Introductory Post
COURT VICTORY! The Government in Denmark lost a court case for their mandatory PCR-Test. This is a precedent for the rest of the world. I have written Mads an email encouraging him to reach out to all the lawyers in the world and help them to do as he did in Denmark. I have asked him for his challenge document and the ruling. I have posted in our Files in this group a Notice of Liability. This document is a legal notice of liability telling any individual that they can be held liable for requesting or demanding or mandating or legally enforcing anything that is illegal or that violates your human, charter or bill of rights or your constitutional rights that take precedence over any mandates even under any state of emergency. A state of emergency cannot be for longer than 60 days unless passed by legislature. However even during a state of emergency your rights may not be violated. You can say no and as this court case shows when standing up in court they retreat because they know that they are abusing their power and bullying people and cannot win.

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Dies ist der offizielle BitChute Kanal des Rechtsanwalts Dr. Reiner Füllmich: Verbraucherschutzanwalt mit langjähriger Erfahrung in Prozessen gegen (unter anderen) die Deutsche Bank oder auch den Automobilkonzern VW.

Außerdem: Gründungsmitglied der Stiftung und leitender Anwalt der


This is the official BitChute channel of lawyer Dr. Reiner Füllmich: Consumer protection attorney with many years of experience in litigation against (among others) the Deutsche Bank or the automobile group VW.

In addition: Founding member of the foundation and senior lawyer for Corona-Schadensä


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