We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the Governor General of Canada and/or House of Commons to dissolve Parliament and call a Federal Election. We, the undersigned citizens of Canada further demand that Justin Trudeau step down as Prime Minister AND as Leader of the Federal Liberal Party. 

Sign NOW ! Sign HERE https://www.change.org/p/canadian-house-of-commons-at-least-1-million-signatures-to-remove-pm-justin-trudeau-and-his-liberal-government

We, the undersigned citizens of Canada have lost confidence in him as Canada’s Prime Minister and we feel he no longer serves the best interests of Canadians. His reckless disregard to preserve, protect and endorse the citizens of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, along with his current negligent spending of over $300 billion of our tax dollars to drag our economy into a depression, as well as for following the wrong and disastrous protocols of a privately owned corporation called the World Health Organization. The bottom line is indisputable….We, the undersigned citizens of Canada are casting our votes of No Confidence vote against  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his liberal party until a new Federal Election to replace him.  We also demand all Premiers remove all Provincial Emergency Acts in full immediately and restore all Canadians their rights as explained in the Canadian Charter of Rights. No exceptions!!!

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