On March 11, 2021, the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BC CDC) published a PDF of a Powerpoint presentation titled “COVID-19: One Year of the Pandemic in BC”.* This government document reveals that COVID-19 (the disease) had very little impact on the well-being of British Columbians overall, yet the official reaction (lockdowns, business closures, social isolation) may have caused significant harm and death. This article uses the BC CDC’s own reporting to expose the lack of justification for restrictive public health orders.

Good News with data from the BC CDC
[Listen to this video, and watch, the graphs within it, it explains most of the content on this page]

COVID-19: One Year of the Pandemic in BC
-by Anonymous UBC Scientist-

*Their document is available at https://bit.ly/35EV6Rk, or found on the BC CDC website by searching for the title. It is the source of data and images used here. If the document gets moved, it should still be on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

Here is our copy of the BC CDC website.

Pandemics not a threat

The World Health Organization (WHO) definition of a pandemic once referred to simultaneous epidemics worldwide “with enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses”. However, in 2009, just before the H1N1 Swine Flu was deemed a pandemic, this definition was changed to ignore amount of illness and death. From the Swine Flu in 2009 to today, the official meaning of “pandemic” has only referred to something widespread, whether it harms anyone or not. In other words, officially, a pandemic may pose no threat to public health at all.

This updated definition allowed the WHO to declare COVID-19 a pandemic, with no evidence of threat. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That virus is a new strain of the SARS-CoV-1 virus (also first identified in China), which killed only a few hundred people worldwide.

Page 12 of the BC CDC report (figure 1) compares All-Cause Mortality Rates in BC for 2009-2020. Pandemics were declared in 2009 (Swine Flu) and 2020 (COVID-19), yet those years showed less overall death than in 2017, a non-pandemic year.  This illustrates how the word “pandemic” no longer designates a exceptional public health threat.

Figure 1

You may have heard media reports discussing the number of “cases” of COVID-19. A “case” merely means a positive test for the virus, not risk of disease. Thus, according to official definitions, it is entirely possible to have a pandemic with millions of cases yet little or no disease. The BC CDC briefing referenced here is consistent with those definitions.

Page 10 of the report breaks down cases, hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths by age. Note the brown bars which indicate the general population distribution by age, as reference. People under age 30 had the most cases yet the least disease (hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths). Conversely, people age 70 and over had the least cases yet the most disease. This demonstrates that, ironically, testing positive for COVID-19 was associated with less disease. Nonetheless, both mainstream media and public health officials consistently reported number of cases as an indicator of threat to our health. This emphasis was not just inaccurate, but deceptive.

The graph below (figure 2) also reveals that risk from COVID-19 was negligible for people under age 30, and virtually non-existent for youth and children. The strong relationship between age and risk is especially important when considering the data below.

Figure 2

COVID-19 had minimal impact

Page 13 (figure 3) of the report compares the impact of COVID-19 with other causes of loss of life. The center graph shows that cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes accounted for more than half of deaths in BC for 2020. Those diseases have lifestyle and environmental precursors, meaning that public health measures could lessen their impact. In contrast, death attributed to COVID-19 accounted for about 3% of deaths, less than seven other causes.

Figure 3

Most of these causes of death predominantly affect the elderly. This was true for COVID-19, for which median age of death was 86, older than the average BC life expectancy of 84. A more appropriate analysis of disease impact is displayed in the rightmost graph, ranking causes by potential years of life lost (YLL). This considers age of death because (for example) death from suicide or overdose steals away decades more life than does death from Alzheimer’s.

Life lost from COVID-19 ranks 11th, below cancer, overdoses, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, lower respiratory disease, liver disease, suicide, accidents, and even seasonal flu. Any measures taken to lessen the impact of COVID-19 would similarly affect seasonal flu. Regardless of how effective those measures were, they don’t change the reality that the impact of the “pandemic” was no more than a typical flu season.

Unfortunately, those exceptional social and economic restrictions, purported to protect us from COVID-19, did have a profound effect on public health. That graph (figure 3) also reveals that overdoses rank second overall in terms of YLL, at about 8 times the loss from COVID-19. According to a 2021 July 26 Statistics Canada statement, “the Public Health Agency of Canada recently reported that apparent opioid-related deaths … were at their highest from April to September  2020, following the introduction of COVID-19 prevention measures”. Overdose deaths in BC rose 74% over 2019; increasing life lost far greater than did COVID-19. The evidence strongly suggests that oppressive public health orders may have killed far more people than the pandemic did: the “cure” was genuinely worse than the disease.

It is important to note that the evidence presented here is for 2020, before vaccination programs had any significant effect. A disease that accounts for only 3% of deaths and ranks 11th for loss of life hardly warrants experimental medical interventions imposed on the general population. Vaccination is also not justified medically, as demonstrated by this research paper: “A majority of uninfected adults show pre-existing antibody reactivity against SARS-CoV-2”, published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Clinical Investigation. Healthy immune systems were already prepared. There was never any scientific justification for mass vaccination.

