Corona Committee Foundation Report (short)

SARS-CoV2 and the lockdown consequences
Berlin – September 14, 2020

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The Corona Committee was founded in July 2020 by the lawyers Antonia Fischer
and Viviane Fischer and the lawyers Dr. Reiner Füllmich and Dr. Justus Hoffmann put on.
He is looking for answers to the legal questions as to whether the anti-corona measures
of the federal and state governments against possible overloading of the health system
(“flatten the curve”) and to prevent SARS-CoV2 deaths – according to the constitutional
test standard – are suitable, were necessary and proportionate or whether the collateral
damage that occurred was culpably caused. To this end, experts and witnesses were
interviewed on the matter in a total of 13 meetings between July 14, 2020 and August 21, 2020

This short report provides an overview of the most important findings from the
Everything stands still – the high phase of the lockdown
In January 2020, it became apparent that a coronavirus described as novel would
spread from China to Germany. At the beginning of March 2020, the media showed
frightening images of illness and death in Italy: overcrowded hospitals, coffins, soldiers
on emergency duty. The federal and state governments decided to impose a lockdown
on Germany on March 22, 2020, which includes the closure of kindergartens,
playgrounds, schools, universities, theaters, concert halls, cinemas, restaurants and all
shops that are not serving the immediate basic needs of the population. Meetings were
forbidden, hygiene regulations were stipulated and social contacts were restricted (ban
on visits to old people’s homes and hospitals, distance requirement, etc.).


The measures intervened and in some cases still deeply encroach on the basic rights of the
population. Particularly affected are freedom of expression (Article 5, Paragraph 1, Sentence 1 of the
Basic Law), freedom of religion (Article 4, Paragraph 1 and 2 of the Basic Law), freedom of art (Article
5, Paragraph 3 of the Basic Law), and the freedom of science and research and teaching (Article 5 (3)
GG), the freedom to choose and pursue a profession (Article 12 (1) GG), freedom of assembly (Article 8
(1) GG), the right to property (Article 14 GG), especially the right to Established and exercised
commercial enterprise, the freedom of movement and the freedom to choose the place of residence
(Art. 2 Para. 2 S. 2), the right to education (Art. 26 UDHR), the freedom of political parties to operate
(Art. 21 GG), the right to free development of the personality as part of the general freedom of action
(Article 2, Paragraph 1, GG).
In the public discussion it seems as if the equation Corona-positive = infected =
contagious = sick = doomed, so that apparently a balance has to be weighed between
potential deaths and restrictions on the rights of freedom, in other words: the
grandmother’s life versus renouncing singing in the Karaoke bar. It is clear that the legal
good of life seems to justify any encroachment.
In view of the extremely low death rate with SARS-CoV-2, however, the emotional
equation Corona-positive = doomed to die is incorrect from the start. According to
government statements, the measures were therefore never aimed at averting a certain
catastrophe, but only aimed at warding off risks for the population from possible
overloading of the health system or generally counteracting the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
The constitutionally compliant, legally relevant question is therefore: Is the
relationship between the reduction in the risk of contracting Covid-19 and, if necessary,
dying, and the (realized) risk that the countermeasures will have negative effects?
Ultimately, it is about weighing up life risks. Only if the remedy is no more harmful than
the disease can a measure be justified.
Especially in the case of massive restrictions on freedom, the state is obliged to
continuously check whether these are absolutely necessary to avert danger, whether there are
milder means and / or whether the collateral damage outweighs health protection, for example.
The state must constantly and actively strive to gain knowledge (e.g. with regard to the danger of
the virus, increase in lockdown victims) in order to always reduce the encroachments on
fundamental rights to the absolutely necessary minimum.


Dangerousness of the virus
It quickly became clear that the fears that SARS-CoV-2 could be significantly more
dangerous in terms of transferability, disease burden and mortality than influenza had
proven to be incorrect. In the meantime, a large number of studies have been carried
out on this. As early as April 2020, the Italian health department announced that the
average age of the deceased was 83 years and that almost no one had died without
previous illnesses. Some of the dead had up to three, some serious, previous illnesses,
especially in the heart-lung area. In Germany, too, this year’s flu season shows no
extraordinary morbidity or mortality data, either in the outpatient or inpatient sector.
What is noticeable is that temporary excess mortality became apparent in the first few
weeks of the lockdown. All in all, medical practices and clinics were used far less and the
funeral directors also didn’t have as much to do this year as, for example, in
For comparison: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the flu wave of 2017/18 in
Germany led to an excess mortality rate of 25,100 victims from all age groups despite the
vaccine. In 2018 there were also almost 30,000 fatalities, including 3,000 road traffic victims. In
Germany, around around 50,000 deaths each year from infections acquired in hospital
15,000 people.
The symptoms of Covid-19 correspond to those of the flu, other phenomena such as
For example, the microthromboses observed by the Hamburg pathologist Prof. Klaus
Püschel in the context of autopsies carried out contrary to the recommendation of the RKI
have not yet proven to be an original SARS-CoV-2 symptom. They are the consequences of
an excessive or incorrectly controlled immune reaction and are also known to be
complications from other viral diseases. After research by the pulmonologist and
epidemiologist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, due to the lack of autopsies in immobilized in fl uenza
patients (eg in old people’s homes), for whom a similar finding could be expected, there are
no current comparative studies. For the flu year 1969/70, however, O. Haferkamp described
similar effects for flu deaths. The assumption that SARS-CoV-2 would cause symptoms like
those in Kawasaki syndrome has not yet been confirmed.
According to the assessment of the former head physician Dr. Gerd Reuther may not
be the cause of many “Covid deaths” that are not approved for the treatment of Covid-19.


