More On These Chilliwack SD33 Trustees & Chilliwack’s SD Policy 130- Trustee Code of Conduct
Heather Maahs | Willow Reichelt | Carin Bondar | Teri Westerby
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Chilliwack School Board Censures Trustee For The 3rd Time
CHILLIWACK — The Chilliwack Board of Education has censured trustee Heather Maahs for the third time in a year.
According to a statement on its website Wednesday morning (Feb. 14), the school district says the board met on Tuesday, February 13 to address an alleged breach in confidentiality by a member of the board. The board discussed the matter during an in-camera meeting.
After deliberation, the board concluded that Maahs, the longest serving member of the Chilliwack school board, had not upheld board member confidentiality guidelines as laid out in section 7.4 of bylaw 5.
As a result of the breach, the board says it has taken steps to remove Maahs from in-camera meetings for the remainder of the 2023-24 school year.
“The board is committed to working collectively to ensure integrity in our closed meetings and will be participating in a future board learning session, specifically on trustees’ obligations to uphold confidentially,” the statement read.
The board did not reveal the exact nature of the confidentiality breach.
Earlier this week, Maahs said her motion requesting a detailed report on vandalism to SD33 washroom facilities was denied. Maahs had asked for a comprehensive report on the amount of vandalism in school district washrooms since the implementation of gender-neutral washrooms.
That request was entirely excluded from the February board meeting package.
In March 2023, the board censured Maahs for a violation of the trustee code of conduct. The censure occurred at a special in-camera meeting of the board on March 16, 2023.
In a March 2023 statement released by SD33, the Chilliwack School District said the violation involves a duty to support the integrity of the board and its decision-making processes.
“Trustees have an obligation to carry out their duties faithfully, diligently, and in a manner that will inspire public confidence in the ability and the integrity of the board,” the statement from SD33 noted. “Trustees will accept the decisions of the Board and support proposed actions in the implementation of a decision, regardless of holding an opposing position in debate or casting an opposition vote.”
The statement indicated that Maahs did not uphold those responsibilities in her support of a campaign against staff-selected learning resources in the district, and in her opposition to a student-led event conducted in accordance with the core values promoted by the school district.
“It is expected that trustees will listen and work to be responsive to the concerns of community members; however, being seen to campaign with community members against the decisions of the board and district staff, and the actions of district staff and of students, is inconsistent with board policy,” the statement continued.
SD33 said its next step involved the hiring of an external facilitator to help the board in achieving this goal.
“The Board is committed to building board cohesion to support good governance,” the SD33 statement concluded.
In December 2023, the board censured Maahs over what she said was an apparent refusal to remove a news story from her social media accounts that was considered critical of the school district and its policies.
“The Board of Education hereby issues a formal censure against Trustee Maahs for contravening Policy 130 – Trustee Code of Conduct. This action is taken in response to actions demonstrating her continued public opposition to inclusive practices that are endorsed by the Board of Education,” the formal notice on the SD33 website stated on December 12.
SD33 trustees met in a special in-camera meeting on Dec. 12 to censure Maahs. The news release from the school district did not elaborate on the specific circumstances involving the censure.
According to Maahs, the censure first began to materialize after she shared a news story from Fraser Valley Today on her Twitter and Facebook accounts that detailed concerns from a Chilliwack parent whose child was given a survey at an SD33 middle school. Maahs said she experienced pushback once she shared the story and did not relent to pressure to remove the social media posts.
The story that Maahs disseminated on her social media accounts featured a Chilliwack family that had concerns about a questionnaire that had been given to their student at a school in Chilliwack in September. The family indicated they weren’t sure what direct relevance it had in relation to mathematics, language arts, science, English, social studies and other subjects. Further, the Chilliwack family expressed concern that parents would not see the survey before students returned it to their respective teachers, and believed parents should know about questionnaires given to students.
