Dr. Mike Yeadon (Former vice-president of respiratory research division, Pfizer). Explains the vaccine lot numbers. How bad is the batch. h Dr. Mike Yeadon The Fog Is Lifting.

(timestamp info below)

Dr. Yeadon reviews the lot numbers, and why some have more side effects then others. He asks… If you drank a can of beer from your favourite brand, and the result was 300% different from the last time you had one. Would you drink that beer again?

Get more information about ALL the lot numbers on this website

00:0 – Welcome
00:26 – About his credentials and his professional career
06:57 – About his motivation to speak out against the narrative
Status Quo of the Corona Farce
0:21:59 – Evidence for premeditation: Batches with particularly lethal “vaccines”‼
0:32:01 — VAERS
0:46:41 — Presentation by Team Enigma‼
2:12:20 – Bye

Review the differences of the side effects verses lot numbers. (this example is US data only)

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