| Kits House Vancouver | Terryberry Hamilton Public Library | Protect Childhood Innocence |
Families with children ages 3-10 years old are invited. Two performers from Story Telling with Drag Queens will read stories and perform to music for an audience of children and families. There will be room at the end for a Q & A session with the audience. Public information: FRONTDESK@KITSHOUSE.ORG
- November 25th, 3:00-4:00 pm (Doors open at 2:45)
- @ Kits House – 2305 West 7th Ave – Heritage Hall
- No Cost
- Families with children ages 3-10 years old are invited
- Performers: Satanix and Tara Beladi

Action4Canada Call to ACTION
According to Section 163.1 of the Criminal Code, it is an indictable offense liable to imprisonment, to exploit or expose minors to any form of pornography or sexually explicit material or activities.
Join the protest outside the Kits House on November 25th at 2pm.
Address: 2305 West 7th Ave – Heritage Hall
Also, Contact Kits House by phone and politely but firmly demand that they cancel this event.
Phone # 604.736.3588
Take Action! Serve Kits House an Action4Canada SOGI/CSE Notice of Liability demanding children not be exposed to drag queens.
Tell them you don’t appreciate the
grooming of your children.
Shared from
Drag Queen SLAMS Woke Culture
For Exposing Children To Drag Shows
Storytelling with Drag Queens is Canada’s premiere Drag Storytime! This is the organization behind this, who are GROOMING OUR KIDS in Canada. Email them. There are many email addresses within this page. Click them.

World Vancouver: Sponsors Drag Queen Story Time events around BC, “Storytelling with Drag Queens is back in person and online. We are so excited to have them reading some of your favourite children’s books.” Dr. Bonnie Nish. Below is public information, gathered from the internet:
Dr. Bonnie Nish is World Vancouver Director.
Email Her blnish@pandorascollective.com
International Center of Arts and Technology IS basically representing Drag Queen Story Time.
Publicly Gathered Information @ Satanix:
@satanix.official on ig

Satanix (Nikki Barnes) – Drag Camp – Story – The Name I call Myself -“I hate myself, I’m embarrassed”
This book is marketed to 7 year olds.
“Should I be male or female? Should I change some part of my body?” -song
Drag Camp for Kids nurtures next generation of queens and kings [Nurture=Grooming] Featuring: Tara Beladi (“Terrible Lady”)

Shared from https://www.storytellingwithdragqueens.com/
News Coverage of Kits House Drag Queen Story Hour
James Loewen reporting as Bonobo3D
Rebel News
Groomer Schools Series 1 & 2
The Long Cultural Marxist History of Sex Education
Queer Futurity & The Sexual Abuse of Your Children
Groomer Schools Series 3 & 4
The Creation of An American Red Guard
Drag Queen Story Hour
Moms Against The Indoctrination of Kids
Gays Against Groomers raising money to travel to and organize events.
We know that it is going to take those of us within the community to finally put an end to this madness.
Please consider giving your support!
Drag Queen Story Time 4 Children & SOGI Research Funding

I’m the woman whom James has mentioned in his video “Protect Childhood Innocence”, and in the Rebel News Report (tearful) who drove all the way from Chilliwack to rally against this event. I’m lesbian and belong to our LGBTQ2+ communities. I have 4 adult children, and 13 grandchildren. The group of people who showed up for this rally, were in no-way protesting against the the LGBTQ2+ community or lifestyle. They came as concerned friends, neighbours and Canadians who want to help people of all communities, to understand that having drag performers entertain 3 to 10 year old children, is not the plight of LGBTQ2+ communities and is in fact grooming of children through drag pedagogy. Drag queen story hour was the creation of a queer woman in San Francisco, Michelle Tea (Michelle Tomasik) , who wanted to connect her toddler with queer culture.
Soon afterwards, the concept was HIJACKED, (like Black Lives Matter has been hijacked by George Soros through him throwing millions at it through his Open Society Foundation: the Washington Times.), by more established organizations and is used to teach children to ‘live queerly’, as it has become the ‘pathway’ into queer culture, though early childhood education.
Drag has gone from being marginalized entertainment in night clubs and gay bars, to being moved into the ‘center’ and is being performed at libraries and in this case a “neighbourhood support house”; due to it’s commodification by capitalism and the global elites. There is a lot of money being funnelled quickly into ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/10/with-books-and-jewels-drag-queens-teach-children-tolerance/
This money has come from various organizations, who are also connected with the World Economic Forum, the same non-elected elitists who have brought us the pandemic of the past 2 years, a ‘vakcine’ that is harming far more people then it’s helped, and will be bringing us… the social credit score, global digital ID & international vakcine passports, that the G20 has just announced. https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/uploads/5cd9fc48-6d31-4be6-922b-5ada3bcd7158/advancing-trans*-movements-worldwide-20140917.pdf
This also includes the sogi learning rhetoric: pronoun suggestions and gender confusion, in schools that is normalizing; or playing on; or introducing our children to feelings of marginalization while they are still at various stages of their innocence, learning processes and fun-time exploration discovering their world. Drag queen story times bring queer confusion to children, prior to them being mature enough to compartmentalize it properly. Autistic kids and learning disabled kids may become even more confused.
I noticed some of Kit’s House supporters are WEF partnered companies. Supporters on this page https://www.kitshouse.org/
Vancouver Foundations https://www.vancouverfoundation.ca/about-us/partnerships/
gets funding from United Way BC: https://www.weforum.org/organizations/united-way-worldwide
BC Government (Our tax dollars) https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/organizational-structure/ministries-organizations/ministries/children-and-family-development
KPMG https://www.weforum.org/organizations/kpmg-international-cooperative
BC Council for Families, one of their supporters is the Royal Bank: https://www.weforum.org/organizations/rbc-financial-group
Vancouver Coastal Health: Advertising c19vaks for 6 months to 4 years old.
I went to the rally against the Kits House, Drag Queen Story Hour, to bring awareness to some of these details that I’ve researched. People who think they are collectively, freely promoting the education of our children, by, (for example), men dressed as sexualized women, as a progressive, inclusive fun event, may actually have been indoctrinated to think this is a healthy step forward… when in fact it is just part of a globalist agenda, to promote things, like our children, turning away from their own parents and families, towards a new ‘drag family’ – or priming them to accept SOGI-123 school agenda, that perhaps will lead to their sterilization, and castration, leading to child/youth transgenderism. This is about queer activism, and NOT children.
There is so much to try to share with people to help the ‘advocates’ to understand, that this is grooming children, and needs to stop. This is not hate speech towards LGBTQ2+ This IS keeping our children safe. I enjoy adult drag queens and performances, where children are not invited nor in attendance. I have many trans friends, who transitioned as full adults, made the decision to be sterile as adults. I understand that Drag Queen Story Hours are criminal based on section 163.1 of the criminal code. I understand that George Soros, funds this ideology through some of his philanthropy organizations https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/01/transgender-rights-how-supportive-is-your-country/
Gays Against Groomers, is helping the LGBTQ2+ communities to understand this politicized movement. They are helping our people with coming back together with love, reminding us of our original fights for equality of family and unity.
TerryBerry Hamilton Public Library Drag Story Time –
Marketed to children 0-4 years old.

Public phone number Terryberry 905-546-3200
Branch Manager: Caitlin Fralick
email: cfralick@hpl.ca
*Children are NOT “gender variant”. These are words used to make normal people feel tricked into supporting this type of Grooming.
Please see the research here.
The Drag Queen at this age 0-4 year old event is: Hexe Noire AKA Christina Scott
email: whosyermom@hotmail.com