have been. In Germany, suggestions for the “emergency use” of drugs and medical products had spread through medical journals such as The Lancet.
According to information from the Italian doctor Dr. Luca Speciani even received a corresponding, written instruction from the health department. In
northern Italy, relatives are now suing the regional government for malpractice. In the initial phase, the standard treatment there was paracetamol,
cortisone, antibiotics, a viral statistic, hydroxychloroquine and intubation ventilation. The first two drugs regulate the immune system down, which can be
useful in individual cases, but not as a standard application, antibiotics are pointless in a viral infection, However, they put a strain on the organism and
intubation is very dangerous, especially for older patients, due to the risk of injuries, overpressure damage and suprain infections (with resistant germs).
Gentler mask ventilation, which the RKI initially advised against for fear of infectious aerosols, is now being practiced successfully, says Dr. Gerd Reuther.
According to RKI President Prof. Lothar Wieler, treatment with hyperimmune serums obtained from the blood of recovered patients has turned out to be
extremely promising in severe cases. Due to a lack of patients since April 2020, the necessary clinical studies of sufficient quality can no longer be carried out.
Gentler mask ventilation, which the RKI initially advised against for fear of infectious aerosols, is now being practiced successfully, says Dr. Gerd Reuther.
According to RKI President Prof. Lothar Wieler, treatment with hyperimmune serums obtained from the blood of recovered patients has turned out to be
extremely promising in severe cases. Due to a lack of patients since April 2020, the necessary clinical studies of sufficient quality can no longer be carried out.
Gentler mask ventilation, which the RKI initially advised against for fear of infectious aerosols, is now being practiced successfully, says Dr. Gerd Reuther.
According to RKI President Prof. Lothar Wieler, treatment with hyperimmune serums obtained from the blood of recovered patients has turned out to be
extremely promising in severe cases. Due to a lack of patients since April 2020, the necessary clinical studies of sufficient quality can no longer be carried out.
obtained from the blood of recovered patients. Due to a lack of patients since April 2020, the necessary clinical studies of sufficient quality can no longer be
carried out. obtained from the blood of recovered patients. Due to a lack of patients since April 2020, the necessary clinical studies of sufficient quality can no
longer be carried out.
Investigations of blood products from the pre-Covid-19 period suggest that over
80% of people are already immune to the novel coronavirus because of its relationship
to other cold coronaviruses or have cellular cross immunity, which they also have
protects the now circulating SARS coronavirus as far as possible. Children, adolescents,
parents, educators and teachers apparently refresh this cross-immunity every year
without getting seriously ill, according to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. Only people without
such an annual virus update, ie elderly people living alone or people with an immune
system weakened by illness or treatment, are more susceptible to complications. It is
important to protect them.
An evaluation of a total of 23 studies carried out worldwide has shown that the
corona infection death rate (IFR) for people over 70 years of age is approx. 0.12%, for
people under 70 years of age it is only 0.04%. A closer look at the statistics, which were
compiled on the basis of very different data, shows that the infection death rates and
their age distribution in fl uenza and Covid-19 / corona infections do not differ
significantly from one another.


According to the results of the so-called Heinsberg study by the virologist Prof.
Hendrik Streeck, smear infections hardly ever occur. The transmission via aerosols
seems to be proven, but not with the suspected, highly aggressive spreading dynamics.
The former head of the health department, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg reports that studies
have shown that children are generally hardly a source of epidemic hygiene, because
protective herd immunity quickly develops in their environment on a regular basis and
without serious disease.
International publications show that approx. 5 to 15% of respiratory diseases are
caused or partly caused by cold coronaviruses. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg also points out that
it has long been known that in respiratory viral respiratory diseases very often (up to
approx. 50%) are caused by two or even several types of viruses occurring together or in
direct succession. With regard to flu vaccinations, the phenomenon has been
scientifically proven that the flu vaccination minimizes the risk of contracting influenza.
However, those who had been vaccinated against the flu suffered from respiratory
diseases just as frequently as those who had not been vaccinated. According to Dr.
Wolfgang Wo- darg. What is striking is that there are of fi cially hardly any flu deaths in
2020 – compared to an average of 8,000 flu deaths and even 25,100 deaths in the
extreme year 2017/2018. A so-called attention bias, a particularly concentrated and, in
the present case, even financially supported observation, is probably of great misleading
What role SARS-CoV-2 actually plays in the context of respiratory diseases has
remained unclear according to the current status of the investigation in the committee.
According to a corresponding special evaluation by the Federal Statistical Office, there
was no excess mortality in Germany in the first half of 2020. In Germany, an average of
2,500 to 3,000 people die every day. If the number of people whose death is assigned to
Covid-19 is allocated to the previous months, then within six months approx. 50 people
per day died in connection with Corona. Without the test, Covid-19 might not have been
noticed as an independent disease process. The Covid-19 sick and dead would likely be
victims of flu.


