Canada-WEF partnered digital ID project still ongoing despite prior reports

According to Transport Canada, previous reports about the Known Traveller Digital Identity pilot project being indefinitely paused were inaccurate.

Original Article Air Canada Oct 2022

Rebel News PETITION: Stop Digital ID

Governments across the world are trying to implement digital ID. New systems will grant access to all of your personal information, even including the ability to monitor your whereabouts. They must be stopped.

LifeSiteNews PETITION With Email To MPs

Canada remains committed to participating in a digital ID pilot program led by the World Economic Forum (WEF) which was previously reported as being stalled, a spokesman for Transport Canada confirmed.

“All partners remain committed to working together to close out the project and disseminate the knowledge gained through this initiative,” Transport Canada spokesperson Hicham Ayoun said to The Epoch Times in a recent interview.

Ayoun told the outlet that although there was a hiatus, aviation companies partnered with the WEF’s Known Traveller Digital Identity (KTDI) project continued testing biometrics and digital ID technologies.

Partners in the WEF-led program include the governments of Canada and the Netherlands, along with major airlines (Air Canada and Royal Dutch Airlines) and airports (Toronto, Montreal and Amsterdam) in both countries as well as tech companies Accenture, Vision-Box and Idemia.

The Transport Canada spokesman directed Epoch to a 2021 White Paper published by the WEF, [See this file below] with the outlet noting the KTDI project was integral to the “lessons learned as outlined in the paper.” 

“As the use of verifiable documents (e.g. government-issued identity vaccination certificates, proof of negative COVID-19 tests) becomes a requirement for safe cross border movement, global demand for trusted digital credentials across sectors and borders has surged,” the document reads, Epoch reported.

Last September, Migration Minister Eric van der Burg said the Dutch government “has no concrete plans to implement the KTDI pilot,” Biometric Update noted.

Canada appeared to be following the same path, with the Financial Post reporting in October that the KTDI project “has been paused indefinitely,” describing it as “another fizzled cryptocurrency-adjacent program that started when bitcoin was sharply rising.”

At the time, a different Transport Canada spokesperson told FP the “KTDI Pilot Project partners have not initiated the restart of pilot activities due to significant challenges in the air travel industry,” adding that “the project team is continuing to work now on assessing potential use of similar technology for improving air travel services overall.”

Documents uncovered through an inquiry of ministry from Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis revealed the Trudeau government had spent nearly $700,000 on the project, all while failing to even finalize an official start date for the controversial new technology.

Lewis, an influential MP who finished third in the Conservative’s leadership race in 2022, also blasted the Trudeau government for partnering with another digital ID scheme linked to the WEF, called the Agile Nations Charter.

Rebel News extensively covered the World Economic Forum’s annual summit, which sees politicians, businesses and activists meet in the exclusive, alpine ski resort town of Davos, Switzerland. To see all of our on-the-ground coverage from Davos, and to support our fiercely independent journalism, visit

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Original Air Canada Article Oct. 2022

The Government of Canada, Air Canada and two major Canadian airports have partnered with the World Economic Forum (WEF) on a digital ID project that could see a social credit-like system be required for travelling. 

UPDATE: Oct. 7, 2022: Leslyn Lewis have brought this document into the public light. Here is the important snip. See the full document below it.



The Canadian government is listed as a partner on the WEF’s own “Known Traveller Digital Identity” (KTDIwebsite

“The pilot group, convened by the World Economic Forum, consists of the Government of Canada and the Netherlands, Air Canada, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Montreal-Trudeau International Airport, Toronto Pearson International Airport, and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol,” writes the WEF. 

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Travel Will Be Restricted to the Compliant
Greg Hill and Matt Sattler, Free to Fly Canada Pilots

On the Known Traveller Digital Identity initiative (click here)

KTDI is referred to as a way to “promote secure, seamless passenger travel in anticipation of changing traveller behaviours and expectations, the critical need to strengthen cross-border security and the surge in passenger volumes expected in the coming decade.” 

The website claims it’s based on a “decentralized digital identity” that will allow governments to confirm proof of citizenship and other aspects of identity. Every time a government checks a person’s digital ID, it is added to their record, possibly affecting their standing. 

“These attestations are the backbone of trust and the basis of reputation and, ultimately, how security decisions are made by each participating organization. The more attestations a traveller collects, the more known he or she could become,” it reads. 

“It is important to note that in order to be allowed to travel, the traveller must share all information required by the relevant entity (such as a border agency.).” 

Some have criticized the WEF for pushing the “Great Reset” onto the developed world. Indeed, WEF founder Klaus Schwab has even openly bragged about how he has penetrated the cabinets of the world, including the government of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

“I have to say, when I mention now names, like Mrs. (Angela) Merkel and even Vladimir Putin, and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum. But what we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau,” said Schwab in 2017. 

“We penetrate the cabinet. So yesterday, I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet, are actually Young Global Leaders.”

Some claim that while the WEF is influential, it’s by no means running or directly influencing the Canadian government. However, this pilot program suggests the opposite is true.

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Travel Will Be Restricted to the Compliant
Greg Hill and Matt Sattler, Free to Fly Canada Pilots

Matt Sattler returns with cofounder, Greg Hill, representing Free to Fly Canada (f2f) a non-profit which allows aviation professionals and passengers to speak out against vaccine mandates. Greg and Matt are both Canadian airline pilots with a combined impeccable flying record of over 23,000 flying hours. Each of their careers took an unexpected turn when, they like many, were subjected to employer-mandated vaccination policies, essentially penalized for refusing to comply.

