“It’s time we demand our elected state officials appoint special prosecutors to investigate criminal behaviour by our elected and appointed officials.” -Dr. David Martin

Prosecute Now

The Real Story

This Executive Summary provides a brief review of the felonious actions of a criminal organization and its flagrant attempt to extort and obtain control over the global population. It has sought to do so by creating patented bioweapons marketed as novel viruses and immunizations … immunizations hailed as health security for the world in the 21st century – titled by them as “The Century of the Vaccine.” The facts detailed in this Executive Summary are part of the public record and are identified herein as primary source material.


Raison d’etre. The Oxford English Dictionary defines this term as follows:

“A reason or purpose for the existence of a person or thing.”
Translated literally from the French, raison d’etre means “reason of being”.

PROSECUTE NOW’s reason of being is to maintain, magnify, and augment the individual and collective liberties and social compacts and relations of Humanity upon which this, the Great American Experiment, was conceived. We exist to represent humanity’s voice for liberty and to stand as the bulwark against the rising tide of despotism and tyrannical autocracy overtly and shamelessly displayed across the world and here at home in the United States of America.

The foundations of our raison d’etre are most completely expressed in the sacred invocational words of Dr. David E. Martin offered at Carpenter’s Hall in Philadelphia, location of the first Continental Congress on the anniversary of the dedication prayer to commence that propitious gathering in 1774.

“Led by humanity’s Unquenchable Light, we pledge to live as stewards of our sanctuary Earth; to honor the inalienable value of the creativity intrinsic to all; to orient our actions to the removal of barriers of access and opportunity; to define our wealth by our character rather than our artifacts; and, to fully live in abundant grace in a spirit of tolerance and mercy; so that we, dwellers of Earth, may be embraced in the illumination of everlasting glory. Amen.”

We persistently seek to live in honor of this prayer and to increase the ability of all others to do so.


Our purpose manifold:

First, to reveal to you, the public, the criminal organization that is seeking to coercively extort and obtain complete control over the global population. The primary instruments of the organization’s criminal conduct include the creation of patented bioweapons marketed as novel viruses and injections.

Second, to remove the protective anonymity of the criminal syndicate’s participants, including individuals, business entities, and government organizations who are pursuing a 21st century, 100-year program, called “The Century of the Vaccine.”

Finally, to expose and detail the specific crimes this organization has committed to extort commercial gain from, and raw political power over citizens of the United States of America and the world through the creation and use of bioweapons and engaging in bio-terrorism.


Our objective is to prosecute the participants of the criminal organization for those crimes, to obtain justice, and to achieve monetary relief for the millions who have been injured and who have died at their hands. This incalculable injustice is the result of the criminal malfeasance of the individuals and organizations who forced the implementation of their experiments-in-a-syringe upon the world. We stand for, protect, and defend humanity, you our brothers and sisters, fellow citizens of this earth.


Our mission is to organize and amplify individual and collective citizen voices in the ears, minds, and hearts of our elected and appointed state officials for the singular purpose of demanding and obtaining the immediate appointment of special prosecutors and independent counsel to initiate criminal investigations and pursue criminal proceedings against the perpetrators for violations of criminal statutes in their pursuit of planning, orchestrating, and executing the alleged SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and all consequent actions taken and infringing the inalienable rights and liberties of we, the people.

We pledge to do all necessary and possible to ensure that all monies obtained pursuant to such prosecutions be distributed to those who have suffered any injury from the commission of these crimes.

Shared from https://prosecutenow.io/about

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