Significance of the PCR test
SARS-CoV-2 is currently to be detected using a PCR test. This tracks down tiny viral
gene segments, replicates them again and again and thus makes them measurable.
From the gene segments that have been reproduced and detected in this way,
conclusions can be drawn about the presence of viruses previously defined as carriers of
such segments. The more unique and typical these sections are selected and found, the
more likely it is that the virus type sought is present.
Individual sections of the sought-after SaRS-CoV-2 virus, such as the E gene coding
for the viral envelope, occur in many coronaviruses that have been spreading in Europe
for a long time. If, as suggested by the WHO for some time and practiced by many
laboratories, only these less speci fi c gene segments are determined, the PCR test is
particularly often false positive.
Due to the confusing practice of PCR testing, a statement on the epidemiological
significance of the SARS-CoV-2 viruses is almost impossible to this day. According to the
unanimous statement of the specialists and laboratories questioned by the committee,
no reliable assessments of the risk of infection and therefore no measures to limit
infection can be derived from the PCR test results alone.
The biochemist and Nobel laureate Kary Mullis developed the PCR test in 1983 to
amplify DNA sequences in vitro. According to Mullis, his test is not suitable for diagnostic
purposes. As the biologist Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer, the immunologist and virologist Prof.
Dolores Cahill, the immunologist Prof. Pierre Capel and the microbiologist Clemens
Arvay agreed in the Corona Committee, the test cannot be used today to determine
whether an active one Virus infection is present. The gene sequences found with the test
can just as easily come from a virus infection that has already been overcome or a
contamination that does not lead to an infection at all.
Many of the different SARS-CoV-2 tests that are currently in use and still not
officially validated react, as for example the INSTAND interlaboratory test of the German
accreditation body already shown in April 2020, with a blank sample of 1.4% false
positive, in a sample spiked with the known coronavirus HCoV OC 43 even up to 7.6%
false positive. There are various tests in circulation that, according to the proficiency test.


A significant 20 to 50% of the tests have a false positive result, which, as described, may
also be due to the fact that some of them only target the less specific E gene.
Many German laboratories use so-called house tests on the basis of the test protocols
published by the WHO (compare, for example, the so-called Drosten test assay from
January 17, 2020). In accordance with European standards, these generally require
official validation. In practice, however, this is largely dispensed with because of the
According to the above, it is impossible to determine how many of the 239,507
people who tested positive by the RKI – as of August 27, 2020 – were actually infected.
The same applies to the 9288 previously reported in connection with corona deceased.
Reports from other countries
The Covid-19 statistics of the USA (reportedly around 5.3 million infected and
180,000 dead by the end of August) has now been tacitly corrected in such a way that
Covid-19 is only listed as the sole cause of death in under 10,000 patients. For the
remaining (often very old) deaths, the American health authority CDC assumes that
Covid-19 could at best have been a contributory factor because of the numerous
previous illnesses. The holistic American doctor and committed chronicler of the Corona
incident, Pam Popper, informed the committee that there were and are great false
incentives in the USA to diagnose Corona. There are instructions to record patients as
such who even have the subjective assumption that they have Covid-19. The hospitals do
not receive the standard rate of 13 for the intubation of a SARS-CoV-2 positive. 000 US
dollars but three times as much, so 39,000 US dollars. Even people who were not tested
at all because they stopped waiting in a test queue were given a positive test result.
Regarding the occupancy rate of the hospitals, Pam Popper reports that, contrary
to what the press claims, there are no patients in the parking lots in New York.


