Unearthing this research has created quite the conversation.
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Dr Mike Yeadon Ivermectin Anti-Fertility Bombshell: “Ivermectin Is One Of The Most Violent Fertility Toxins I’ve Ever Come Across”
“It reduces the ability to conceive and to grow babies to term”
Renowned pharmacologist Dr. Mike Yeadon has dropped a massive Ivermectin bombshell, calling it “one of the most violent fertility toxins” he’s ever seen. His comments were recorded back in June 2024 but were just posted yesterday on the Delingpod Live channel– sending a massive shock wave across the internet.
In June 2024, James Delingpole interviewed Dr Mike Yeadon in London. They talk about many topics, the safety of the mRNA inoculations, viruses, treatments and the scamdemic.
This is an edited version of the interview. The conversation about ivermectin is within the first 5 minutes.
The full interview can be found at
Transcript (in-part)
“Actually, it’s something I need to mention. I’ve only learned in the last three weeks, and so you probably won’t have heard it, but it all fits when I say it. You know that there was a- you know, ‘Team Hero’, the alternative media people. Not me, the people who are 100 times more famous around the world. I won’t mention them at this particular point, but you all know who I’m thinking. So many doctors who are Americans. And as soon as the pandemic arrived, they came up with ‘early treatment for Covid 19’ didn’t they? And they pushed and pushed and pushed. At first I thought there was a virus and said it was great that they were coming up with treatments. Then later when I realized there wasn’t, I thought they were- I thought, why are they pushing this stuff? I thought, they’re pushing harmless placebos on the worried well, and they’re providing a belief structure that there really is a pandemic. Otherwise, why would these clever people be going out of their way to sell you this stuff? And it’s like, unfortunately, it’s much worse than that, one of the centre stage drugs that they want you to take, Ivermectin, is one of the most violent fertility toxins I’ve ever come across. And I didn’t know this because, like you, you probably didn’t think to do the deep research. And I didn’t.
So someone contacted me a few weeks ago with a bloody great dossier of papers that go back from its discovery and is unquestionably at around the doses you’re being required- you’re being suggested to take in rats and rabbits, and in some limited studies in humans, it reduces the ability to conceive and to grow babies to term. And doesn’t it fit? Doesn’t it fit? Why did this- There’s nothing that’s major on the world stage that’s accidental, I’m afraid. That’s the problem. And so now you know. There’s nothing major on the world stage that’s accidental. Who put ivermectin there? Well, the perpetrators did. And why did they put it there? It’s like if you don’t get jabbed and avoid impacts on your fertility, a good chunk of you will take ivermectin instead. And it gets worse. And then I’ll stop talking about this because I haven’t written about it yet, but it’s on my mind. There are lots of other supplements that the worried well take. And again, I had thought it was mainly a money making business. Right? A money making business. They’ll sell you K2 or whatever it is. And there’s loads of things I’ve never heard of. And you look at them in the health- the so-called health food store.
And my wife will often ask me what will this do? I’ve said, I’ve never heard of it. I was originally a biochemist and toxicologist. I’ve never heard of it. I have to look it up. It’s real. It does exist. But I thought they were just flogging benign placebos to the worried well, just to steal money off them. Unfortunately, it’s no so. Many of the supplements, including most of the really famous ones, hamper the elimination from your body of ivermectin. So if you are a person that thinks, well, I’m going to take care of my health and not have the jabs, I’ve got this ivermectin that will protect me, and I’ve got all these other supplements. And those supplements stop your body eliminating ivermectin. It’s a drug-drug- a negative drug drug interaction. It’s like this can’t be coincidence, folks. It’s not coincidence. But there were several of these health supplements that the papers specifically showed were what’s called PGP, P-glycoprotein, P-glycoprotein inhibitors, and ivermectin is secreted using P-glycoprotein pathways. And it was like, oh my God. And we have ivermectin in the bathroom cabinet and all the PGP inhibitor supplements in the in the kitchen cupboard, and we threw them all in the bin.”
