“Breaking News- I have just been given a super private/secret recording of a joint union meeting held Sept 16, 2023 to organize strategic attacks & counter-protests against those parents, grandparents & other concerned Canadians participating in the Million March protesting the SOGI sex activist takeover of our schools. “Disrupt, demoralize, destroy, bully, intimidate”… is the key message throughout the meeting. ~ Odessa Orlewicz / Libertytalkcanada

READ: BCTF President Pens Letter to Premier, Opposition Party Leaders

READ BCGEU Request for Counter-Protesters for the Oct 21 “Leave Our Kids Alone” Marches


Interview- Canadian parents have made a lot of headwind in demanding the sex activism/porn stop in the public schools. This was recently reflected by the votes at the conservative convention and by the growing Muslim backlash against the sexualization of the little ones. Mainstream media is as usual on their rampage to call parents horrific names who are uncomfortable with the porn at school and the schools encouragement to put kids on hormone blockers. Instead of the school boards listening to tax paying Canadian parents from all walks of life, they are sleazily trying to organize behind the scenes Antifa style counter protests partially funded by the liberal government and (antihate.ca) NGO’s. Kari Simpson has intel that the school boards are being political and harassing teachers to go to the parents protest and counter protest.

How Bad Are The Books In Schools? Find Out Here

What Schools Are These Books in?

The president of the BC teachers federation letter to Premier, Education Minister , director of ARC foundation and many more sell outs! Regarding parents being hateful for marching for the right to protect their child from harmful ideology and curriculum being taught! If this letter does not tell you your rights as a parent are not respected, I don’t know what will.

SEP 14, 2023

BCTF President Pens Letter to Premier, Opposition Party Leaders

The BC Teachers’ Federation is calling BC’s political leaders to unite across party lines in a show of public support for safe and inclusive schools. Please see below for President Clint Johnston’s letter to Premier David Eby, BC United Leader Kevin Falcon, and BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau.

September 8, 2023

Honourable David Eby, Premier
Kevin Falcon, BC United Leader
Sonia Furstenau, Green Party Leader

Subject: Joint support for inclusive schools in response to hate-fuelled marches

Dear Premier and Opposition Party Leaders:

It has come to the attention of the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) that planning is underway for marches in cities and towns across BC on September 20, as part of a co-ordinated attack on LGBTQ2S+ community members. These rallies are part of a movement across North America that uses “parental consent” as a dog whistle for rising homophobia and transphobia. This movement is concerning and must be stopped. 

Teachers and school staff have stood up time and again in defense of resources designed to ensure all families are reflected in school materials and all students and staff are protected from discrimination at school. However, they cannot keep bearing the brunt of these misguided attacks and campaigns of disinformation against a curriculum and school resources that all BC parties support.

The BCTF is calling on all three major parties in BC to stand together against hate and in unequivocal support of SOGI resources and inclusive schools.

SOGI-inclusive education was introduced by a BC Liberal government and has been supported by successive NDP governments, as well as the Green Party opposition. Your collective support for inclusive education is meaningful and necessary now more than ever.

While we do not wish to give this ignorant campaign a platform or undeserved attention, we do believe that public statements of support for inclusive schools would go a long way to countering their harmful narratives.

Currently, we are aware of events planned in the following communities, however, the list is growing:

  • Kelowna
  • Chilliwack
  • Prince George
  • Salmon Arm
  • Vancouver
  • Victoria
  • Vernon
  • Parksville.

Our school communities, particularly our LGBTQ2S+ members facing personal attacks, need to see politicians supporting schools. Our kids, staff, and families deserve to feel safe and protected.

Respectfully yours,

Clint Johnston

cc:       Honourable Rachna Singh, Minister of Education and Child Care
            Elenore Sturko, Shadow Minister for Education, BC United
            Lorne Doerkson, Caucus Chair, BC United
            Nicholas Simons, Caucus Chair, NDP
            Adam Olsen, House Leader, Green Party
            Reg Krake, Executive Director, ARC Foundation

Union News BCGEU

This Saturday October 21 in Abbotsford, the 1 Million March for Children and their supporters are encroaching on schools and organizing another round of hateful protests under the guise of “protecting” children. 

There is no space for discrimination and intolerance anywhere. BCGEU’s 2SLGBTQI+ committee invites and encourages members in our Equity Caucuses to join our allies in counter-protesting these homophobic and anti-transgender rallies.  


Jubilee Park, 2552 McCallum Rd 

Saturday, Oct. 21:
1 pm: Rally
12 pm: Counter-protesters will start gathering at the Farmers Market end of the park.

If you are arriving alone and want an escort, there will be muster points at the following locations:
11:00 am – Oldhand Coffee
11:45 am – Subway parking lot (2618 McMillan Rd)

Please email pride@bcgeu.ca if you want to join a counter-protest. We will send you more details and resources, including a car-pooling sign-up if you need a ride or want to offer rides. If you are counter-protesting, we encourage everyone to review this guide for pride defenders so that you can protest safely. Please dress for the weather, bring water, and refrain from bringing children and pets. 


To counter protest effectively and safely, the BC Flying Squad is hosting an online safety basics zoom meeting, Thursday, Oct. 19 at 7 pm. Email the flying squad with the subject line ZOOM REGISTRATION to request the link. 


Recently, homophobic and anti-trans protesters have weaponized SOGI — a tolerance-based set of teaching resources — to intimidate youth and teachers. We recognize the stress and fear that their presence incites in our communities, especially among vulnerable youth. So, we’re pushing back and showing 2SLGBTQI+ kids and their kin that they are loved, supported and seen, and that we will not tolerate hate groups encroaching on safe spaces. 

All kids deserve to grow up in schools that reinforce love and insist that everyone, regardless of identity and background, is valid and worthy of respect. Despite what these protesters will say, SOGI does not force children to be anything other than who they are. It teaches acceptance, relieving kids of the pressure they may feel to perform identities that don’t feel right for them. 

For more info please read this community-made poster for the event:

Shared from: https://mailchi.mp/bcgeu.ca/this-saturday-defend-2slgbtqi-kids

Or: https://web.archive.org/web/20231019144648/https://mailchi.mp/bcgeu.ca/this-saturday-defend-2slgbtqi-kids

More about Parents & the 1MillionMarch4Children


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