September 26, 2024. Tonight we hear from former candidate and Pastor Derek Reimer.

Derek has just had a couple of victories in his resistance against the ongoing abuse of children through “Trani-time story hours” and I wanted folks to know the story, says Wayne of What’s Up Canada.

Pastor Derek Reimer Found Not Guilty in Drag Queen Story Time Protest Incident

Sept. 24, 2024

Pastor Derek Reimer of Mission 7 Ministries appeared in court on Tuesday, facing charges of mischief and causing a disturbance stemming from a February 2023 incident at a “Reading with Royalty” drag queen story time event at Seton Public Library.

The incident drew significant attention after a video was widely circulated online, in which parents can be seen aggressively escorting Reimer out of the event.

On May 6 of this year, the judge opted to bypass further proceedings regarding these charges and set the verdict date for July 2. This date was later postponed and rescheduled for September 24.

After a lengthy battle for Reimer and his legal team, Calgary judge Allan Fradsham ruled that Reimer’s actions were inconsiderate and disrespectful of others but did not cross the line into criminal behaviour.

The judge stated that while Reimer caused emotional distress, it did not amount to a disturbance since the workers were able to continue their “Reading with Royalty” presentation.

Furthermore, outside of the programming room, there is no evidence that people were prevented from normal use of the library space.

Pastor Reimer’s legal defence has been crowdfunded through Rebel News viewers in partnership with The Democracy Fund, a registered Canadian charity. Reimer was initially represented by lawyer Ben Allison but is now being defended by Andrew MacKenzie.

Reimer is still facing further charges for allegedly breaching his conditions along with a harassment charge. Rebel News will cover that case when it happens on November 28.

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The Ruling:


UPDATE: December 24, 2024

Pastor Derek Reimer Sentenced to 12 Months House Arrest

Reimer was found guilty in August of criminal harassment and four counts of breaching bail conditions for his efforts to protest a drag-themed read-aloud program for children hosted by Saddletowne Public Library.

Pastor Derek Reimer of Mission 7 Ministries in Calgary appeared in court for sentencing November 27, 2024, after being found guilty in August of criminal harassment and four counts of breaching bail conditions.

The criminal harassment charges stem from a conversation Reimer had with Saddletowne Public Library service delivery manager Shannon Slater.

Reimer approached the library manager to ask why the library was hosting events where adults dressed in drag read books to children, often encouraging the children’s exploration of sexual identity and promoting non-traditional values. Slater declined to engage in the conversation and asked Reimer to leave, which he did without hesitation. During the brief exchange, Reimer mentioned that he would likely return to protest.

Reimer published this brief interaction on social media, urging others to voice their disapproval towards this manager for allowing such events to occur. Slater argued that this should fall within the scope of criminal harassment. However, during the sentencing arguments held November 28, the Crown Prosecutor was forced to admit that Slater had declined to submit a victim impact statement. 

Today, December 23, Justice Molle delivered Reimer’s sentence, which includes the following:

  • A $500 fine
  • 47 days credit against a 1-day sentence for breach of conditions
  • 12 months conditional sentence, or, in other words, house arrest
  • 2 years probation

Some of the terms include:

  • No contact with Shannon Slater or any known participator at a Reading with Royalty event, or contact with any LGBTQ+ person unless by approval by his supervisor
  • Must write a letter of apology to Shannon Slater
  • Banned within 300m of a public library on days with a scheduled Reading with Royalty event
  • Must complete an anger management course and provide proof of counselling
  • 100 hours of community service work
  • Prohibited from entertaining friends at his personal home
  • Must remain in the province of Alberta unless granted approval

Reimer is permitted to participate in religious services outside of his home upon approval by his supervisor. 

Rebel News has been crowdfunding Pastor Derek Reimer’s legal expenses through a partnership with The Democracy Fund. Help Pastor Derek cover his legal fees by visiting or filling out the form below.

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Derek Sloan
As I shared in an e-mail earlier this year, Pastor Derek Reimer made national news after being arrested for peacefully protesting a Drag Queen Story event at a Calgary Public Library that was geared to children ages 6-8 years old in February of 2023.

Pastor Derek was physically thrown out of the event by other attendees. Instead of the people who grabbed Derek being charged with assault or battery, Pastor Derek was arrested and re-arrested 3 times in 5 weeks, ultimately spending 43 days in jail. Derek has received multiple criminal charges and by-law tickets totaling thousands of dollars.

According to Derek, in the following weeks, he protested at other libraries, and was successful in shutting down about 15 events.

Derek received multiple criminal charges for his various protests, which were slotted into three separate criminal trials. He was actually acquitted from the charges stemming from his February protest at Seaton Public Library (which I told you the Crown is appealing), but during an innocuous conversation with a library manager at a different Drag Story Hour event, he was charged with Criminal Harassment. This was a 12 second exchange where he told the manager as a Calgary taxpayer he disapproved of the Drag Story hour event. Derek was convicted on that charge late August 2024.

He had his sentencing hearing the end of November 2024, but didn’t hear the results of that hearing until 2 days before Christmas! On December 23rd, Derek received his huge lump of coal for Christmas – 1 year house arrest, and 2 additional years of probabtion.

This unexpected news is extremely troubling. Pastor Derek will need your help to appeal this conviction.

Pastor Derek has courageously stood against the agenda to expose children to confusing gender ideologies and inappropriate adult content.

Help Pastor Derek mount an appeal! Please click below to support!


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