TrialSite hosted a panel of 8 experts for an informative and lively discussion about the Covid-19 pandemic in Canada, the governments response to it and the path forward for Canadians and the world in general. The webinar was very well attended.

Meet the panel of experts

Bonnie A Mallard (PhD)dle, PhD
Professor of Immuno-Genetics
Department of Pathobiology
University of Guelph

Byram W. Bridle, PhD
Associate Professor of Viral Immunology

Harvey A. Risch, MD, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology
Department of Chronic Disease Epidemiology
Yale School of Public Health

Steven Pelech, Ph.D
President & Chief Scientific Officer
Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation

Paul E. Alexander, PhD
Health Research Methodologist
Department of Health Research
Methods, Evidence and Impact
McMaster University

H. C. Tenenbaum DDS, Dip. Perio., PhD, FRCD
Professor of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, 
Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto

Dr. Ira Bernstein
Family Physician, Health and Wellness Consultant

Michael Palmer, MD
Associate professor of biochemistry in the chemistry department of the University of Waterloo

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