Did you know that School District 33 spent an estimated $35,000.00-$40,000.00 to install menstrual dispensers, and an estimated $5000.00 per year for menstrual products to be made available in boys bathrooms from K-12 in the entire district?1 Did you know that the male human body can not menstruate?

If you think this has been a waste of not only tax dollars and man power but also a complete waste of debate time from our leadership; then please join us on Menstrual Mondays by keeping your student/s out of school.

If you have children who are too young to stay home alone while you are at work on these days don’t worry you do have options!

Actions speak louder than words. Let us work together to create an action too loud to ignore. Join us on Menstrual Mondays, keep your student/s home, send a message; we don’t want our children psychologically abused and indoctrinated in our educations system; we don’t want our tax dollars wasted on menstrual products for male spaces when our district has real needs that should be addressed.

We want to be included in the conversation surrounding our children’s educational experience, every aspect of it. We want, parental inclusion in school district 33.

If you would like to file a Freedom of Information Request (FOI) in BC here is the link to do so:
~Emily Duggan of Moms Against The Norm

1* See timestamp 2.27.27 of Chilliwack School District Board Meeting – June 27, 2023 (below)

Menstruation Mondays. Chilliwack School District 33. STUDENT Walkout/Stay Home Dates For 2024

School Walkout Dates 2024 | Sep 20/23 BC Student Walkout Numbers on the Million March 4 Children | Sharable Poster | Chilliwack School Board Approves Menstrual Product Dispensers in Male Washrooms | SD33 Trustee Email Addresses | SD33 2023/24 Staff Directory | Download Sample Letter to Principals | Chilliwack School District Sought More Funding for Menstrual Products in 2023, But B.C. Govt. Didn’t Budge | Chilliwack Videos in Support of Parent’s Rights & “No To SOGI” | Social Media Comments Between School Trustees & Parents | Chilliwack SD33 News | School News From Around Canada

Sep 20/23 Attendance in BC Schools, Compared to Sep 19/23 *1 Million March 4 Children: BC Student Walkout Day Numbers

#SD School DistrictTracking IssuesSep. 20th EventsAbsences Sep 20, Compared to Sep 19th 2023
SD33 ChilliwackMeet at Spadina Parking lot, March to 5 Corners.Chilliwack- Protest remained downtown. Barry Neufeld was present.Higher by 380 (+2.5 % points)
*Data From FOI Request for BC School District Absences Sep. 20th/23 Compared to Sep. 19th/23 *Provided by Emily Duggan of Moms Against The Norm.


Absentee Date Comparison: Sep 13/23, Sep 20/23, Sep 27/23

Please Share The Poster. Parents of School Districts Across Canada Are Invited to Join This Initiative.

Menstrual Mondays. Student walkout / stay home dates for 2024. A monthly event!
Menstrual Mondays. Student walkout / stay home dates for 2024. A monthly event!

Chilliwack school board approves menstrual product dispensers in male washrooms

An informal survey conducted by the school district showed 75 of 80 students in favour.

The Chilliwack school district will be placing menstrual product dispensers in male washrooms in addition to girls and gender-neutral washrooms.

The Chilliwack school board re-affirmed policy 433 (provision of menstrual products) at its June 27 meeting, including an amendment that was suggested by trustee Teri Westerby at the June 13 meeting. Where the previous policy read, in part, “provide for consistent availability and supply of menstrual products in school washrooms,” the amended policy adds the words “specifically in all variations of washrooms (Male, Female, Gender-Neutral).”
(..story continues below videos)

These two SD33 board meetings are where menstrual products in male bathrooms were discussed and approved.

Chilliwack School District Board Meeting – June 13, 2023

Chilliwack School District Board Meeting – June 27, 2023

Concerns have been raised that dispensers might be more vulnerable to vandalism in male washrooms, but trustee Margaret Reid disagreed as she spoke in favour of the amendment.

“I’ve never been a fan of that argument for rainbow crosswalks, for public art murals, for anything,” Reid said. “I don’t think vandalism is ever a good reason to not do the right thing, or to make a place more beautiful or more accessible.”

Reid added that reducing stigma around menstrual products is an important consideration.

SD33 director of transportation and facilities, Al Van Tasel, estimated the cost of adding dispensers to male washrooms at around $15 to 17 thousand. He said the district would investigate using smaller dispensers, which might save a modest amount of money.

Trustee Richard Procee spoke against the amendment.

“I think the cost is high and we already have menstrual products available in other neutral washrooms,” he said. “The addition to male washrooms in particular is not necessary.”

The district did solicit feedback from students at five local middle-secondary schools, and superintendent Rohan Arul-pragasam said 75 of 80 respondents expressed support in an informal survey.

“Last time I was a little hesitant because I wasn’t sure what students would think, and I wasn’t sure if students would want to be accessing these products in male washrooms,” said board chair Willow Reichelt. “But given the fact we’ve done an informal survey that overwhelmingly says they do want this, I will speak in favour of the amendment.”

