For Ron Vaillant, the United Nations is the biggest threat to Canada.

Article date: August 20, 2019. Focus Photo by Bill Phillips.

The People’s Party of Canada candidate for Prince George-Peace River-Northern Rockies says the international organization is a “grave threat to our civilization.”

Interview with Ron Vaillant on understanding UN.DRIP
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What’s Up Canada Interview with Ron Vaillants
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Vaillant, from Lacombe, Alberta, was parachuted in to the riding after a local candidate pulled out.

He claims the U.N. Compact on Immigration and Refugees, which espouses state sovereignty, responsibility-sharing, non-discrimination, human rights and is non-binding, gives immigrants and refugees “rights to come into Canada and take part of our social system.”

And he doesn’t believe that the agreement is non-binding.

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“Why (did Canada) sign it then?,” he said. “When you look at it, it talks about the rule of law and the rule of law is the international rule of law … The non-binding issue is just a thing to get people to stand down.”

Climate change is another machination of the UN, according to Vaillant.

“To me, it’s a con job and what it is going to be is the engine to drive forward the UN agenda to set up their world government,” he said. “When you start researching all this you realize that these IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change) scientists are using computer modelling and guys have broken it down and are saying the modelling is overcooked … As far as CO2 being a great danger to our society, I don’t see that as being the case at all.”

He also says Canada should also back out of the Paris Accord on climate change. He is critical of Conservative leader Andrew Scheer for getting Conservative MPs to vote in favour of the Paris Accord on climate change.

“If you’re go vote for a Conservative MP, you’re going to vote for the Paris Accord to be implemented in Canada.”

However, Canada has already ratified the Accord, which came into effect in November 2016.

When asked what he thought the main issues are in Prince George-Peace River-Northern Rockies, he pointed to the UN.

“Our communities are very much resource-driven,” he said. “And our resources are going to be shut down, again, by the UN because they want to reduce CO2 emissions. It’s the shutting down of our society.”

He says the area needs to be able to develop its resources and, he says, the Liberals and Conservatives are party to not allowing that to happen because they have endorsed the Paris Accord.

He says the party would get out of as many UN agreements as possible. But why not just pull Canada from the UN?

“They don’t talk about that,” he said. “The point is that we would start by pulling out of UN agreements that are binding the country up. We don’t like the UN … their policies and how they operate.”

Another big issue for Vaillant is federal debt, pointing to Venezuela as an example of a country that has borrowed too much money. He adds that Canada started getting into debt trouble in the 1970s when it started borrowing from private banks.

He doesn’t accept the argument that the debt to GDP ratio is still under control, in other words the country can still afford to borrow.

He said he believes the goal of the International Monetary Fund is to gain control of sovereign countries by lending them money and, when they can’t make their payments, take over the country’s resources.

Another part of the party’s platform is to end multiculturalism in Canada and “preserve Canadian values and culture.”

When asked to define Canadian identity, Vaillant responded “it is our western democracy and freedom and equality and rule of law.”

And, he said, multiculturalism doesn’t fit into those values “if you have extreme radical Islam … Basically, they want to have Sharia law. It totally goes against western democracy and this is allowed to flourish in Canada.”

The party is proposing to reduce the number of immigrants coming into the country from 300,000 per year to 150,000.

“We’re all immigrants,” he said. “That’s not a problem. It’s the type of immigration that we have and how much.”

The People’s Party of Canada was formed by Maxime Bernier, who ran for the Conservative leadership but lost to Andrew Scheer. A year later he left the party and formed the People’s Party of Canada.

“He basically said the Conservative Party of Canada is intellectually and morally corrupt and cannot be reformed,” said Vaillant. “I could have told him that back in the ‘80s with (Prime Minister Brian) Mulroney. At this time last year, I thought Canada was basically done. If things continue on the way they are going, in the next 20 years we’re going to have people having combat boots in Canada.”

Vaillant said he voted for Brian Mulroney “to get rid of (Pierre) Trudeau, then he conned us with the GST. I voted when the Reform Party joined the Canadian Alliance. I voted again because I didn’t want to see Justin Trudeau get in so I held my nose and voted Conservative.”

A vote for the PPC could end up splitting the right wing vote, which would make the Liberals’ re-election bid much easier.

“What people have to understand is the Conservatives, basically, are the same as the Liberals. If you hate Trudeau so much, why would you vote in another Trudeau (in Andrew Scheer). Trudeau has a disingenuous speech and a fake smile and Andrew Scheer comes across the same way.”

In addition, he said, Conservative governments have racked up more debt than Liberal governments.

He pointed to the Stephen Harper Conservative government adopting the UN Agenda 2030.

“When you look at it on the surface, it looks like a good thing but basically what you’re doing there is having the U.N. be the authority over top of our government,” he said. “The highest level of government should be inside Canada. UN 2030 is a hybrid of communism because basically they want to dictate to us what our consumption is going to be.”

Vaillant will be running against incumbent Conservative MP Bob Zimmer in the riding. The NDP and the Liberals have yet to name a candidate. Canadians go to the polls October 20.

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