The data revealed here is from official government agencies. If you have any doubts, please look up the sources yourself. Government reports disclose that COVID-19 was never a serious threat in BC, yet lockdown measures cost more lives. Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, Mike Farnworth, John Horgan, and all public health officials should have known this reality. Yet, they continue to impose harsh social and economic restrictions, with significant, life-threatening burdens, particularly for the dis-advantaged. Had COVID-19 not been (arbitrarily) declared a “pandemic”, and used to terrify the public and justify violations of basic human rights, we would have all been far better off. When will public health officials be held accountable for this gross malpractice?

A visual summary of the information presented here is shown in this video [at the top of this webpage] (note that the URL is case-sensitive):

The above information shared from https://commonground.ca/government-data-exposes-pandemic-lies/

More Information for the Video Above

Good News with data from the BC CDC

This video has GOOD NEWS based on data from the BC Centre for Disease Control that you probably have not heard before!
Video references:

BC CDC report: http://www.bccdc.ca/Health-Info-Site/Documents/CovidBriefing_20210311.pdf

(If that document is no longer available, they may be trying to hide it. You should be able to find an archive of it here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210601004435/http://www.bccdc.ca/Health-Info-Site/Documents/CovidBriefing_20210311.pdf)

Here is our copy of the BC CDC website.

Page 10 shows COVID-19 effects by age;
Page 12 shows mortality by year;
Page 13 compares deaths and life lost.
Changing definitions: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/03/22/who-pandemic-definition.aspx
CBC report on increase in drug overdoses: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/2020-drug-overdose-deaths-bc-coroners-service-1.5910325

“The Government of Canada has committed over $9 billion to procure vaccines” (180 million doses for 38 million Canadians) https://www.canada.ca/en/public-services-procurement/services/procuring-vaccines-covid19.html

“Canada has secured COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer for 2022 and 2023, with options to extend into 2024.” https://www.canada.ca/en/public-services-procurement/services/procuring-vaccines-covid19.htmlhttps://youtu.be/VxOEsm49hHY

Pfizer record of violations: https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/pfizer
Dr. Malone on mRNA technology: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZXIz7NCD7tnm/

CBC report with graphs showing peak hospitalization after vaccination (ignore the content!): https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/covid-19-update-may-20-vaccines-for-children-12-to-17-1.6033896

What does this all mean?
If this information surprised you, then you’ve been misled by fake news. The government-reported scientific evidence provided here shows that COVID-19 in BC was a non-issue. Yet, the sensational, fear-mongering news about it helped distract us from real issues, like climate change, racism, poverty, drug overdoses, wealth inequality, and much, much more.

Official declaration of a pandemic is (since 2009) meaningless, as even the common cold fits the definition. News reports about number of COVID-19 cases is meaningless because testing positive is unrelated to health outcomes. Thus, ANY news focusing on the pandemic or number of cases is fake news, deliberately designed to frighten and mislead. Don’t be fooled again!

More recently, you’ll see the same pseudo-scientific reporting about new variants, vaccination, and the risk of remaining unvaccinated. Vaccinated people can still catch, spread, and die from any form of SARS-CoV-2.

Healthy unvaccinated people are no special risk, and if they’ve already been exposed to the virus, their natural immunity is already better than any vaccine could provide.

New variants may be more transmissible, but are unlikely to cause more disease. If disease is still a problem after a majority has been vaccinated, then the vaccines aren’t working.
Regardless, the fear campaign to sell gene-therapy vaccines will continue for years to come: https://youtu.be/VxOEsm49hHY

Isn’t COVID-19 still a risk?

Not if appropriate treatment is available. This site summarizes research on SEVERAL genuinely safe, effective, inexpensive alternatives to gene-therapy vaccines: https://c19early.com/

Ask your doctor about these treatments, and learn about the political pressure to suppress alternatives to vaccination, simply because they are less profitable.

Even without treatment, most healthy people are at very low risk, because evidence suggests that most immune systems are already prepared: “A majority of uninfected adults show pre-existing antibody reactivity against SARS-CoV-2”

Don’t vaccines protect us?
ALL of the current vaccines for COVID-19 have been rushed to market without adequate safety testing. We are just discovering the risks:

And, there is growing evidence that vaccination provides little protection: https://trialsitenews.com/covid-19-case-data-in-israel-a-troubling-trend/

Don’t trust me? Here’s an excellent summary by someone who knows this better than anyone, a retired Pfizer Chief Scientist [Michael Yeadon]: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Dhmh16euYAlu/

Stay healthy! Don’t be fooled by fear.

The Video and lower portion of this webpage shared from https://odysee.com/@GoodNews:0a/BC:19

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