JCCF: Canadians challenge Prime Minister’s decision to prorogue Parliament: “no reasonable justification”.
Justice Center for Constitutional Freedom

Our Parliament should not be prorogued without reasonable justification.

In these uncertain times, our elected representatives must be able to make decisions for the good of the country.

Parliament is the voice of Canadians. Parliament is a necessary check on government overreach.

Parliament should never be shut down to serve the interests of any one political party, or to shield a government from democratic accountability.

We, the undersigned, call upon the Prime Minister of Canada to reverse the prorogation and re-open Parliament immediately.

Sign the Re-Open Parliament Petition Here

TORONTO: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is providing lawyers on an urgent basis to two Canadians, David MacKinnon and Aris Lavranos, seeking a Federal Court declaration that Prime Minister Trudeau’s recent prorogation of Parliament is unreasonable and must be set aside.

When Parliament is prorogued, the parliamentary session is terminated, and all parliamentary activity, including work on bills and in committees, immediately stops.

Among its many grounds arguing that Trudeau’s decision to advise the Governor General to exercise her prerogative power to prorogue Parliament to March 24, 2025, this application argues that the decision to prorogue Parliament was “incorrect, unreasonable or both.” The court application, filed today, contends that the Prime Minister’s decision to prorogue “was not made in furtherance of Parliamentary business or the business of government, but in service of the interests of the LPC [Liberal Party of Canada].”

At his news conference yesterday, on January 6, 2025, the Prime Minister’s stated justification for the prorogation was (1) to “reset” Parliament and (2) to permit the Liberal Party of Canada time to select a new party leader. No explanation was provided as to why Parliament could not recess instead. No explanation was provided as to why Members of Parliaments could not immediately exercise their right to vote on a motion of non-confidence in the government. A majority of MPs have now repeatedly promised to do just that, which would trigger an election and provide the needed “reset” in a democratic and legitimate way.

No explanation was provided as to why a prorogation of almost three months is needed. No explanation was provided as to why the Liberal Party of Canada ought to be entitled to such a lengthy prorogation simply so it can hold an internal leadership race.

This Federal Court application includes language taken from a decision of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, which ruled in 2019 that then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson had prorogued Parliament unlawfully, as a means of avoiding Parliamentary scrutiny over the government’s “Brexit” negotiations concerning the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union.

The application contends, among other things, that “in all of the circumstances surrounding it, the [prorogation] has the effect of frustrating or preventing, without reasonable justification, the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions as a legislature and as the body responsible for the supervision of the executive, particularly insofar as it relates to Parliament’s ability to deal quickly and decisively with especially pressing issues, such as the situation caused by President-Elect Trump’s stated intention to impose a 25% tariff on all goods entering the United States from Canada.”

“This prorogation stymies the publicly stated intent of a majority of MPs to bring a motion for non-confidence in the government and trigger an election. Prorogation serves the interests of the Liberal Party, but it does not further Parliamentary business or the business of government. It violates the constitutional principles of Parliamentary sovereignty and Parliamentary accountability,” stated lawyer James Manson. “We will invite the Court to conclude that the Prime Minister’s decision to advise the Governor General to prorogue Parliament was without reasonable justification.”

Applicant David MacKinnon feels strongly about this case. He stated, “This case concerns a living tree – our Constitution – and how that living tree withers without proper care. If we are to fight tyranny – for it is tyranny that confronts us – we must find the answer within the memory of our historical past. We call this memory ‘the common law.’ It is enshrined in the preamble of our constitution. The common law is the repository and guarantor of our justice and our wealth and happiness. Had we nurtured our living tree, and looked to our past, we would have read Lord Denning’s admonishment to the Attorney General of an earlier time: ‘Be ye never so high, the law is above you.’”

Shared from https://www.jccf.ca/canadians-challenge-prime-ministers-decision-to-prorogue-parliament-no-reasonable-justification/

Lawyer Lisa

Lisa Miron (Lawyer Lisa) stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone to blow the whistle on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s seizing control of the Canadian government. While government/corporate controlled media is reporting that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has stated his intent to resign, instead he has seized control of the Canadian government. The Governor General ( a Trudeau appointee) approved the Prime Minister’s request to prorogue Parliament.

Breaking: Justin Trudeau Seizes Control of Canadian Government, Becomes Dictator by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Lisa Miron on Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 53

Read on Substack

This effectively canceled parliament blocking an election to replace Trudeau. Parliament may not return till March and this could be extended until May. With no legislature Canada’s bureaucratic state has been implementing unpopular laws that have not passed parliament such as a 75% capital gains tax. It is possible that Trudeau may implement other unpopular laws that have not passed recently, such as an anti free speech bill that would allow him to arrest political opposition.

In addition to whatever whims Trudeau may seek to implement there is great concern that Dictator Trudeau will declare a public health emergency to maintain power indefinitely and further globalist goals.