were. Donald Trump’s hospital ship was virtually empty. In addition, while the
spectacular treatments allegedly took place in atypical locations, completely intact
hospitals were closed. Incidentally, no differences whatsoever were found between the
number of those who tested positive in the states with and in the states without
Dr. Luca Speciani announced that there were false incentives for diagnosing
Covid-19 in Italy too. For example, the relatives were paid a funeral allowance of € 300 if
the death certificate said Corona. Dr. Speciani also reports that around 7000 only slightly
ill people were moved from the hospitals to poorly staffed old people’s homes and
isolated there. This alone led to many infections and unclear deaths among the home
residents. In addition to the departure of a large number of foreign nurses shortly
before the lockdown, this was a main cause of death in the homes.
The entrepreneur Ash Zrl reported from Nepal that there are only 70 corona
deaths out of 32 million Nepalese. In addition, 11 people committed suicide after
receiving the Corona diagnosis. The country experienced a massive lockdown lasting
several months with devastating economic effects. Demonstrations are forbidden, and
desperate students and artists are on hunger strike, also to protest against the
disappearance of 90 million US dollars, which were intended to bring five million
Nepalese abroad back home.
South African attorney Anthony Brinks reported a massive lockdown on extremely
minor Covid-19 deaths. The of fi cial sale of alcohol and cigarettes has been banned. As a
result, the state has suffered considerable financial losses and is now forced to fall back
on funds from the IMF. The lawyer expressed the fear that South Africa, in its economic
distress, could be forced into a toggle contract here.
Sweden mastered the corona crisis as one of the few countries without a lockdown.
The psychologist and journalist Patrick Plaga reports that life in Sweden went on calmly
even during the crisis, and that the economy was only marginally affected.
Kindergartens and elementary schools were open all the time, only secondary schools
and universities were closed.


Large events were forbidden, people would have followed a number of hygiene rules
(washing hands, keeping their distance). Masks are not worn in Sweden. The majority of
the very old corona victims lived in old people’s homes, where protection, as the head of
the health department and chief virologist Anders Tegnell admitted, was not sufficiently
Patrick Plaga explains that Anders Tegnell, who had already worked in the same
position in connection with the swine flu, constantly paid attention to calming
communication with the population. For example, the number of corona positives on
television would not be presented cumulatively without subtracting the (estimated)
recoveries as in Germany, but rather only the daily incidence, which is a more realistic
representation. Patrick Plaga suspects that Andres Tegnell also wanted to avoid panic
vaccination through his reassuring appearance, which led to a lot of damage in the
swine flu (including narcolepsy, autoimmune diseases). What is remarkable in Sweden is
The German journalist Gaby Weber reports from Argentina. The country is
suffering from such a massive lockdown regime that even borrowing an egg from a
neighbor could result in imprisonment. The courts have been closed for five months, so
that no legal protection can be obtained. In the course of the lockdown, many criminals
were released, some of whom have now committed new crimes. The lockdown was
imposed when there was evidence of zero corona deaths. The Argentines are desperate
because their economy is already completely down.
Health hazard
The aim of the measures in Germany was to reduce the risk of the health system
becoming so overloaded that there would not be sufficient treatment capacities
available for the many sick people, especially those requiring inpatient or intensive care.
Germany has over 20,000 intensive care beds; the Corona increase has created up to
30,000 beds.


According to the constantly updated overview of the University of Konstanz (www.-, there was no risk of overload at any time. The occupancy rate was mostly
well below 70% and many hospitals had to send employees on short-time work. At the
Charité, for example, the occupancy rate in March / April was around 60%. The former
chief physician Dr. Gerd Reuther confirmed to the committee that many hospitals were
consistently underutilized from his own perspective.
Result: SARS-CoV-2 and the respiratory disease Covid-19, possibly caused by the
virus, represent and represent a low risk of overloading the German health care system,
so that measures aimed at counteracting such overloading were only of limited
could unfold.
Nothing works anymore – the lockdown at its peak


Negative effects of the measures
The lockdown in the sense of the overall package of liberty-depriving and libertyrestricting
measures that were decided on March 22nd (including those that, like the ban
on major events, were already in effect and upheld), is the most massive, affecting the
entire population Restriction of fundamental rights in the history of the Federal Republic
of Germany.
The package of measures has had a large number of negative effects on social,
cultural and social life, on the health of people in Germany and on the opportunities for
economic activity.
In order to arrive at an assessment of the proportionality of the measures taken to
avert the virus dangers, the committee interviewed a large number of experts and those
The situation of the children
According to the expert opinion of the psychologist Elisabeth Sternbeck, the
situation of children and adolescents in the corona crisis is extremely problematic. In
total lockdown, they were completely removed from their usual social environment
outside of the family (daycare, school) and had hardly any contact with others Children,
were taught by parents who were often inexperienced in this regard and, for the first
time, were heavily dependent on the use of digital media for educational purposes. In
lockdown, existing family problems have often intensified. The multiple burdens on
families – home office, child care, corona fears, family closeness, lack of external
contacts, existential fears – first caused problems. The children respond to the stress
with the development of sometimes great fears and aggression.


