Shaun Rickard updates us on developments regarding his legal challenge with the federal court of overturn Trudeau’s unconstitutional travel ban.

Court File No.: T-1991-21-ID

We have filed a legal challenge with the federal court to overturn Trudeau’s unconstitutional travel ban. The case is well underway, thanks to incremental donations from the public, but primarily due to private funding from one very kind and generous anonymous donor. Our legal costs are racking up fast however and have exceeded our initial expectations, already surpassing the $100K mark. As a result of these new found costs, we have created this new safe & secure crowd funding page to allow our supporters to donate and provide us with much needed financial support to help cover legal & administrative costs to keep this case going, all the way to appeal in the Federal Supreme Court if necessary.

On December 24th, 2021, my co-applicant and I filed a notice of application with the federal court to challenge and overturn Justin Trudeau’s tyrannical travel ban on November 30th, 2021. With the recent announcement of the controversial coalition deal between the NDP and the Liberals, and their subsequent vote to keep ALL federal mandates in place indefinitely, it looks very likely that the travel ban may very well remain in place for at least another 3.5 years.

Subsequently on March 11th, after months of work and literally thousands of man hours, we submitted our expert medical reports and affidavits to the federal court. This is truly a symbolic and landmark case – it is a challenge against Trudeau’s last frontier of unscientific totalitarianism and tyranny. Our case was also the very first case filed to challenge the travel ban in Canada. Subsequently others have filed and followed suit, including JCCF with Brian Peckford with five co-applicants, Maxime Bernier and a Lawyer from Quebec, all who have since been ordered by the court to run their cases concurrently with ours.

Our incredibly talented Lawyer, Sam Presvelos and his team at Presvelos law LLP in Toronto, have done an outstanding job on this case. Out of the four cases which have now been filed with the federal court to challenge the travel ban, we are extremely confident that we have the strongest and most scientifically compelling case amongst them. This is primarily due to the five sworn affidavits that we have filed as evidence from five of Canada’s most renowned Doctors, Infectious Disease experts and Scientists.

We have been given a tentative court date of late September, however we will be pushing the court hard to have these dates moved up given the urgency of the matter and the fact that approximately… six million ‘unvaccinated’ Canadians are prohibited by law from boarding a plane or train to leave their own country, they are also prohibited from embarking on domestic rail and air travel, this has resulted in families being torn apart and thousands of Canadians being unable to visit or care for sick and dying family members in other provinces.

All funds raised here will be used to fund our case, all the way to the Federal Supreme Court of Canada for appeal too if necessary.

Follow the link to donate via GiveSendGo:

If you prefer, you can also send donations via e-transfer – This option is for donations of $50.00 or more:

For updates on the case, follow me on GETTR: – Also, please feel free to ‘friend’ me on Facebook:

Thank you,

Shaun & Team

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