Lawyer Lisa has written an open letter to the governor general speaking out against the newly created dictatorship.

Please watch and share this video. Canada is in trouble.

Dr. Joseph Sansone is a psychotherapist opposed to psychopathic authoritarianism.

Mind Matters and Everything Else is 100% independent. If you appreciate my writing and advocacy and would like to support it, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription or making a donation of any amount. Donations may be sent c/o Joseph Sansone, 27499 Riverview Center Boulevard, Bonita Springs, Florida 34134, United States, or make an online donation on Ko-Fi here.

Shared from https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/breaking-justin-trudeau-seizes-control

The following interviews, gathered here in one place for you, will explain different aspects of the state of Canada, now that Trudeau has Prorogued Parliament.

Justin Trudeau is OUT as liberal leader and Prime Minister of Canada but don’t get your hopes up too soon!

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth reveals who he thinks will be the next Prime Minister of Canada while also reminding the viewers that democracy has become an illusion of choice.
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Press For Truth Website

“DO NOT BE FOOLED: Trudeau has not resigned!

At first glance, it looks like Justin Trudeau resigned this morning as prime minister. That’s the big headline. And looking at the sad faces on the CBC, you’d think it was a funeral.

But it’s not true. Trudeau is still the prime minister. And he will be for many months to come.

If you listen carefully to what he said, he’ll resign only after the Liberal Party elects its new leader. But that could be many months in the future.

And, to make sure no-one kicks him out, he’s convinced the Governor General to “prorogue” Parliament — that means all Parliamentary business is suspended. No debates, no votes, no question period. All pending legislation is vapourized. Trudeau escapes any scrutiny or accountability.

Most importantly, MPs won’t be able to vote non-confidence in him.

He’s at 16% in the polls, his own MPs despise him, but he says he’s going to hang on to power and all the perks of being prime minister as long as he can.

Even when Parliament comes back on March 24th, he didn’t say he’d resign then.

He’s still probably scheming with the NDP to get them to prop him up, as they always do.

In other words, nothing has actually changed, other than Trudeau has managed to avoid taking responsibility, yet again. (In his self-serving speech today, he didn’t take any responsibility. He blamed “internal battles” in his own party. He thinks he’s done nothing wrong — ever.)

But he’s not done. In fact, expect a flurry of activity. Trudeau will be appointing every crony, every pal, every donor to lucrative patronage positions. He’ll be signing massive sole-source contracts to friends. Passing insane executive orders. He’s going to raid the treasury like never before. And he’ll shred incriminating documents and delete emails like Hillary Clinton on speed.

But there’s something else that’s dangerous: the Liberal Party’s shocking membership rules allow foreign citizens, and teenagers as young as 14, to vote to choose the new leader. That’s how the Chinese Communist Party infiltrated 11 different ridings in the last election. And I just saw a prominent Hamas supporter, Mohamed Fakih, ordering his troops to sign up to the Liberal Party en masse.

It’s disgusting that foreign activists will be able to pick our prime minister before the rest of us are allowed to exercise our rights as citizens in an election.

The entire country is being put second while Trudeau puts himself and his Liberal cronies first.

What a disgrace. And it’s absolutely damaging to Canada. All of this is happening just days before Donald Trump is sworn in as president. Trump has threatened massive tariffs against Canada if we don’t strengthen our border to stop illegal drugs and migrants from entering the U.S.

We have a lame-duck prime minister with no mandate, no public support and no Parliament. Trudeau and Trump hate each other. We’re going to be devoured.

So what can we do?

Here’s what we’re going to do:

1. Put pressure on the Governor General and Trudeau’s lame-duck government

The Governor General should never have allowed Trudeau to prorogue Parliament. She needs to realize we’re in a government crisis and the business of the country cannot take a back seat to the private interests of the Liberal Party.

We’re going to deploy our Rebel News digital billboard truck to Ottawa to send a message to Trudeau — and to the spineless GG for obeying him.

We’re also going to ramp up our petition at www.CallTheElection.ca, which is already closing in on [12,000] names. We’ll deliver that to the GG, and to Trudeau.

Continue Reading https://www.rebelnews.com/campaign_2025

Ezra Levant urges caution to Alex Jones after Trudeau’s ‘resignation’

Following Justin Trudeau’s resignation as leader of the Liberal Party, Ezra Levant tells Alex Jones why the prime minister still has at least three months to potentially abuse his power.

Sign the Rebel News Petition here if you haven’t yet.


David Krayden & Stand on Guard

Trudeau’s resignation was a huge drama today, but is it really over? Uncover the hidden agenda behind this political bombshell. The delusion has lifted. Reality is descending. Justin Trudeau is leaving. The only question now is how soon can we get to a federal election that will rid Canada of the corrupt, inept and rapacious government that Trudeau fronted.

Find David Krayden’s videos here.


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