Like the psychoimmunologist Prof. Christian Schubert, Elisabeth Sternbeck names
the government’s apparently very precisely implemented communication strategy in the
paper “How we can get Covid-19 under control” from the Federal Ministry of the Interior
as one of the reasons for the observed traumatization of large sections of the
population. There the government is recommended to use a shock strategy to motivate
people to adhere to hygiene regulations. In particular, the fear of a painful suffocation of
loved ones should be invoked, for which one can be responsible if, for example, one
does not wash one’s hands thoroughly enough. Prof. Christian Schubert points out that
psychological trauma leads to immunosuppression,
Elisabeth Sternbeck refers to the particularly impressive experiment of the “still
face” with regard to the masks, in which a mother shows her baby a completely
immobile face and no longer responds to it through facial expressions. After just two
minutes of unsuccessful attempts to evoke a visible reaction from the mother, the baby
begins to cry and scream. This experiment shows impressively how important the ability
to read faces and the emotional optical reaction through facial expressions are,
especially for human development.
Tina Romdhani from the “Parents Stand Up” initiative reports on the discrimination
that children who are unable to wear masks experience through detention, among other
things, and of the discord that different attitudes to this issue sow between people.
The situation in the nursing homes
The lockdown caused great suffering in the nursing homes. Far-reaching bans on
visits were imposed, both in relation to relatives and in relation to doctors,
physiotherapists, speech therapists, foot care, etc. As a result, the state of health of
many people in need of care has deteriorated, sometimes irreversibly. The abrupt
change in living conditions – for example the absence of helping relatives – has put
dementia sufferers in particular under great stress and emotional strain. In this
situation, many have lost their courage to face life, as the care expert Adelheid von Stös-


-ser reports. The care situation, which is already difficult in many homes, has worsened
again considerably as a result of the measures, as the job supervisor Martin Kusch
reports. The “care TÜV” from the medical service of the health insurance funds MDK was
discontinued, so that no more official control of the quality of care could take place,
moreover the important regulation of the intervention possibility of the relatives and
caregivers against grievances was omitted. Many home residents are often calmed
down unnecessarily by the overburdened nursing staff with sedatives, with the
corresponding negative and sometimes even life-threatening consequences. A relative
reports on the extreme conditions in her mother’s home, which meant that she could
only speak to her 90-year-old mother with dementia on her birthday through a balcony
door that was tilted over.

Martin Kusch describes the situation of the home residents as worse than that of
the prison inmates, since in the home it is often not even possible to speak to the
residents alone, but only under the supervision of a nurse, which in turn would remove
workers from looking after the home residents.
The masks
The psychologist Daniela Prousa explains her study, according to which 60% of the
people who felt clearly burdened by the prescriptions already experienced severe
(psychosocial) consequences. This manifests itself in a greatly reduced participation in
life in society due to aversion-related MNS avoidance efforts, social withdrawal, reduced
health self-care (up to the avoidance of doctor’s appointments) or the intensification of
previous health problems (post-traumatic stress disorders, herpes, Migraine).
According to the presentation of the psychiatrist and psychotherapist Dr. Hans-
Joachim Maaz reactivates the mask already existing trauma in society and threatens to
become a projection object and lightning rod for one’s own frustration and stress, which
can partly explain the very aggressive reprimands for apparent “mask refusers”.
Characteristic weaknesses or other misconduct such as antisocial behavior such as theft
are assumed or anticipated. The denunciations that reappear in the Corona context are
society as a whole.


socially highly questionable. It is to be feared that, especially in view of the children who
have learned behavior that is not at all appropriate to human beings with social
distancing, a very large group of people in need of therapy has already arisen and will
continue to arise if the problem situation persists.
Socio-cultural damage
The professor of public law Dietrich Murswiek writes in his report on the legality of
the corona measures: “It is difficult to weight the ideal damage. However, they must not
be underestimated. Humans are social beings. Social interaction, intellectual, cultural
and artistic activities belong to the core area of what defines the human personality – of
course with individual differences – and what distinguishes humans from
animals.Restrictions and prohibitions can be relatively insignificant if they are of short
duration, but beyond a certain point – Over a longer period of time they impair the
possibilities of personal development in a very serious way. “
These aspects, which have to be examined in more detail by the committee,
include, among other things, the loss of education due to the absence or restriction of
school lessons and other educational institutions, the loss of cultural stimuli /
experiences due to the closure of theaters, concert halls or opera houses, etc., the
elimination of musical development opportunities through prohibitions that prevent
making music together in orchestras or choirs, the loss of community experiences /
personal social togetherness through the prohibition of gatherings in associations,
prohibition of events, prohibition of gatherings, closure of pubs and much more.
In terms of data protection law, many problems have arisen in connection with
Corona. According to current law, the PCR test may only be carried out by a doctor or
under the supervision of a doctor. The patient has a claim to that


