Chilliwack school trustee Willow Reichert behaves like a dictator & refuses to answer questions or challenges that members of the public put to her. In an effort to prevent them from fully airing their concerns, she routinely cuts them off, refuses to record their statements for the public record, and even threatens to expel them. In this video of a Chilliwack School District Board Meeting on 02/07/23.

Extended Version of This Meeting Here

Sign Petition: Willow Reichelt, SD33 School Trustee/Chair, must resign or be removed

Kamala Harris in Nashville: “A democracy says you don’t silence the people, you do not stifle the people, you don’t turn off their microphones when they are speaking about the importance of life and liberty!”

| Email SD Trustees | Read One Person’s Concerns | Video Clips Of Public Speakers | Rebel News: Pierre Barns |

Book: Identical, by Ellen Hopkins

*Trigger alert for survivors of sexual abuse
*Do not show to minors

Do you believe Trustee Willow should be removed or step down?

A letter has been drafted at the following link (or scroll down to see it) to Copy and Paste, or write your own, and email your comments to anyone at these email addresses

The book, Identical, that the woman is reading from is available in Chilliwack, currently to get at the following schools:
– Chilliwack Secondary
– G.W. Graham

Content: Father repeatedly sexually assaults his 7 year old daughter where she says she making daddy happy. How #&#%)#! Is that BS allowed in Schools?

Same cover photo but this is an UPDATE Feb 18/23

Part 2: School Board Chair Reichelt: Malicious and Wilful Misconduct?

board members including Reichelt, were all served an Action4Canada Notice of Liability (NOL). The NOL advised them that pornographic and sexually explicit books have been made available to children in the school libraries and that this is in violation of the Criminal Code and they could be held “personally” liable. Regardless of these warnings, Reichelt was dismissive and adamant that no illegal materials existed in the School District. She was belligerent and hostile towards anyone voicing their concerns.

WARNING: Graphic Content – available in your local school library!

As Part 2 of this action, Action4Canada obtained damning evidence (see video above) that proves that the Chilliwack School District 33 is undeniably in violation of the law by making pornographic and sexually explicit materials available to students. There are only two trustees in this district, Heather Maahs and Richard Procee, who are taking a stand to uphold the law and protect our children.

Trustee Reichelt and every trustee that supports her position, including the superintendents, should be immediately investigated and removed, or forced to step down. If you agree, email the Board and School Superintendent Arul Pragasam and demand ACTION.
Email addresses for School Board AND local Chilliwack/BC Politicians HERE (more addresses here then at the A4C page).

Special Alert: Thank you to everyone who participated in our first Call to Action by writing letters to have Trustee Reichelt removed. The Chilliwack School District received hundreds of emails but they attempted to censor them, reportedly removing at least one hundred from the trustees inboxes, in an effort to silence this campaign. It is very evident that there are systemic problems within SD 33.  We pray that by exposing the corruption, it will bring about much needed change. Please continue to apply the necessary pressure to make this happen. A NEW letter is available below to copy and paste, or write your own.

VISIT Action4Canada Part 2: School Board Chair Reichelt: Malicious and Wilful Misconduct?

List of Gender-Queer Confusion Books Available in Chilliwack School District 33 Libraries

Look up any of these books, at the link below, to see which libraries the books are in.

Action4Canada FULL Information Here

Parents & public speaker’s, free speech was quickly shut down while addressing the board about concerns over “inappropriate, sexually explicit books & learning resources” available to children and youth; sleeping arrangements during overnight field trips where children ‘identifying as their non-birth sex’ will sleep; and drag queen dances on school property. Some are saying that what happened at the Chilliwack SD33 public board meeting yesterday seemed to verge upon being criminal.

| Email SD Trustees | Read One Person’s Concerns | Video Clips Of Public Speakers | Rebel News: Pierre Barns |

Trustee & Board Chair, Willow Reichelt

Chilliwack School District 33, board full meeting Feb. 7/23.

More information is being gathered and will be posted today.