The questionnaire that was distributed at a school in Chilliwack queries students about their favourite bands and musical artists, their favourite things to do when they aren’t at school, favourite foods, least favourite foods, favourite movies and TV shows, if they have pets and if yes, what kinds of pets, along with their favourite season, favourite colour, what is one thing that students learned in English and social studies the year prior, and what students hope to learn in English and social studies during the current school year. The questionnaire as provided to Fraser Valley Today asks students for their legal name, their preferred name, suggested pronouns like he/him, she/her or they/them, and whether their preferred name can be shared with others in class, with other teachers, or in emails sent to home parents and guardians.
In response to an inquiry from Fraser Valley Today, Chilliwack School District Superintendent Rohan Arul-pragasam confirmed in September 2023 that questionnaires are typically given to SD33 students and are common practice.
“Surveys are a common way for a classroom teacher to get to know their students, and the attached survey is no different, all while upholding the principles of the B.C. Human Rights Code,” Arul-pragasam said in an email.
It’s unclear whether the questionnaires are mandatory or optional for students to complete.
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Chilliwack school board censures trustee over apparent refusal to remove news story.
CHILLIWACK Dec. 12, 2023 — The Chilliwack Board of Education has censured trustee Heather Maahs over what she says is an apparent refusal to remove a news story from her social media accounts that was considered critical of the school district and its policies.

“The Board of Education hereby issues a formal censure against Trustee Maahs for contravening Policy 130 – Trustee Code of Conduct. This action is taken in response to actions demonstrating her continued public opposition to inclusive practices that are endorsed by the Board of Education,” the formal notice on the SD33 website stated Tuesday evening (Dec. 12).
SD33 trustees met in a special in-camera meeting on Tuesday (Dec. 12) to censure Maahs. The news release from the school district did not elaborate on the specific circumstances involving the censure.
According to Maahs, the censure first began to materialize after she shared a news story from Fraser Valley Today on her Twitter and Facebook accounts that detailed concerns from a Chilliwack parent whose child was given a survey at an SD33 middle school. Maahs said she experienced pushback once she shared the story and did not relent to pressure to remove the social media posts.
The story that Maahs disseminated on her social media accounts featured a Chilliwack family that had concerns about a questionnaire that had been given to their student at a school in Chilliwack in September. The family indicated they weren’t sure what direct relevance it had in relation to mathematics, language arts, science, English, social studies and other subjects. Further, the Chilliwack family expressed concern that parents would not see the survey before students returned it to their respective teachers, and believed parents should know about questionnaires given to students.
The questionnaire that was distributed at a school in Chilliwack queries students about their favourite bands and musical artists, their favourite things to do when they aren’t at school, favourite foods, least favourite foods, favourite movies and TV shows, if they have pets and if yes, what kinds of pets, along with their favourite season, favourite colour, what is one thing that students learned in English and social studies the year prior, and what students hope to learn in English and social studies during the current school year. The questionnaire as provided to Fraser Valley Today asks students for their legal name, their preferred name, suggested pronouns like he/him, she/her or they/them, and whether their preferred name can be shared with others in class, with other teachers, or in emails sent to home parents and guardians.
In response to an inquiry from Fraser Valley Today, Chilliwack School District Superintendent Rohan Arul-Pragasam confirmed in September 2023 that questionnaires are typically given to SD33 students and are common practice.
“Surveys are a common way for a classroom teacher to get to know their students, and the attached survey is no different, all while upholding the principles of the B.C. Human Rights Code,” Arul-pragasam said in an email.
It’s unclear whether the questionnaires are mandatory or optional for students to complete.
The censure marks the second time this year that Maahs has been reprimanded by the school board. Back in March 2023, the Chilliwack Board of Education censured Maahs for a violation of the trustee code of conduct at a special in-camera meeting of the board on Thursday, March 16.
In a statement released by SD33 in March 2023, the Chilliwack School District said the violation involves a duty to support the integrity of the board and its decision-making processes.