Shared from https://www.agassizharrisonobserver.com/news/chilliwack-school-board-approves-menstrual-product-dispensers-in-male-washrooms-2018562

SD33 Trustee & Superintendent Email Addresses

SD33 Trustee Email Addresses

Willow Reichelt, Chair

Carin Bondar, Vice Chair

Heather Maahs

Richard Procee

Margaret Reid

David Swankey

Teri Westerby

SD33 Superintendents

Rohan Arul-Pragasam

Assistant Superintendent
Kirk Savage

Assistant Superintendent
Paula Jordan

Municipal Politicians

Chilliwack Mayor: Ken Popove

Councillor: Bud Mercer

Councillor: Chris Kloot

Councillor: Harv Westeringh

Councillor: Jason Lum

Councillor: Jeff Shields

Councillor: Nicole Read

MLA’s & MP

Dan Coulter
(604) 702-5214

Laurie Throness

Kelli Paddon

Mark Strahl Member Federal Parliament

Rachna Singh, BC Education & Child Care Minister

SD33 Superintendent Salaries

Rohan Arul-Pragasam was employed at School District 33 (Chilliwack) in 2022 and received an annual salary of $276,480.00.

Kirk Savage was employed at School District 33 (Chilliwack) in 2022 and received an annual salary of $193,283.00.

Paula Jordan was employed at School District 33 (Chilliwack) in 2022 and received an annual salary of $189,334.00.

*Above, as per the records provided by the Government of British Columbia.

Chilliwack School District #33. Staff Directory 2023/24

The email addresses for most individuals in the district follow the same format: firstname_lastname@sd33.bc.ca .
As there are exceptions, you may get an undeliverable message. If this happens, please contact the individual directly.

Sample Letter to Principals. You have to click the download button to save it, read, edit it.

Chilliwack School District Sought More Funding for Menstrual Products in 2023, But B.C. Govt. Didn’t Budge

Feb. 14. 2024

CHILLIWACK — A July 2023 letter from the B.C. minister of education reveals that the B.C. government did not extend additional financial assistance in response to a request from the chair of the Chilliwack Board of Education for more menstrual products funding. (article continues after board meeting video)

According to a letter dated July 24, 2023, and obtained by Fraser Valley Today, Education Minister Rachna Singh thanked board chair Willow Reichelt for her letter dated June 29, 2023 in which she asked for support in delivering menstrual products, described as “essential resources” by Singh, to SD33 students.

“Thank you for your letter of June 29, 2023, outlining the financial challenges involved in addressing period poverty, particularly in providing menstrual products in schools, and to request support in delivering these essential resources to students,” Singh wrote. “The Ministry of Education and Child Care appreciates the board’s actions in providing barrier-free menstrual products to students of all gender identities or expression at no cost and for creating safe and inclusive learning spaces where all students can be supported to thrive.”

At its meeting on June 27, 2023, Chilliwack school board members approved a motion to send a letter to the education minister and parliamentary secretary for gender equity to communicate the cost pressures associated with addressing period poverty and to ask for support in delivering these supports to students.

Singh noted in her response to Reichelt’s letter that Chilliwack School District was slated to receive $188.6 million in operating and special purpose grants for the 2023-24 school year, an increase of $13.3 million compared to the 2022-23 school year.

Singh also said SD33 had boosted its accumulated operating surplus from $2.9 million in 2019 to $5.7 million, including $3.6 million of unrestricted surplus, as of July 1, 2022. Over the same period of 2019-2022, Singh indicated SD33 had increased its local capital funding from $1.2 million to $5.1 million.

“In accordance with the School Act, the Ministry of Education and Child Care sets education standards and provides funding, while boards of education are responsible for budgetary spending decisions regarding the operation and maintenance of schools within their district,” Singh said. “This includes decisions about the selection of resources, programs, and services offered to their students to deliver the provincial curriculum. As such, the installation and cost of additional menstrual dispensers and stocking these dispensers is a decision for the board of education.”

The cost associated with installing the menstrual product dispensers in all SD33 facilities is an estimated $80,000 capital cost, while the cost to stock them has been pegged at an estimated $40,000, an operational expense.

Shared from https://fraservalleytoday.ca/2024/02/14/chilliwack-school-district-sought-more-funding-for-menstrual-products-in-2023-but-b-c-govt-didnt-budge/

Chilliwack Parent’s Rights Support Videos

Music Video: Sep. 20,2023 1 Million March for Children

Chilliwack SOGI123 Educational Q&A Evening.
Jan. 13/24

Books in Chilliwack/BC Schools & The Recall Rachna Singh Campaign

Go to this link, to peek inside, and read reviews of ‘some of’ the books that were in Chilliwack schools, during the 2022/24 school year. Chilliwack SOGI Book Reviews Including Which Books Are In Which Schools.

Amrit Birring, of Surrey BC opens RCMP file to charge Education Minister Rachna Singh, under the criminal code, section 171.1.
He is also the organizer for the Recall Rachna Singh Campaign.

Visit his fb page here.
Amrit Birring

Social Media Conversations Between Some SD33 School Trustees & Parents

*more information will be posted soon.

SOGI & SD33 News Stories

SD33 Trustee Teri Westerby Promotes Hate Towards Families, Christians & Sanctity of Marriage
Chilliwack Grandmother Sues SD33 School Board For Charter Rights & Freedoms Violations
Chilliwack: Barry Neufeld in Court Defending Against Defamation Lawsuit Brought by Dr Carin Bondar
EMAIL Chilliwack School Trustees: Hold To Account: SOGI Sexually Explicit Learning Materials
Saskatchewan Suspends Planned Parenthood From Presenting In Schools (Email Ministers)
Push Back Against Sexually Explicit Materials In Schools
School Drag Queen Dances & George Soros Indoctrination of Our Children

Trustee Heather Maahs Protects Children, Censured By Chilliwack Board of Education

School News From Across Canada

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