SD33 Trustees

Willow Reichelt, Chair

Carin Bondar, Vice Chair

Heather Maahs

Richard Procee

Margaret Reid

David Swankey

Teri Westerby

SD33 Superintendents

Rohan Arul-Pragasam

Assistant Superintendent
Kirk Savage

Assistant Superintendent
Paula Jordan

Municipal Politicians

Chilliwack Mayor: Ken Popove

Councillor: Bud Mercer

Councillor: Chris Kloot

Councillor: Harv Westeringh

Councillor: Jason Lum

Councillor: Jeff Shields

Councillor: Nicole Read

MLA’s & MP

Dan Coulter
(604) 702-5214

Laurie Throness

Kelli Paddon

Mark Strahl Member Federal Parliament

Time Stamp Information
Meeting starts @ 9:35 minutes

38:50 Public participation starts.
Many are cut off from speaking freely by Chair Willow Reichelt, especially when they address the sexual explicit books & learning resources.
49:05 Tanya Gaw speaks on concerns of pornographic learning resources & possible Criminal Code aspects and the Teacher’s Act; sections 94.1 and 94.2(a) and 4. The board could each be held liable.
51:05 Dr Darrell Furgason asks the Superintendent about illegal material.
52:07, Chair Willow Reichelt shuts off Dr Furgason’s mic. Asks someone to remove him.

Continue to watch other speakers.

2:18:57 Concerns raised about learning resources/books regarding gender identity, that are inappropriate for school children, due to their sexual nature. The content is of sexual abuse and incest [MIC CUT OFF during this speaker], that display naked body parts. Why are these books in our libraries?
Asks if “the drag queens have had criminal record checks, who are at our..”
Continues: people wanted to know if the drag queen entertainers planned for the Chilliwack Secondary Drag Dance Glow UP event, had criminal record checks. They were also shut down with Chair Willow Reichelt commenting: “Volunteers & teachers have to have and all of our employees have to have criminal record checks. Performers who come and do a play, or anything like that do not. We do not make exceptions just because someone happens to be queer. That is why we do not do a records check on the drag queens who are coming to an after school event.” [MIC CUT]

The meeting was shut down completely after Tanya Gaw asked questions regrading sexual abuse of children, and Sogi123 learning resources.

A speech prepared by a concerned grandparent

Safety policy for overnight trips.

What safety measures have been put in place for girls, boys and others?

My first concern is regarding an overnight field trip coming up in which there are students that identify as the opposite sex attending. [MIC CUT HERE, the balance of paragraph dis-allowed] If this child identifies as a boy or a girl for example where does this child sleep? Does this child stay in a room with girls or boys? It would be concerning to have a child that identified as a boy sleeping in the girl’s room, but it would also be concerning for that child to be sleeping in the boy’s room as well. How do you keep all students safe and feeling secure in this situation? It has been stated that children attending this overnight trip will be sharing beds. In my opinion no child should be sharing a bed with anyone. When I requested that the board and superintendent provide me a copy of the Safety policy for overnight field trips there wasn’t one to see because it didn’t exist. When speaking with the school I was informed that room sharing is based on what the child’s gender at birth is. If this is the case how is this being inclusive when it goes against what SOGI 123 is all about? With so much attention focused on sexual orientation and gender identity these are the kind of questions we must now ask.

How are the Chilliwack School Board trustees and Superintendent going to make sure ALL children are safe?

Policies regarding bullying and assault in the schools. [MIC CUT HERE quote by chair Willow Reichelt “You are saying something that is potentially discriminatory, so I’m not going to let you speak anymore”. The balance was not heard]

My granddaughter had her head smashed against a metal box at school by another student. She was hurt and was crying, a duty teacher made the person who assaulted her walk her to the office to get help. Then the person who did the assault remained there while being questioned and made it out to be an accident. Because my granddaughter was afraid of backlash by this person she did not speak up at that time. She did not feel safe as the student that assaulted her was standing beside her and she didn’t feel that she was able to talk freely. She suffered from a terrible headache and was very anxious after this incident. The school did not contact her father or myself regarding this incident. Is there not a zero tolerance policy on violence and bullying? Why are parents or caregivers not being contacted immediately when something like this has occurred? There needs to be a policy in place that ensures that parents be contacted immediately in any type of abusive situation that involves their child. 

Thank you,

Theresa Gebbinck

Video Clip Focused On The Public Speakers Having Their Mic’s Cut By Board Chair Willow Reichelt.

15 Minute Clip: Chair Willow Reichelt Shuts Down Parental Concerns
Shared from

1.48 Minute Clip: Chair of Chilliwack School District 33, Willow Reichelt shoots down parental concerns regarding the pornographic books available to students. Incident took place February 7, 2023.
Shared from

2 Minute Clip: School Trustee Heather Maahs, shut down by Chair Willow Reichelt, regarding discussion around SOGI Sexually Explicit Learning Resources and library books.