To find out the name of the responsible doctor and the name of the laboratory
commissioned, he must also be informed about what happens to his samples. A genetic
analysis of the patient’s DNA, which is inevitably involved in the sampling, may only be
carried out if consent has been given. However, the control actually required is currently
not possible here. If the DNA is to be used for research purposes, the patient would have
to be informed exactly which specific research project is involved. The exemplarily
discussed return slip to the Berlin Charité Vivantes GmbH laboratory, which is linked to
the RKI website via the consulting laboratory for coronaviruses, does not meet these
requirements. The committee asked the audience to describe the circumstances of their
According to experts, the tracking app in its current form is not questionable in
terms of data protection law, but it is also not expedient due to the lack of traceability of
the contacts. In the course of the introduction of the app, however, an interface was
created in the cell phone operating system that enables the location and tracking of cell
The attendance lists in the restaurants, some of which are in drawers, are very
problematic in terms of data protection law. The risk that these are also misused for
other purposes – e.g. investigative work by the police in other matters – has already been
realized in individual cases.
Vaccination as a way out?
According to the government, a normal life should (possibly) only be possible again
once a vaccine has been found. There are currently around 170 applications for approval
of vaccines from the relevant authorities. The majority of them want to work with
technologies that can be regarded as experimental. In this respect, the mRNA / DNA
vaccines in particular are new, as the biomedical scientist Clemens Arvay reports. Some
of these are introduced into the cells by means of electrical stimulation and then use –
potentially – all of the body’s own cells as a bioreactor for the production of antigens.
Even if it is phrased differently in the law, this is de facto genetic engineering


Manipulation on humans. It is also a procedure that has never been routinely used on
Under normal circumstances, it takes six to eight years to produce a safe
conventional vaccine. The novel corona vaccine is now to be approved in a few months
using a so-called “telescope process”, in which actually successive study parts are carried
out in parallel, which Dr. Clemes Arvay sees it as highly dangerous and incompatible
with the precautionary principle applicable in the EU and Germany.
The (negative) effects of the new technology cannot be assessed, in particular it is
impossible to predict which type of cells and how many of these cells will be genetically
converted into mRNA bioreactors. Entering the human germ line cannot be ruled out
with certainty either, so that possible damage may only manifest itself late or possibly
only in future generations. The extremely shortened observation times prevented the
recognition of possible late effects from neoplasms or autoimmune diseases as well as
the effect on defense processes in the case of other infectious diseases or vaccinations.
Since SARS it has not been possible to develop an effective and safe vaccine. When
trying to develop a corona vaccine for cats, all cats died when they were exposed to the
wild virus after vaccination due to an immune reaction that got out of control (so-called
excessive antibody-mediated reaction). Experiments with a SARS vaccine suggested that
a similar problem may arise in humans. Against this background, the Dutch
immunologist Prof. Pierre Capel sees it as extremely dangerous to open up shortened
approval routes for the SARS-CoV2 vaccine.
A vaccine has been in production in India for a few months, according to the
manufacturer’s press release.


The economy is suffering extremely from the lockdown and follow-up. In the
committee, the solo self-employed artist Martin Rwanda, the karaoke bar operator Nils
Roth, the hospital caterer Hermann Wagner and Martin Reiser, who works as a
consultant in the automotive industry, were heard on behalf of many. Martin Ruland,
Nils Roth and Martin Reiser unanimously report that the lockdown has torn the
economic ground from under their feet. You were currently (still) living on savings. Nils
Roth has succeeded in obtaining a bridging loan. Hermann Wagner suffered a significant
drop in sales; In one part of his business activity – he also runs a burger chain supplied
according to Demeter guidelines – sales almost completely collapsed. All report that they
do not feel well supported by the state in their efforts to cushion the economic
difficulties caused by the lockdown or the measures. Nils Roth, for example, did not
receive any subsidies, he was not supported by the authorities in developing a hygiene
concept, and the unequal treatment of his large karaoke bar compared to competitors in
other Berlin districts, which was not justified by the authorities opened again.
The economist Prof. Christian Kreis explained – in accordance with the statements
of the economics professor and psychoanalyst Wolf-Dieter Stelzner – that regardless of
Corona, the world economy has been on the verge of collapse at the latest since the
financial crisis. In this context, Corona acted like a fire accelerator, but at the same time
the lockdown crisis made not only the economic but also a large number of sociopolitical
malfunctions visible.
Prof. Christian Kreiss expects between 500,000 and
800,000 insolvencies, especially in the area of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs
and self-employed, ie the backbone of the German economy. Prof. Wolf-Dieter Stelzner
pointed out that conventional economic theories were not suitable for anticipating the
financial crisis of 2009, the less one is now able to cope with the current, many times
more massive crisis. Both experts agree that a completely new approach is required for
economics, namely a holistic one that also includes other disciplines such as social
sciences and psychology.


