NCI Is Holding Hearings
Nationwide: The National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI) – a citizen-led inquiry into Canada’s response to COVID-19 has finalized its selection of commissioners and is now holding hearings across the country.
Hon. A. Brian Peckford P.C. Speaks Out As To Why He Won’t Attend
- Truro, Nova Scotia, from March 16th to 18th 2023
- Toronto, Ontario, from March 30th to April 1st 2023
- Winnipeg, Manitoba, from April 13th to 15th 2023
- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, from April 20th to 22nd 2023
- Red Deer, Alberta, from April 26th to 28th 2023
- Vancouver, British Columbia, from May 2nd to 5th 2023
- Quebec, City, Quebec, from May 11th to 13th 2023
- Ottawa, Ontario, from May 17th to 19th 2023
Trish Wood Announces
National Citizens Inquiry | Press Release | Meet the New Commissioners | New Spokesperson
Donate to the National Citizens Inquiry

Start watching March 16, 2023. 9am Nova Scotia time.
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Heather DiGregorio
Heather DiGregorio is a senior law partner at a regional law firm in Calgary, Alberta. Heather has nearly 20 years of experience in the areas of tax planning and dispute resolution, navigating the complex and ever-evolving Canadian tax landscape. Repeatedly recognized within the legal community as an expert and leading lawyer, Heather has represented clients at all levels of Court, including the Alberta Court of King’s Bench, the Tax Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. She has served as an executive member of both the Canadian Bar Association and the Canadian Petroleum Tax Society, and continues to serve as a frequent speaker and presenter at these organizations, as well as at the Canadian Tax Foundation and the Tax Executives Institute.

Dr. Christiane Grieb
Dr. Christiane Grieb is an interdisciplinary university professor and administrator, a jurist with experience as corporate legal advisor, litigation manager and Notary Public, research consultant and historian. She holds law degrees in Germany and legal accreditation in Canada as well as both a Masters and Doctorate from the Centre for Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Inquiry (CMII) at University College London, U.K. As a university teacher she taught international business law, history of banking, public administrative law and law of the European Union, while sharing her expertise as an academic mentor and supervisor of graduate students of legal and business studies. Christiane specialized as an historian in Military History and war crimes studies. She researched and published widely, both as a legal scholar on aspects of the Civil and Common Law systems, and as historian in the fields of war crimes studies, transitional justice and human rights history; and curated government funded public education and museum projects in Canada, the USA and the European Union. Christiane wears a great many professional hats. In all these roles she maintains a strong commitment to international human rights, institutional and governmental transparency, community building and ethically responsible critical thinking.

Janice Kaikkonen
Janice Kaikkonen’s passion is community outreach, working primarily with vulnerable populations and youth. She currently serves as an elected trustee for the Bluewater District School Board. Formerly, she has served as Coordinator for Canadian Blood Services and as contributing member to the Supply Chain Management Sector Council, has conducted research for the PEI Task Force for Student Achievement, established a transportation service for adults with special needs, and has owned and operated a summer day-camp for youth. Janice received a Bachelors in English and Political Science, went on to earn a Masters in Island Studies, pursued further education in Public Administration, and completed a PhD in Theology and Discipleship. She has taught in both K-12 and post-secondary education, within Education, Journalism, and pre-Med programs. In her research, she is particularly interested in the social and communal consequences of public policy. Janice is married to Reima Kaikkonen. Together they have seven children and 17 grandchildren, and live on a farm in Southgate, Ontario.

Ken Drysdale, FEC, P.Eng.
Ken Drysdale is an executive engineer with over 40 years of experience as a Professional Engineer, which includes 29 years experience in the development and management of national and regional engineering businesses. Ken is currently retired from full time practice as a consulting engineer, but continues to be active in the area of forensic engineering, investigations, preparation of expert reports and expert testimony at trial, arbitrations, and mediations. He has testified as expert witness at trials in Manitoba and Ontario and has acted as both arbitrator and mediator in disputes.