“Trustees have an obligation to carry out their duties faithfully, diligently, and in a manner that will inspire public confidence in the ability and the integrity of the board,” the statement from SD33 noted. “Trustees will accept the decisions of the Board and support proposed actions in the implementation of a decision, regardless of holding an opposing position in debate or casting an opposition vote.”
The statement indicated that Maahs did not uphold those responsibilities in her support of a campaign against staff-selected learning resources in the district, and in her opposition to a student-led event conducted in accordance with the core values promoted by the school district.
“It is expected that trustees will listen and work to be responsive to the concerns of community members; however, being seen to campaign with community members against the decisions of the board and district staff, and the actions of district staff and of students, is inconsistent with board policy,” the statement continued.
SD33 said in March 2023 that its next step would involve the hiring of an external facilitator to help the board in achieving this goal.
“The Board is committed to building board cohesion to support good governance,” the SD33 statement concluded.
by Mike Vanden Bosch
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Chilliwack, BC school trustee candidates explain why they’re against gender ideology in schools
Schools are Out Of Control – Heather Maahs, Barry Neufeld and Tasha Fishman
What Books?
Pierre Barns Website
More on School Board Trustee Heather Maahs
SD33 trustee hopes to enshrine parental and guardian rights policy
Jan 25, 2023 | 2:33 PM
CHILLIWACK — A Chilliwack school board trustee hopes to introduce a parental and guardian rights policy at an upcoming board meeting as early as next month.
In a note on her public trustee account on Facebook Wednesday afternoon (Jan. 25), Trustee Heather Maahs said she posted a notice of motion at the SD33 Board of Education meeting on January 17.
The draft motion, according to Maahs, acknowledges that the “rights of parents and guardians need to be enshrined in policy, recognizing that parents are their child’s first educator(s), respecting their parental authority, and recognizing their rights and responsibility to participate in their child’s education.”
The policy will incorporate previous guidelines under Policy 530, addressing homeschooling, and Policy 902, dealing with volunteering.
The draft motion further calls for, but is not limited to, the following:
* The right to volunteer in their child’s school (in accordance with SD Regulation 902.1)
* The right to access information regarding their child’s activities in school
* The right to view all their child’s files, to challenge any information, and if necessary, use the appeals process (in accordance with Bylaw 4).
* The right to having full access to all resources, curriculum and/or reading material in schools
* The right to determine what subject matter is appropriate for their child
*The right to be consulted when interventions from outside agencies or regular school activities are being considered
* The right to be provided with letter grades and/or the academic status of their child, upon request
* The right to homeschool their child with support of the school district, in accordance with legislated requirements
Maahs said the school board will seek the support of the District Parent Advisory Council and consult with individual PACs on this new policy.
She cited rationale embedded in a provincial document from the Ministry of Education. The title of the document is “Mandate for the School System, Province of British Columbia.”
“Parents have the right and responsibility to participate in the process of determining the educational goals, policies and services provided for their children. They have a primary responsibility to ensure that children are provided with the healthy and supporting environment necessary for learning. They have a responsibility to help shape and support the goals of the school system and to share in the tasks of educating their young,” Maahs wrote on her Facebook page.
by Mike Vanden Bosch
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Visit Heather Maahs official SD33 fb page:
Trustee Heather Maahs challenges SD33 board censure
Mar 21, 2023 | 8:14 AM
CHILLIWACK — Chilliwack school board trustee Heather Maahs is defending herself after the Chilliwack Board of Education censured her last week.
The Chilliwack School District released a statement last Friday, March 17 that said Maahs did not uphold certain responsibilities in her support of a campaign against staff-selected learning resources in the district, and in her opposition to a student-led event conducted in accordance with the core values promoted by the school district.
SD33 notified every employee in the Chilliwack School District via email about the decision to censure Maahs. They also posted the notice on its website, and distributed it to media outlets in the Lower Mainland.
In response to the censure, Maahs said she felt it was necessary to issue a statement.