constitutional state
The rule of law gives a difficult picture in the context of the corona / lockdown
crisis. The legal basis for the Corona ordinances is Section 28 of the Infection Protection
Act. The Infection Protection Act was changed on March 25, 2020 with effect from March
27, 2020. At the suggestion of the health committee, the “epidemic situation of national
scope” was automatically established when the law came into force, which is
constitutionally highly problematic, as evidenced by a legal opinion by Prof. Thorsten
Kingreen from the University of Regensburg.
At the beginning of the lockdown, the courts were severely restricted in their
activities, among other things by understaffing of the offices. The Corona ordinances of
the federal states have suspended the suspensive effect of the objection for their area
of application, so that citizens are immediately referred to legal action with
corresponding costs. In interim legal protection, however, a restricted test standard
applies, which is why there has so far been virtually no success there. A well-known
exception is the lifting of the ban on the large demonstration imposed by the Berlin
Senator for the Interior on August 29, 2020 by the Berlin Administrative Court,
confirmed by the OVG Berlin. The main thing may not be anticipated in urgent
The problem is that, as lawyer Gordon Pankalla reports, the courts always base
their decisions on the RKI’s assessment that a “dangerous” situation has to be
determined. Although they are actually obliged to at least carry out a plausibility check in
accordance with the official investigation principle, they refuse to even deal with the
scientific studies presented by the plaintiffs and with the thin number base, which does
not reveal a risk to the health care system. Because of the short duration of the
ordinances of only four weeks in some cases, the courts also argue that any restrictions
on fundamental rights should be tolerated due to the short duration of the impairment.
A special vote by the Berlin-Brandenburg State Constitutional Court nevertheless
comes to the conclusion that even short-term restrictions on fundamental rights are
unacceptable because it is not the citizen who has to explain why and how he wants to
exercise his freedoms; it is rather the state that has to explain for what weighty reasons
he interferes with the rights of freedom. The Federal Constitution


At least with regard to the exercise of religious freedom, the Constitutional Court has
ruled that the legislature must continually review whether the circumstances that
allowed a restriction of fundamental rights continue to exist. The courts have so far not
followed this view in their case law.
The professor for civil law Martin Schwab commented on questions of public
liability. He explained that the state, which forbids an entrepreneur to generate income
through his activities, must explain where the money for his (the entrepreneur’s)
livelihood should come from. Entrepreneurs who bore the state with their tax payments
in good times would now have a right to be borne by the state – also financially – in bad
times. The state should not let a trader sit on his debts if it forbids him at the same time
to generate income that covers costs.
Interventions in the freedom of occupation that lead to a systematic underfunding
are just as liable to be compensated as corresponding interventions in private property.
The state is therefore obliged to give the entrepreneurs financial support in the Corona
crisis and must not fob them off with inadequate handouts. All of this applies even if the
political decision-makers, through no fault of their own, incorrectly assess the threat
situation. If it turns out that the decision-makers culpably wrongly assessed the crisis
from a certain point in time and imposed restrictions on commercial activity on this
incorrect basis, the official liability according to § 839 BGB i. In conjunction with Article
34 of the Basic Law.
It is certainly possible to discuss whether specific points in time could be identified
that would have forced a review of the corona measures – such as the appearance of the
reproduction graphic in Epidemiological Bulletin No. 17/2020, from which it emerged
that the R -Value had already fallen below 1 on March 20, 2020, or the announcement of
the extensive, officially prepared risk analysis of the meanwhile suspended Upper
Government Councilor Stefan Kohn from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, which had
been dismissed by the government as a purely private opinion without the necessary
factual dispute . As part of his analysis, Stefan Kohn came to assess the corona crisis as a
false alarm. The opportunities it offers It was not used to conduct an open-ended
discussion about the real extent of the threat from SARS CoV-2 on the one hand and the
massive collateral damage on the other. Should the technical justification of the corona


If measures prove to be inadequate in the end, the state actors could be accused of fault
from failure to discuss this.
The role of the media
The media are classically referred to as the fourth pillar of democracy. The State
Treaty on Broadcasting obliges the public service media to report objectively. However,
the study by Dennis Gräf and Martin Hennig shows, among other things, that the corona
special broadcasts from ARD and ZDF reported very one-sidedly in the sense of virus
panic and perseverance slogans, in that they spoke like a mantra about increasing case
numbers, problematic disease courses and corona heroes in reported to the
supermarkets, but completely ignored the all-clear voices regarding the danger of the
virus and the complete absence of overloading the health system.
The political scientist and journalist Hermann Ploppa reports of an intensive
economic and personal interweaving of decision-makers and editors-in-chief of the
mainstream press with transnational think tanks, the pharmaceutical industry and
political structures that made critical reporting difficult. It also becomes clear that
journalists swim with the crowd because of precarious employment relationships and
time pressure and cannot (or cannot) question “of fi cial” figures, for example. The
journalist Patrick Plaga reports from Sweden that an open discussion culture in the
journalistic field seems to be more pronounced there than in Germany and accordingly
more critical voices are heard (in the absence of lockdown, however, critical in Sweden
means more supporters of a tougher pace) .
The communication scientist and media researcher Prof. Michael Meyen and the
media scientist Prof. Johannes Ludwig state that it is quite obvious that a large group of
journalists are under pressure because they have to fear that they will end their jobs if
reporting is critical of the government or the pharmaceutical industry to lose. This could
have to do with the fact that large investors such as Blackrock or Bill Gates also invest
money across the board in the media sector and carry out sponsoring (e.g. € 2.5 million
sponsorship of Spiegel online by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and thus a
certain amount of control over them Media. Strange be-