On the Known Traveller Digital Identity initiative… (Video Time Stamp @ 18 minutes)

The Known Traveler Digital Identity is an initiative of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to essentially create a global vaxxport with a singular objective, to track everyone’s personal information globally. This is their plan, which rolled out in 2019. They put out a white paper in 2020 that I encourage those who can bear with the entire document to at least leaf through it because there’s some key parts of it that are very concerning…it’s one of these things hidden in plain sight. We talked about The Great Reset and people scoff [but] it’s not a conspiracy, it’s right there. And it says right in the document, it’s the foundation for a globally accepted, decentralized identity ecosystem.

On the impact of mandatory vaccines on the aviation industry…

The statistics in the nation are over 10%, but that alone is 1500 employees. That’s a good sizeable chunk. And if you translate that across the aviation professionals nationally, it would certainly be in the thousands. But for some reason it’s not newsworthy because it doesn’t trend. We’ve got the CEOs saying, “Listen, government, these mandates need to be rolled back because they’re being rolled back everywhere else. You can go to a bar; you can go to large public events. The same thing needs to happen with travel.” Then a number of weeks later, they terminated their employees.

On the recent decisions of WestJet and Air Canada…

These termination notices have gone out to some of our biggest in the nation, take Air Canada, for instance, who was the first one to come out with it and the bulk of the employees were already on unpaid leave. WestJet layoffs a while back which didn’t affect their status in terms of what was hitting their bank account, but in terms of their long-term employment prospects. The company came out, about a month ago [with] termination notices to everybody that was on unpaid leave based on their vaccination status. So typically, news with let’s say Air Canada, it trends very well in the legacy media in part, because people seem to dislike Air Canada but the legacy media just isn’t interested in touching it at all. And then shortly thereafter WestJet did the same thing. Now some of their employees had been terminated back in the fall and have been out of work as well as, without any long-term employment prospects.

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KDTI From WEF Website

The Known Traveller Digital Identity, or KTDI, is a World Economic Forum initiative that brings together a global consortium of individuals, governments, authorities and the travel industry to enhance security in world travel.

The first global collaboration of its kind, KTDI enables more secure and more seamless travel that benefits both travellers and the travel industry.

KTDI enables consortium partners to access verifiable claims of a traveller’s identity data so they can assess their credibility, optimise passenger processing and reduce risk.

KTDI allows individuals to manage their own profile and collect digital ‘attestations’ of their personal data, deciding what data to share and when.

The more attestations a traveller accumulates and shares, the better consortium partners, governments and other parties can provide a smooth and safe travel experience.

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Canada testing ‘digital ID’ system that uses blockchain, biometrics to screen travellers

By Rahul Kalvapalle  Global News Posted January 27, 2018 8:41 pm Updated January 27, 2018 8:51 pm

The Canadian government is helping to test a new airport security and screening system that will allow travellers to digitize and share travel documents and biometric information with authorities in advance.

Launched at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the “Known Traveller Digital Identity” system aims to exploit an array of emerging technologies including biometricsblockchain and artificial intelligence to boost cross-border security, reduce the threat of cyber-terrorism and streamline international travel, according to the WEF.

Transport Canada is one of several partners involved in the project, with the others including the likes of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, INTERPOL, Google, Visa and Hilton Worldwide.

READ MORE: Canadians ready to ditch passwords for facial, fingerprint recognition: survey

The system aims to empower airport authorities to focus more of their time and energies on scrutinizing high-risk travellers, according to a WEF report on the initiative.

Currently, when a traveller arrives at an international border, they have to quickly and accurately be screened for permission to enter the country, with border officials required to determine their residency or visa status and assess risk factors in a short period of time.

The Known Traveller Digital Identity system would allow travellers to use an app to store and share information with authorities in advance, allowing more time for pre-screening.

For example, a traveller could use the app to store a copy of their Canadian permanent resident card, degree from the University of Toronto, proof of vaccination against polio, list of countries previously visited, customs information and names of people with whom they’re travelling. Identifying biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial recognition markers, would also be made available to authorities.

All data would be securely stored on the blockchain, which is a public ledger that records data in encrypted form on a network of computers around the world. The combination of encryption and decentralization ensures traveller privacy.

Over time, travellers can build up their credibility as “Known Travellers,” giving them access to special screening lanes in airports, and allowing border officials to devote more time and resources towards screening lesser known, higher-risk travellers.

“With travellers providing access to verified personal biometric, biographic and historical travel data at their discretion, they can assist authorities to undertake risk assessments and pre-screening in advance: essentially verifying their identities and providing secure and seamless movement throughout their journey using biometric recognition technology,” said John Moavenzadeh, head of the WEF’s Mobility System Initiative, in a press release.

READ MORE: Canada trialing use of Ethereum blockchain to enhance transparency in govt funding

The Known Traveller Digital Identity system is set to be trialed in a number of pilot projects, one of which will involve the Canadian government testing it in partnership with the Netherlands.

Transportation Minister Marc Garneau hailed the project, which he said will “provide opportunities to make security for air travel more efficient while improving the traveller experience.”

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Action4Canada Call To Action

Action #1 -As more Canadians become aware of the World Economic Forum’s influence in Canadian politics, yet another globalist project, the WEF’s “Known Traveler Digital Identity,” lists both the government of Canada and the government of the Netherlands, along with various airports, and Air Canada as the testing grounds for an international digital ID system with “advancements in biometrics.” The Digital ID is an incremental step in implementing a Social Credit System and that’s why it is critical that we make a lot of noise about this and demand it be stopped.

LifeSite News has created an easy to use petition to send your MP a message to reject all forms of Digital ID. You can also contact MP’s directly by calling their office or send a personal note HERE

Action #2 – Get out and support James Topp, a 28-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, who is marching 4,293 km across Canada in peaceful protest against government mandates trampling personal freedoms. James is currently in Manitoba…check out his location HERE.

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.

Please consider becoming a monthly donor and help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!

God bless you and God bless Canada!

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