-Dr Mike Yeadon (June 2024)
Ultimate Guide To Anti-Fertility Ivermectin Genocide: 14 Studies Showing It Wrecks Fertility
Now All The Psy-Ops Make Total Sense
Plummeting # of Pregnancies & Offspring In Ivermectin Rabbit Study
In a study called ‘Adverse effects of repeated doses of Ivermectin alone or with the combination of vitamin C on reproductive system of female rabbits’ by Jawad et al, researchers tested different amounts of Ivermectin and Vitamin C on rabbits and measured the number of offspring they beget.
This video is a narrative of all the information on the page referenced.
Follow along the video narrative at this page.
“The results of fertility study revealed adverse effect of ivermectin therapy on fertility and block the pregnancy in all treated group except the fifth group which administered vitamin C only as compared with control group… In conclusion: Ivermectin has adverse effects on reproductive efficacy on female rabbits”

A very stark, concerning dropoff in the number of pregnancies and total offspring when the Ivermectin is introduced.
Here’s the aggregate data of Ivermectin vs no Ivermectin rabbit pregnancy rates & average number of offspring:

We see a massive reduction of pregnancy rate of 100% for the first mating and 91% for the second mating in the rabbits who received any ivermectin. We also find a plummeting average for number of offspring beget: a 100% drop in the first mating and a 92% reduction in the second mating.
“Ivermectin has adverse effects on reproductive efficacy on female rabbits”
For much more information and the rest of the narrative that accompanies the video visit
The Smoking Gun: Use In Genocide In Africa/ Central America
In 1974, Kissinger announced the “world population plan of action” under Nixon’s presidency. NSSM 200 is nothing short of an atrocious secret government document talking about the capping of the world’s population at 8 billion. This menacing declaration of genocide was official US government policy and has been declassified in part (Document link)
Full 1974 document here:
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A Recent Comment From Dr Mike Yeadon, From His Telegram Account
February 8, 2025
I was unaware that there was something called One Health (or Global One Health).
But there is. The assumption is that humans, animals and “the environment” are variously susceptible to the same challenges. There is a Venn diagram showing this, with “One Health” in the centre overlapping area.
Scanning the Wikipedia entry about it, it’s evidently a creature of the UN & thus of the perpetrators.
Unfortunately, Trump has just appointed to Dr Gerald Parker as the Director of the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy.
The White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy is tasked with overseeing the development of next-generation countermeasures, including vaccines and treatments.
Please understand that the response to COVID-19 was NOT handled by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Parker just shills a big bunch of lies about infectious diseases.
He bangs on about the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, which definitely never happened.
Then he reviews other “emerging infectious diseases crisis”.He comes into government directly from One Health.
I think we’re going to get more familiar than we’d like with this gentleman. Unfortunately.
There is no scientific evidence for the very existence of viral infectious disease pathogens. Contagion isn’t a thing. Pandemics have never happened & cannot happen. The entire field is a lie designed to cause fear and to justify extraordinary & authoritarian control by our own governments.
Parker is now the Director of the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy.
Rarely have I seen anything quite as dystopian as this whole thing. I’”’
Best wishes
MikePs: I think it’s well worth listening to his speech, to see how many lies he serves up. He mentions vaccine passports and all sorts of interventions including “vaccines”. I think we can guess with some accuracy what he’s going to tasked with at some point.
Wikipedia (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Health)
One Health Collaborative global initiative
Further Concerning Studies on Ivermectin
The Deadly Toll of Ivermectin: Blindness, Comas & Deaths Induced By The Neurotoxic, Genotoxic Poison
“CLASTOGENIC” – 18 Studies Highlighting Ivermectin Induced DNA Breakage, Damage & Related Disorders
Ivermectin, WHO, UN, Merck, The World Bank & Kissinger’s World Population Plan Of Action
Pig Study Raises MAJOR Questions Of Dangers Of Combining Quercetin & Ivermectin
P-glycoprotein Deficiency (Genetic Or Drug Induced) & Increased Ivermectin Toxicity
6 More Animal Ivermectin Studies Showing Negative Fertility Effects! Depopulation?!
Much of this information has been shared by “Tim Truth” website.
Please do your own research.