“I find it necessary to release this statement to defend my reputation and character as a longstanding trustee,” Maahs said. “At the public board meeting held on February 7, policies were debated and discussed, with the public expressing their opinions on books in schools that contained sexually explicit content. The chair was unwilling to hear opinions contrary to her own and cut the microphone on the public and myself on several occasions during that meeting. These actions sparked outrage from the public and subsequently the Board received approximately 400 emails objecting to the Chair’s conduct and the Board’s approval allowing books with sexually explicit content in our schools.”
At that school board meeting on February 7, former trustee Dr. Darrell Furgason clashed with current school board chair Willow Reichelt and repeatedly pressed the school district, while he spoke at the podium, for answers about the legality of sexually explicit materials in SD33. Furgason had his microphone cut by Reichelt (near end of above video).
Reichelt argued that Furgason’s claims that there were sexually explicit materials in SD33 were not true and constituted defamatory statements.
Following the meeting, SD33 trustees received hundreds of emails from constituents in Chilliwack as well as individuals living throughout B.C. over a span of several weeks.
Maahs said the school board singled her out unjustifiably for the avalanche of emails.
“As a result, without a fair process, the board decided that I was responsible for the public reaction and have censured me,” Maahs said. “I have always been a strong advocate for reading and I will continue to support and advocate for reading and the development of strong skills for all our students. I believe in the important role of parents and parents’ rights in advocating for their children.”
SD33 says its next step involves the hiring of an external facilitator to help the board in achieving this goal.
“The Board is committed to building board cohesion to support good governance,” the SD33 statement concluded.
by Mike Vanden Bosch, Shared from
More On School Board Trustee Willow Reichelt & Chilliwack’s SD Policy 130- Trustee Code of Conduct
According to the Robert’s Rules of Order; the Chilliwack’s SD Policy 130- Trustee Code of Conduct; and the BCSTA’s professional standards, Trustee Willow Reichelt, Board Chair, is in breach of her duties.
Part 1: Call to Action: School Board Trustees Must be Held Accountable
Part 2: School Board Chair Reichelt: Malicious and Willful Misconduct?
The book read in the above video is called “Identical”.

Willow Reichelt, SD33 School Trustee: Aug. 17, 2022
No one advocating book banning in 2022 has any business being involved in public education. We are suppose to be teaching students to think critically and preparing them for the adult world. Our trained educators are skilled at choosing resources that address relevant topics and that cover the wide range of life experiences that make up our community. The Board trusts our staff to make these decisions, which is why our policy on resourced delegates resource selection to these educators.
There is a movement afoot in the USA to ban books with LGBTQ+ and anti-racist content from schools. There are people in Chilliwack who would like to see this regressive, anti-intellectual movement spread to LGBTQ+ or BIPOC content. The book banners claim to be about protecting children, but make no mistake: This is an explicitly racist and anti-LGBTQ+ agenda.
I encourage everyone to read banned books. (Reviews of books in Chilliwack schools here.) Think about what’s in the books and why someone might not want you to read them. Do they actually have your best interest at heart, or are they trying to suppress ideas that they don’t like? Look at who is advocating book banning. What is their history? Are they people who have been advocating for things that will make the world a better place, or are they people who have been dedicated to trampling other people’s rights? Have the book banners actually read the books, or are they basing their opinion on passages taken out of context?
BC Conservative MLA Bruce Banman Reads “Eleonor & Park” In BC Legislature

Dr James Lindsay explains the Fraud of Diversity and Inclusion.
Visit Willow Reichelt’s official SD33 fb page

More on School Board Trustee Dr Carin Bondar & Chilliwack’s SD Policy 130- Trustee Code of Conduct
On October 23, 2023 Dr. Carin Bondar a Trustee of School District 33 in Chilliwack British Columbia publicly published a video name calling and putting down parents and guardians, not only in her own area, but across Canada. Why? Because they want parental inclusion in their children’s educational experience.
