A Small but also “HUGE” Win for Freedom, with Chris Weisdorf (Not A Lawyer) who assisted with a case involved the appeal of a fine under the “Quarantine Act” in Ontario.

Quarantine Act:
Section 14 (1) Any qualified person authorized by the Minister may, to determine whether a traveller has a communicable disease or symptoms of one, use any screening technology authorized by the Minister that does not involve the entry into the traveller’s body of any instrument or other foreign body.

Ruling: It was not legal to attempt to force someone to submit to a PCR test with a swab in their nose…a violation of the person’s body.

Shared from https://rumble.com/v542i52-chris-weisdorf-big-court-win-for-freedom-mandatory-pcr-test-not-legal-maver.html

Chris Weisdorf (21 May 2024):
“The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is not an illusion, but it can be “hacked” or outright broken by breaches that are backed by scientific or medical evidence. Even if it’s only in the mainstream media. Even if it’s all a fraud.

The use of ‘judicial notice’ in a scientific or medical context should be banned and done so by constitutional amendment. We also need other constitutional amendments securing our property, privacy and firearm rights, and another amendment fundamentally restructuring our democracy away from the British Parliamentary System.

The latter is what has allowed various international organizations and related foreign powers to buy our politicians and outlaw dissent by other politicians who dare to publicly disagree with the bribed and co-opted.

No one should be muzzled or otherwise feel like they are forbidden from dissenting, discussing or debating- particularly a contentious subject. And especially during a time of emergency or war. Least of all anyone who purports to represent us, and has the power to make or unmake the law in our names.”

The decision will be posted here, once it’s publicly available.


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