Chilliwack parents and grandparents bringing their concerns about sexually explicit learning materials in both school libraries and classrooms can get a look at Trustee Carin Bondar’s website. Find out more about the person, pushing SOGI on our kids and youth.

Discovery is under the WOKE Warnermedia umbrella, is an offshoot of AT&T.

Carin Bondar Wild Sex – Stuck! from Earth Touch on Vimeo (Was the age of this student 18?).

Pierre Barns is a father of four who has done extensive research on the books that are currently being normalized in some Canadian public schools, thanks to controversial sexual orientation and gender identity agenda’s like the SOGI 123 curriculum.

Kamala Harris in Nashville: “A democracy says you don’t silence the people, you do not stifle the people, you don’t turn off their microphones when they are speaking about the importance of life and liberty!”

School Board Chair: Dictatorship or Democracy?

At a School Board meeting on Feb. 7, 2023, in Chilliwack BC, the Chair, Willow Reichelt, rudely censored, demeaned and bullied parents, concerned citizens and fellow board members, who were attempting to present information on legitimate matters of great concern. Trustee Reichelt is in breach of her duties according to the Robert’s Rules of Order, the Chilliwack’s SD Policy 130 Trustee Code of Conduct, and the professional standards set for Trustees by the BCSTA. Please contact the School Board and the Superintendent and demand she step down or be removed.

The week prior to the School Board meeting the Action4Canada Chapter team served the Trustees and the Superintendent the SOGI 123 Notice of Liability (NOL). The NOL advised them of the risk of liability due to the measurable harm to students as a result of the radical ideological SOGI 123 resource and the criminal code violations associated with the pornographic books. The Board had been well informed and Trustee Reichelt appeared hyper-sensitive about the legalities and unwilling to engage in any rationale conversation about the very real risk of being held personally liable. The School Board has the power to pull this resource and they’ve had every opportunity to do so. This meeting provides evidence if and when legal action commences. 

Call to Action: Copy and Paste the letter below or write your own, and email it to:



Download pdf version of the letter HERE

For the SOGI 123 Notice of Liability and other critical resources: HERE

Child Protection Facts and Resources Document: HERE

Dear SD 33 Superintendent, Rohan Arul-Pragasam, and Trustees,

As a result of the Board meeting held on February 7, 2023, I request that Trustee Reichelt be suspended from her duties, or at the very least removed as Chair. Trustee Reichelt is in breach of her duties according to the Robert’s Rules of Order, the Chilliwack’s SD Policy 130 Trustee Code of Conduct, and the professional standards set for Trustees by the BCSTA.

A skilled chairperson allows all members to voice their opinions in an orderly manner so that everyone in the meeting can hear and be heard. Following are three critical points to run a fair, efficient and democratic meeting: 

  • Control the meeting as servant of the group, not “boss.”
  • Model and insist on courtesy and respect.
  • Listen to each person speaking as if there were no one else in the room.

Trustee Reichelt’s conduct at the Board meeting was appalling to say the very least.

According to Chilliwack School District’s POLICY 130 TRUSTEE CODE OF CONDUCT Trustee Reichelt is in breach of the following sections:

Integrity and Dignity of Office

  • Trustees will carry out their duties faithfully, diligently and in a manner that will inspire public confidence in the ability and integrity of the Board.
  • Trustees will conduct themselves in an appropriate, professional, and respectful manner when carrying out their duties.

Civil Behaviour and Decorum

  • Trustees will act with decorum and be respectful of other trustees, staff, students, partner groups and the public at all times.
  • Trustees will not make remarks that disparage other members of the Board, employees of the district or recognized partner groups.
  • Trustees will acknowledge the differing points of view of other Trustees, staff, students and the public and will endeavor to work with other Trustees and staff of the Board in a spirit of respect, openness, courtesy, and co-operation.

Decision Making

  • Trustees will keep an open mind and base decisions upon all available facts.

Trustee Reichelt is also in violation of the professional standards. According to the BCSTA, “Trustees are elected to bring a diversity of opinions to boards of education. Critical to a well-functioning democracy is the ability to share these varying perspectives with respect and decorum while navigating difficult and complex issues.” The BCSTA further states that bullying is prohibited. Trustee Reichelt chaired the meeting like a dictator as she rudely censored, demeaned and bullied parents, concerned citizens and fellow board members, who were attempting to present information on legitimate matters of great concern. The recording of the school board meeting on February 8, 2023 provides clear evidence of this. Because this is not an isolated event Trustee Reichelt has lost the trust of the electorate and should be suspended or at the very least, removed as Board Chair.