Watch as Emily Duggan from Moms Against The Norm reacts to Bondar’s video, it is well worth 14 minutes.
More links
Visit Dr Carin Bondar’s official SD33 fb page
Drea Humphrey reports on the defamation case put forward by Chilliwack District 33 trustee Carin Bondar against a former colleague, Barry Neufeld, who referred to her as a “striptease artist” for videos she’s posted online.
Visit Rebel News for more on this story ►
Follow this link to more “Wild Sex” Videos featuring Chilliwack School Board Trustee Dr Carin Bondar.
More on School Board Trustee Teri Westerby & Chilliwack’s SD Policy 130- Trustee Code of Conduct
Teri is the president and one of the founding members of the Chilliwack Pride Society, a facilitator of the Gender Support Network, the secretary of the Downtown Chilliwack Community Market Society and the chair of the Sexuality and Gender Equity Committee through Chilliwack Healthier Communities. He also works for UNited Way of British Columbia as a Community Builder for Sardis.

Teri is making history as the first-ever openly transgender man to run for Canadian municipal politics. Teri is thought to be potentially BC’s first-ever openly transgender school board trustee candidate and the second Canada-wide (the first being Lyra Evans from the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, who is seeking re-election this fall).
“We, the undersigned, in light of the hateful and bigoted Facebook post by Chilliwack School District (SD33) Trustee Teri Westerby,”…..”formally demand the immediate resignation of Teri Westerby, who, by this malicious, and inflammatory post, has marginalized, stigmatized, and possibly endangered a sizable group of the very students whom SD33 is responsible for protecting and supporting.”
Promoting Drag Queen Events For Minors | The board’s chair, Willow Reichelt, who has earned a reputation for arbitrarily silencing concerns related to sexually explicit books in schools and biological males in female spaces, eventually came to Westerby’s defense with an apology posted to social media.
Visit Rebel News for more on this story ►
Teri Westerby Conflict of Interest.. School Trustee or Marketing Director of Chilliwack Pride Society

Di Armani, a grandmother and former school employee, began her time in the meeting by saying that trustee Teri Westerby had brought forward a motion about flying a pride flag during pride month, despite being the director of marketing for the local pride society.
Our minors are subjected to this philosophy every school day.
Visit Teri Westerby’s official SD33 fb page
Email Addresses:
SD33 Trustees
Willow Reichelt, Chair
Carin Bondar, Vice Chair
Heather Maahs
Richard Procee
Margaret Reid
David Swankey
Teri Westerby
SD33 Superintendents
Rohan Arul-Pragasam
Assistant Superintendent
David Manuel
Assistant Superintendent
Kirk Savage
Assistant Superintendent
Paula Jordan
Municipal Politicians
Chilliwack Mayor: Ken Popove
Councillor: Bud Mercer
Councillor: Chris Kloot
Councillor: Harv Westeringh
Councillor: Jason Lum
Councillor: Jeff Shields
Councillor: Nicole Read
MLA’s & MP
Dan Coulter
(604) 702-5214
Laurie Throness
Kelli Paddon
Mark Strahl Member Federal Parliament
Understanding the Difference Between LGB People and this SOGI LGBTQ+ Agenda

Visit Gays Against Grooming Canada
We are a group of gays and others from across Canada, who support every person’s right to pursue happiness, no matter what path they are on. However, we wish to make a public stand against the sexualization and medicalization of minors.
Visit our Rumble
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Thinking about volunteering with us? Email us.
To be clear. When people use the acronym LGBTQ+ (including those with more letters and numbers), they are referring to a WELL FUNDED political AGENDA.
The LGB&T people are not in anyway connected to this activism. LGB&T people have had their reputations hijacked by this Queering movement, just like what BLM did with the black community.
Take a good look at why communities are trying to get SOGI (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity) resources out of our children, youth and minor’s lives.
SD33: A Directory of Schools, Services & People to Contact in the Chilliwack School District 2023/24
The email format to contact most people is: