“The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress. The shift by the Energy Department, which previously was undecided on how the virus emerged, is noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office,” reported The Wall Street Journal.

Dr. Li-Meng Yan is a virologist who was working at a World Health Organization reference lab in Hong Kong during the onset of the pandemic but fled to the United States in April 2020, claiming that the Chinese government covered up the initial outbreak of COVID-19.

She “was assigned as a secret investigator to probe COVID-19, which was being called the ‘Wuhan pneumonia’ at the time. However, she said she was warned by her supervisor, Dr. Leo Poon, not to ask too many questions. She was told not to touch the ‘red-line’ or else face the consequences from the CCP.” — Fox News

See The Full
House Select Subcommittee Hearing on Origins of COVID-19 Virus

Before her escape, Yan claimed that her husband attempted to “harm” her in various ways, including poisoning, to stop her from fleeing the country. She’s been met with harsh criticism and backlash, like other dissenting voices, speaking in contrast to the mainstream narrative. Here’s what she had to say on Tucker Carlson Tonight back in September 2020:

Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci must be arrested and held accountable, says Ben Marble, MD. CorollaVirus™LivesMatter

“This virus, SARS‑CoV‑2, actually is not from nature. I work with the top Coronavirus virologists in the world. So together, with my experience, I can tell you [that] this was created in a lab. This is from that template owned by the Chinese military. And also, it is spread to the world to make such damage.”

“To make such damage?” Tucker Carlson asked. “Do you believe the Chinese government released this intentionally — on purpose? Did they do this?”

“Yes, of course. It is intentional,” responded. Dr. Li-Meng Yan.

Tucker asked, “You [Dr. Li-Meng Yan] once worked for the government of China. Today we’re hearing in this leak to the Wall Street Journal that it was accidental. Do you believe this leak was accidental or intentional?”

“It was not an accident,” answered Dr. Li-Meng Yan. “Maybe for people who don’t have this kind of biosafety lab 3 or 4 experience on coronavirus — maybe it’s easy for them to accept [that this was an] accident or lab leak. However, I’m the scientist working in the research lab using coronavirus, and I can tell you, based on the protocol and also other surveillance systems, it would be impossible for the lab leak [to] accidentally happen in the research lab and cause the Wuhan outbreak and also the pandemic. … It was from China’s lab, and we need to pursue the truth of [the] origin. And we need to keep going on.”

“We know the Chinese government allowed its infected citizens to travel in huge groups to Western Europe in the early days of the pandemic. That was intentional,” commented Tucker Carlson. “But you believe the whole thing? They came up with this virus, and they unleashed it on the world to destroy the western economies and to elevate their own position globally?”

“The one thing I want to emphasize is, based on the evidence and the source I have, that the virus was intentionally brought out of this strict lab and released in the community,” responded Dr. Li-Meng Yan. “However, I don’t think the outbreak in Wuhan was intentional. I would say it was because [the] CCP government and the military scientists underestimated the transmissibility (of the virus). That’s why [it] finally got out of control and caused a local outbreak. However, we should know that the CCP government [intended] to let it go all over the world to kill millions of people all over the world later.”

Tucker closed the segment by saying, “We just have to hope and pray that you will be interviewed by many other journalists in this country over the coming weeks now that this [lab leak] has been confirmed. You’re an eyewitness to it. You have, I think, a credible story to tell, and I really hope you’re no longer ignored. I appreciate your coming on.”

Thoughts: While Dr. Li-Meng Yan pins a lot of the blame directly on the CCP, there seems to be no doubt, as evidenced by the behavior of the Western world in lockstep, that they are at least complicit in, what Tucker Carlson calls, “the greatest crime in history.”

More here https://dailyclout.io/eyewitness-ccp-unleashed-covid-19-on-the-world-to-destroy-western-economies-and-kill-millions/

Tucker Carlson Feb 27/23 Full Show

McCaul on Report Corroborating His Investigation Concluding COVID-19 Pandemic Originated at Wuhan Lab

Press Release 02.26.23 Media Contact 202-225-5021

Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul released the following statement in response to the Department of Energy (DOE) assessment that concludes the COVID-19 pandemic was most likely caused by a lab leak in China. Their report reiterates the same finding in Chairman McCaul’s report from August 2021, which found a preponderance of the evidence proved the virus was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

“A year and a half ago, after conducting an extensive investigation, I released a report concluding the preponderance of the evidence proved the coronavirus was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology because of dangerously unsafe conditions at the lab, and that the release turned into the global COVID-19 pandemic because the Chinese Communist Party focused on covering up their mistake instead of warning the world. While I wish it had happened sooner, I’m pleased the Department of Energy has finally reached the same conclusion that I had already come to. I have requested a full and thorough briefing from the administration on this report and the evidence behind it. Now is the time for the entire Biden administration to join the Department of Energy, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the majority of Americans by publicly concluding what common sense told us at the start – the COVID-19 pandemic originated from a lab leak in Wuhan, China. It is critical the administration also begin to work immediately with our partners and allies around the world to both hold the CCP accountable and to put in place updated international regulations to ensure something like this cannot happen again.”

Shared from https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/press-release/mccaul-on-report-corroborating-his-investigation-concluding-covid-19-pandemic-originated-at-wuhan-lab/

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