Dutch farmers feed the world. In 2020, the Netherlands’ agricultural exports broke a new record, totalling 95.6 billion euros. It is absolutely critical that Mark Rutte’s government’s insane climate policy that will destroy agricultural jobs is stopped now.

This policy was inspired by the World Economic Forum and will kill thousands of jobs by 2030, and people will starve.

Sign The Petition Here

“We need to step up as Canadians” ~Saving Canada

March 11 2023

Over 10,000 farmers defied the wishes of Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and protested the liquidation of 3,000 farms. Canadians joined the protest as well, knowing that Rutte’s radical climate policy is coming to North America through his friend Justin Trudeau.

Go to and SIGN the petition to defend our farmers.

The World Economic Forum-controlled Dutch government announced an end to modern farming – putting harsh controls on nitrogen, and spelling the end to thousands of family farms. They want to liquidate over 3,000 of them.

In response, Dutch farmers took a page out of the Canadian Freedom Convoy playbook. They took to the highways, blockaded borders, and launched massive protests. Now, they are making their final stand.

Dutch farmers protesting their government’s authoritarian policies told The Counter Signal they were inspired by Canadian truckers — and many flew Canadian flags as a sign of solidarity.

Dutch Military and police blocked farmers from driving their tractors to the freedom protest in The Hague, and made multiple arrests.

A photo on social media has captured two monstrous German water cannon trucks allegedly on route to the Dutch farmers’ planned Saturday protest in The Hague.

The Dutch mayor of The Hague has threatened to use military equipment to clear out tractors and road blockades as the farmers plan an enormous protest in the Netherlands on Saturday (today). 

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Share more about the WEF/UN agenda, watch UNsustainable Here

For Canadians to get rid of woke ideologies that are attempting to run our lives, and change our country, we need to show up in numbers like this. Truly become united!

Farmer Rebellion in the Netherlands! Callum Smiles of Rebel News speaks with Geert Wilders at a protest in the Netherlands. Wilders has led the Dutch Party for Freedom since he founded it in 2006. Visit Rebel News for more on this story ►

More than 4 hours, showing the rally. Speakers start at about 1 hour and 4 minutes into the video.

Live vanuit Den Haag op zaterdag 11 maart, als leden van de Farmers Defence Force (FDF) demonstreren tegen het klimaatbeleid van de regering. De organisatie hoopt 100.000 mensen te trekken voor hun mars, waarbij duizenden met hun tractoren door de stad zullen rijden.

Live from The Hague on Saturday, March 11, as members of the Farmers Defence Force (FDF) demonstrate against the government’s climate policies. The organisation hopes to attract 100,000 people for their march, with thousands expected to drive their tractors through the city.

Live aus Den Haag am Samstag, den 11. März, wenn Mitglieder der Farmers Defence Force (FDF) gegen die Klimapolitik der Regierung demonstrieren. Die Organisation hofft, 100.000 Menschen für ihren Marsch zu gewinnen, wobei Tausende mit ihren Traktoren durch die Stadt fahren sollen.

En direct de La Haye, le samedi 11 mars, les membres de la Farmers Defence Force (FDF) manifestent contre les politiques climatiques du gouvernement. L’organisation espère attirer 100 000 personnes pour leur marche, et des milliers d’entre elles devraient conduire leurs tracteurs à travers la ville.

En directo desde La Haya el sábado 11 de marzo, mientras los miembros de la Fuerza de Defensa de los Agricultores (FDF) se manifiestan contra las políticas climáticas del gobierno. La organización espera reunir a 100.000 personas en su marcha, y se espera que miles conduzcan sus tractores por la ciudad.

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