Dr. Patricia Daly was quoted as saying. She is the Chief Medical Health Officer for Vancouver Coastal Health & Vice-President, Public Health.

See this 1 and a half minute video with her answer to the question: Transcribed below.


  1. We aren’t allowing unvaccinated people into restaurants but they are still allowed to visit patients in Acute care (ICU, etc). Is this true? If so, what are the risks?

“The vaccine passport requires people to be vaccinated to do certain discretionary activities, such as go to restaurants, movies, gyms. Not because these places are high risk.

We are not actually seeing covid transmissions in these settings, it is really to create an incentive to improve our vaccination coverage.

Um, but we still allow people to continue with essential things like going to the grocery store, going to a pharmacy, going to visit relatives in acute care, going to access health care services.

By the way, when those people come to our acute care they are going to be screened and they’re going to be given a medical mask. So … and we’re not seeing transmission from visitors. Ah, we’ve seen occasionally visitors to health care facilities have been a source of covid, but they are actually a lower risk then staff because they tend to only visit one person… have contact with their relative, then leave.

Where as health care workers, who may have had covid in the infectious stage, unknowingly, might have had contact with many more people.

so visitors are actual low risk to introduce virus into a facility. They’re screened, they’re putting on a mask, ah, you know, and again, most of them are going to be vaccinated.

But we… the vaccine passport is for non-essential um-ah, opportunities, um, and it is really to create an incentive to get higher vaccination rates.

Dr. Patricia Daly, Chief Medical Health Officer & Vice-President, Public Health
800 – 601 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC  V5Z 4C2
Phone: 604-675-3900
Fax: 604-731-2756

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Watch the full meeting here.

COVID-19 Virtual Medical Staff Forum: Vaccine Updates & Build Back Better

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Dr. Patricia Daly

Dr. Patricia Daly

Vice President, Public Health, Chief Medical Health Officer

Dr. Patricia Daly is the Vice President, Public Health and Chief Medical Health Officer for Vancouver Coastal Health. She is also a Clinical Professor in the School of Population and Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia.

As a public health physician, her primary mandate is to improve the health of the population that Vancouver Coastal Health serves through prevention and health promotion. She is responsible for communicable disease control including management of outbreaks, health protection and environmental health, community care facilities licensing, population health and public health surveillance within Vancouver Coastal Health.

Dr. Daly obtained her medical degree from the University of Toronto in 1985. She worked as a family and emergency physician in Ontario before undertaking further specialty training at McGill University and the University of Toronto. She obtained a fellowship in Community Medicine from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in 1992.

After moving to Vancouver in 1993, Dr. Daly worked for two years at the BC Centre for Disease Control before moving to Vancouver/Richmond Health Board as a Medical Health Officer and Director of Communicable Disease Control. Dr. Daly continued in this role after the formation of Vancouver Coastal Health in 2001. She assumed her current position in September, 2007.

In addition to providing consultation to a wide variety of health professionals and advising the public on important public health issues, Dr. Daly also teaches medical students and residents within the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia.

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