Urgent Call to Action: Please attend the Toronto Divisional Court on March 30, 2023 at 10 A.M. at 130 Queen Street West (Osgoode Hall) [FULL STORY HERE]

On Monday, March 27 a virtual and in-person press conference will be held regarding a Court challenge of national importance involving an unprecedented violation of privacy in Canada.

Speakers at press conference:

  • Leslie Peel – Named Patient on behalf of Patient Group (100+ patients)
  • Rocco Galati – Legal Counsel for Ms. Peel and Patient Group
  • A Canadian citizen concerned about medical privacy rights.

Click to Register Today!

Click to watch our Live Podcast – Mon., March 27, 2023 @11am (EST)

… to support Rocco Galati and “Patients” who have commenced legal action against the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), in response to the CPSO’s unprecedented breach of Medical Privacy Rights and Charter Rights.

Vaccine Choice Canada with Rocco Galati discuss this case.

Read Article
Invasion of Privacy and Abuse of Power by Ontario Doctors’ Regulator

The CPSO shockingly claims that patients should not have any say about their own medical records, or how the CPSO wants to use that information, including their names and personal details that have nothing to do with a doctor’s practice. Read the Press Release and follow this case and the doctor’s case: HERE.

The Government is working to gain control over every aspect of our ‘private’ lives in order to implement the digital ID and a Social Credit System. Winning this case is critical, in order to put a stop to the Government’s agenda. 

**A request to livestream has been submitted to the court. If approved, we will post the link on this page so check back periodically.

Additional Call to Action: Copy and paste the draft letter below to your email, or write your own, and send to your Member of Parliament to bring this matter to their attention, and also send an email to the following list of Ontario MPP’sPlease contact the MPP’s whether you live in Ontario or not, as this matter affects every Canadian. It is important for you to act now. We cannot allow the CPSO to unlawfully set a precedent. 

Dear Elected Official,


The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), is abusing their investigatory powers, as well as breaching privacy and charter rights. Read the following report outlining a critical case that will be before the Toronto Divisional Court on March 30, 2023. Citizen’s are taking the CPSO to court in response to an unprecedented privacy breach. Further details.


The CPSO is a professional regulator gone rogue. They are maliciously going after doctors who put patient care, respecting informed consent and patient privacy, ahead of politics. But it gets worse, the CPSO is now demanding patients’ private medical records without lawful authority. This is an abuse of power.


The judiciary are ignoring and overriding judicial process and the law. Judges are disregarding long standing Supreme Court rulings and their Oath to the Bench by failing in their duty to scrutinize professional regulators. Professional regulators are acting as if they are independent bodies who are above the law.


The right to be secure from government intrusion on individual privacy is a hallmark of a free and democratic society. This right is under threat in Canada and few Canadians know about it. Decades ago, Canada’s Supreme Court recognized privacy as an “essential aspect of a free and democratic society.”[1] “Privacy, including informational privacy, is grounded in a person’s physical and moral autonomy, and is essential for the well-being of the individual.”[2] There can be nothing more private than the intimate information we share about our bodies and our thoughts, with our doctor.


If the Courts allow the invasion of privacy in the confines of the sanctimonious Dr-Patient relationship, then nothing is sacred anymore!


It is up to the judiciary to rein the CPSO back in and scrutinize their actions. However, since the judiciary is failing to do so the responsibility goes back to the legislature, both federally and provincially. Therefore, I request that you take immediate action to prohibit the CPSO’s abuse of power and in so doing protect and uphold the fundamental charter rights and privacy rights of every Canadian.


Yours truly,


[1 ] Hunter v Southam 1984 2 SCR 145 https://canlii.ca/t/1mgc1
[2] R. v Dyment 1988 2 SCR 417 & R v. O’Connor 1995 4 SCR 411 https://canlii.ca/t/1ftc6 https://canlii.ca/t/1frdh.

“Respect for individual privacy is an essential component of what it means to be “free”.
As a corollary, the infringement of this right undeniably impinges upon an individual’s “liberty” in our free and democratic society

Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…these are God-given inalienable rights and ours for the taking.

Shared from https://action4canada.com/urgent-canadians-take-medical-regulator-to-court-for-privacy-breach/


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