Dr. Bernard Massie
Bernard Massie, Ph.D., graduated in microbiology and immunology from the University of Montreal in 1982 and completed a three-year postdoctoral fellowship at McGill University studying DNA tumor viruses. He worked at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) from 1985 to 2019 as a biotechnology researcher and held various management positions, including the position of Acting Director General of the Therapeutics in Human Health Center from 2016 to 2019. He has devoted a significant part of his career to the development of integrated bioprocesses for the industrial production of therapeutic antibodies and adenovirus vaccines. He was also an associate professor in the department of microbiology and immunology at the University of Montreal from 1998 to 2019. He is currently an independent consultant in biotechnology.
Watch The Inquiry Here
Day 24. May 19 2023
Ottawa, ON. Day 3
Day 23. May 18 2023
Ottawa, ON. Day 2
Day 22. May 17 2023
Ottawa, ON. Day 1
Day 21. May 13 2023
Quebec City, QC. Day 3
Day 20. May 12 2023
Quebec City, QC. Day 2
Day 19. May 11 2023
Quebec City, QC. Day 1
Round Table Discussion: Dr. Laura Braden Speaks with Post-Secondary Students- Starts: May 8 @ 7pm EST.
Day 18. May 4 2023
Vancouver, BC. Day 3
Day 17. May 3 2023
Vancouver, BC. Day 2
Day 16. May 2 2023
Vancouver, BC. Day 1
Day 15. April 28 2023
Red Deer, Alberta, Day 3
Day 14. April 27 2023
Red Deer, Alberta Day 2
Day 13. April 26 2023
Red Deer, Alberta Day 1
Day 12. April 22 2023
Saskatoon, Sask Day 3
Day 11. April 21 2023 (Live)
Saskatoon, Sask Day 2
Day 10. April 20 2023
Saskatoon, Sask. Day 1
Day 9. April 15 2023
Winnipeg Manitoba Day 3
Day 8. April 14 2023
Winnipeg Manitoba Day 2
Day 7. April 13 2023
Winnipeg Manitoba Day 1
Day 6. April 1 2023
Toronto Ontario Day 3
Day 5. March 31 2023
Toronto, Ontario Day 2
Day 4. March 30 2023
Toronto, Ontario Day 1
Day 3. March 18 2023
Truro, Nova Scotia
Day 2. March 17, 2023
Truro, Nova Scotia
Day 1. March 16, 2023
Truro, Nova Scotia
MEP Christine Anderson endorses the NCI
Tamara Ugolini hears from Dan Hartman, a father whose son was found lifeless beside his bed a month after receiving the novel COVID vaccine
About the National Citizens Inquiry
NCI is a citizen-led and citizen-funded initiative that is completely independent from government. During 24 days of hearings the NCI will hear from Canadians and experts and investigate governments’ COVID-19 policies in a fair and impartial manner. The NCI’s purpose is to listen, to learn, and to recommend. What went right? What went wrong? How can Canadians and our governments better react to national crises in the future in a manner that balances the interests of all members of our society?
Media inquiries concerning the National Citizens Inquiry should be directed to
Cathy Jones, talented actress from CBC’s This Hour Has 22 Minutes, attended the hearings in Truro, Nova Scotia! Cathy has been a recognizable Canadian icon for more than 28 years and has entertained us with her amazing talent. Unfortunately, Cathy had to retire prematurely due to Canada’s COVID-19 mandates.
Noe was an international student who is passionate about basketball. He tells the National Citizens Inquiry how Canada’s COVID-19 response impacted his life.
Dr. Laura Braden, from PEI, is a molecular biologist with a focus in immunology and has travelled all over the world to present her work at scientific conferences. Dr. Braden testified at the National Citizens Inquiry today and later spoke with NCI’s Michelle Leduc Catlin.
Canadian psychologist, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson who is also an author, online educator, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto spoke out today about the Canadian response to COVID-19. Dr. Peterson’s prerecorded testimony was directed to the five Commissioners at the National Citizens Inquiry in Truro, Nova Scotia.
Harold’s story of how Canada’s COVID-19 policies impacted his life, his kids, his marriage, finances, and more.
Jennifer tells how the Canadian COVID-19 policies impacted her family. “Unfortunately, it got to the point where the policies no longer made sense… We began to fear how these policies would impact our family and our child”
Nathan tells what the impacts of Canada’s COVID-19 policies were on him and his family over the past 3 years.
Sherri shares her experience over the last 3 years with Canada’s COVID-19 policies and how they impacted her and her family.
Patrycea is a medical professional and a concerned citizen. She is a mother and grandmother. Her story challenges us to consider what has happened and how the consequences are impacting her own family.
Doug shares his story of becoming a grandfather during the COVID-19 lockdowns and how the mandates ad fear surrounding the time restricted him from seeing his grandson for the first year of his life.
Tom Marazzo releases a powerful video about the importance of transparency as a building block of a true Democracy and how the NCI is a direct manifestation of a lack of government accountability.
NCI spokesperson, Michelle Leduc Catlin, speaks to Andrew Lawton from True North Centre about the National Citizens Inquiry.
Michelle hits the nail on the head when she says “the main impetus is going to be how people participate… the power of this inquiry is going to be the degree to which citizens participate”.
Get involved!!
This hearing is for Canadians by Canadians.
Toronto March 30-April 1
Sign the Petition | Donate | Make it Happen
Dr. Chris Milburn is the former Chief of Surgery and oversaw 13 hospitals in Nova Scotia. Dr. Milburn tells the NCI what he saw during COVID-19. Public Health Policy was shocking, the justification was “because we decided”.