On the BCSTA’s website they proclaim that, “A high-quality public education system is the foundation of a democratic society.” This is the standard by which the boards must function, democratically. They further state that School trustees must listen to their communities and that Boards are directly accountable to the people they serve.”

I look forward to the Boards immediate attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Action4Canada File Showing Sexually Explicit Books In Schools Across BC & Canada (NOT appropriate for your children to see)

SD33 board chair clashes with former trustee over questions about sexually explicit materials in SD33

CHILLIWACK — Former school board trustee Dr. Darrell Furgason and current Chilliwack Board of Education chair Willow Reichelt don’t exactly see eye to eye.

Their political and philosophical differences surfaced during a contentious school board meeting on Tuesday, February 7 at the SD33 district office.

Furgason, who served on the school board from 2018-2022 but was not reelected in the October 2022 municipal election, attended Tuesday night’s Chilliwack school board and repeatedly pressed the school district for answers about the legality of sexually explicit materials in SD33.

Image: Supplied by Dr. Furgason / Dr. Darrell Furgason pressed the Chilliwack school board superintendent Tuesday night on the legality of what he says are sexually explicit materials in Chilliwack schools; board chair Willow Reichelt says there are no illegal materials in SD33 schools.

Furgason made his comments during an agenda item about learning resources.

“It’s good to see you all,” Furgason said at the beginning of his remarks at the podium inside the SD33 board room. “Is the superintendent aware of sexually explicit books in SD33? Do you know their content, and is SD33 within their legal right to provide these materials? My question is a legal question. What legal grounds does SD33 stand on in regard to books with explicit sexual material? This is not about the sexual preferences of any trustee on this board because there seems to be a lot of diversity. So we celebrate diversity. This is not about trustees. This is about legality.”

A point of order was invoked, at which point Reichelt advised Furgason that his remarks did not pertain to the meeting’s agenda.

Furgason quickly countered that his remarks were pertinent to the learning resources policy.

“It is, this is about learning resources,” Furgason said. “Thank you very much. My question is to the superintendent. What legal stance has the superintendent taken in regards to the criminal code? There are strict definitions as to what is considered child pornography.”

At this point, Reichelt turned off Furgason’s mic so his comments could not be heard and broadcast clearly on the recorded video feed of the SD33 board meeting.

“So, I’m turning off your mic, Dr. Furgason,” Reichelt stated. “Yeah, um, we’re not doing this. There’s no illegal material in our schools. That’s highly defamatory. I’m not going to let you. Sorry. Too bad.”

After Furgason sought to rebut, Reichelt responded. “It’s not true, there is no illegal material in our schools. It is not a thing that is happening, so you can have a seat now. Thank you.”

Furgason countered. “I didn’t ask you specifically for a reason because I knew your answer. I’m asking the superintendent. Does the district…”

At this point, Reichelt informed Furgason that she was running the meeting, not Superintendent Rohan Arul-pragasam.

Reichelt said, “The superintendent is not chairing the meeting. This is a meeting of the board and I’ve told you to sit down. Thank you.”

After some additional commotion and inaudible background noise, Reichelt said, “People can either obey the rules of order at this meeting or you’ll be asked to leave.”

Furgason continued speaking at the podium. “What is the legal standing, that’s all I asked, of the superintendent of the school district? Now if you don’t know it, you can’t say we don’t care. Does the superintendent understand the legal standing, that’s all it is, in regard to materials?”

At this point Reichelt directed Furgason to sit down. “None of what you’re saying is on the public record because I have turned off your mic, just so you know. Have a seat, Dr. Furgason! Can you please ask Dr. Furgason to leave if he will not sit down?”

Consequently, Furgason continued speaking in a matter-of-fact tone. “I will not leave and I just want to finish my question.”

Reichelt immediately announced, “This meeting is adjourned temporarily. Thank you.”

Not long after, the video feed broadcasting the school board meeting was interrupted for nine minutes and 22 seconds. After the break, the board resumed the meeting without Furgason speaking.

by Mike Vanden Bosch
Fraser Valley Today

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