With, however, the fact that the public broadcasters ARD and ZDF, which are well served
by the fee-paying public, actually report strictly on the government line.
Disincentives in the system
False incentives are emerging on a variety of levels, which have favored the
emergence of the corona and lockdown crisis.
The health coach Don Dylan from the Next Scientists for Future addresses the fact
that the current health system is fundamentally misoriented because effective disease
prevention, for example by strengthening the immune system, through community,
through joyful experiences is not economically worthwhile. At the moment only
apparatus medicine and the related sale of (in part toxic) drugs is economically
interesting. If one sees this in connection with the industrial production of sometimes
dangerous (eg completely over-sugared) foods, a pathogenic cycle consisting of
mutually dependent disincentives becomes obvious: pathogenic, industrially produced
foods lead directly into apparatus and drug medicine.
The former head of the economic department, Heinz Kruse, reports on ossified
structures in the administrative area and in the political parties, which would make it
difficult to abandon a path once taken, to recognize an error, let alone correct it.


Preliminary result
According to the current state of knowledge, there is very much to suggest that the
risk emanating from SARS-CoV-2 was greatly overestimated, but that the risks and
damage caused by the measures were not sufficiently taken into account. The
government announced in April 2020 that it had not carried out an impact assessment
and was not planning to do so. In a procedure led by the lawyer Jessica Hamed before
the Bavarian Administrative Court, the Bavarian State Chancellery let it be known that to
this day – in violation of the rule of law, according to which all state action must be
verifiable – no documents, no written expert reports for an impact assessment give. This
is to be regarded as at least grossly negligent,
The risk assessment shows that a manageable risk (flu-like virus with no potential
danger for the health system as a whole) has been fought with a high-risk package of
measures. The lockdown and action risks have already materialized to an extreme
extent. They did not produce the hoped-for effects, as the infections or the positive test
results, as shown at least in retrospect by evaluating the death rate, had already
declined at the time the lockdown was imposed. Since the end of June 2020, the positive
test results seem to be in the range of the false-positive background noise of the test.
Due to the ongoing measures (masks, distance requirement and related loss of sales,
closure of concert halls, etc. ) More major damage to the economy, health, and cultural
and social life of people in Germany occurs every day. Harm and benefit are out of
proportion. The encroachments on fundamental rights are therefore disproportionate
and consequently unlawful.
The governments have not carried out a sufficient, accompanying weighing of
interests, as was explicitly imposed on them by the highest court; on the contrary, they
deliberately refrained from monitoring the collateral damage. This means that
governments have to be accused of having acted at fault.


Committee members
Lawyer Antonia Fischer, medical lawyer, Berlin lawyer and
graduate economist Viviane Fischer, Berlin lawyer Dr. Justus
Hoffmann, liability lawyer, Berlin
Attorney Dr. Reiner Füllmich, liability lawyer, Göttingen and California
Experts in the hearing
Order according to reference in the report
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, pulmonologist and former head of the health department Dr. Gerd
Reuther, retired chief physician
Dr. Luca Speciani, Chairman of the Medical Network
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer, biologist
Prof. Dolores Cahill, virologist and immunologist, Ireland
Prof. Piere Capel, immunologist, Holland
Clemens Arvay, graduate engineer, Austria
Pam Popper, holistic doctor, USA Ash Zrl,
entrepreneur, Nepal
Anthony Brings, Attorney at Law, South Africa
Patrick Plaga, psychologist and journalist, Germany and Sweden
Gaby Weber, journalist, Germany and Argentina Elisabeth
Sternbeck, psychologist and psychotherapist Prof. Dr. Christian
Schubert, psychoimmunologist
Tina Romdhani, “Parents love” initiative
Adelheid von Stösser, care expert
Martin Kusch, supervisor
Daniela Prousa, psychologist
Dr. Hans-JoachimMaaz, psychiatrist and psychotherapist
Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiss, economist
Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Stelzner, economist and psychoanalyst attorney Gordon
Prof. Dr. Martin Schwab, civil law


Hermann Ploppa, political scientist and publicist
Prof. Dr. Michael Meyen, communication scientist and media researcher Prof.
Dr. Johannes Ludwig, media scientist
Don Dylan, health coach Next Scientists for Future Heinz
Kruse, retired economic department

Corona Committee Foundation
c / o Lawyer Viviane Fischer
Waldenserstr. 22nd
10178 Berlin

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