What duties do Pharmacists have when it comes to Informed Consent? Ann, a former Pharmacist in Alberta, reads the Alberta College of Pharmacy’s Informed Consent policy.
“Generally, for a patient’s consent to medical treatment to be acceptable, the consent must be voluntary, the patient must have the capacity to consent, and the patient must be properly informed”
Were you denied access to services based on your COVID-19 vaccine status? Ann wants the National Citizens Inquiry to find out who is personally accountable for the injections, even if the waiver was signed. Are the waivers legitimate?
Dr. Peter McCullough testifies about his findings around the deaths that have occurred within days of #COVID19vaccines.
Dr. McCullough says no more than 50 deaths would be tolerable for former programs – they would be shut down. Pfizer should have been pulled off the shelf no later than late January 2021.
Dr. Patrick Phillips gives an outstanding testimony. He starts off by speaking about the atrocities committed during WW2 and how #Canada signed on to the World Medical Association to prevent these atrocities from happening ever again – so doctors wouldn’t blindly follow orders.
Dr. Phillips attempted to submit numerous adverse event reports, but only one was accepted. As a result, his adverse event reporting have led to him being investigated by CPSO.
After an intense three days in Truro, sometimes you just want to #SitDown with Michelle Leduc Catlin and listen to what she observed over the course of the hearing!
Take a listen as Michelle summarizes Day 3 of Truro hearings!
Truro Expert Witness Dr. Chris Milburn | National Citizens Inquiry | Investigating Canada’s COVID19 Response
Michelle Leduc Catlin was interviewed on Rebel News Canada. “We are looking for what people need and want to express… we’re hearing from world-class experts on everything from vaccine lab protocols to emergency room physicians and their experience”.
Rodney Palmer recap on #Propaganda used by Canadian mainstream news. Take a listen to what he’s observed happening at #CBC since 2020.
FULL INTERVIEW: Rodney Palmer is an award-winning journalist who has worked for 20 years as a foreign correspondent for CTV news and investigative reporter for CBC Radio & Television in Canada and abroad. He was the CTV News Foreign Correspondent and Bureau Chief in India, China, and the Middle East.
#NCI spokesperson, Michelle Leduc Catlin interviews @TomMarazzo after his testimony on Day 2 of #Toronto hearing. Trucker Convoy
Young EMT gets PTSD after being Deprived of his Human Rights
Teacher Drops a Bombshell about Mandates Negative Effects on Children
Day 1 in Toronto, #NCI spokesperson, Michelle Leduc Catlin, highlights the key information that was covered.
Drue is a young mother who used to be a massage therapist for humans and horses, and she taught Yoga. Drue took the COVID-19 vaccine and has developed POTS as a result.
#NCI Spokesperson, Michelle Leduc Catlin, captured a post-testimony interview with Expert Witness @PardyBruce
Young Father Suffers Serious Heart Inflammation Diagnosed as Vaccine Injury
Vaccine-injured nurse, Colleen Brandse. During Colleen’s testimony, she spoke of the adverse reactions and injuries she, her husband, and her son had experienced.
Laura Jeffery is a 27-year licensed funeral director who details what she has seen in the embalming process of deceased individuals who have received the COVID-19 vaccine. She says that these are new findings in bodies since spring 2021 and has never been seen before in all her years in the industry. Warning, there are some graphic images in this testimony!
Shared from
Hon. A. Brian Peckford P.C.
Why Won’t You Appear Before The National Citizens Inquiry?
People are asking . Many missed my earlier January explanation .
It has to do with honesty —ethics , conflict of interest. Ironically what the Inquiry was suppose to entail.
Question :
Why won’t you appear before the National Citizens Inquiry , especially given you were one of the first to call for it”
Because the Inquiry broke its own rules . It was suppose to be independent , says so on its website . But the Inquiry’s spokesman and one of the Directors of the non profit corporation under which the Inquiry is legally established , Hon. Preston Manning , broke that rule . He took a paid position with another inquiry ( and a Government one at that) and stayed on with the NCI supported by the majority of the support group , the group ( whose members are still not identified on their website)being those that were setting up the Inquiry .
This becomes even more bewildering when one considers that the support group supported my earlier resignation because of statements I had made that were anti government and therefore it could be construed that the Inquiry was not independent. No paid other job, just that my statements could be viewed as undermining the credibility of the Inquiry and I voluntarily stepped aside.
For me, the end does not justify the means .
And honesty is not only the best policy—it’s the only policy!!
The tragic irony of it all————-Our country cannot begin to repair and gain back some semblance of integrity and democracy if we condone ethics violation and conflict of interest in the very inquiry that was suppose to investigate such failings.
The opening words of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms are—‘Whereas this Country is founded on the principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law: ‘
The values inherent in these principles seem forgotten .
Hon. A. Brian Peckford P.C.
See more conversation on this
[…] Follow Canada’s National Citizens Inquiry: Starts March 16/23 […]