Covid has shown a light, on what was there before. The biggest thing is trust. You have to question everything. Can you trust the medical system? Dr. Paul Marik.

Critical care specialist Dr. Paul Marik, MD, was taught that his type II diabetes was incurable. But through simple lifestyle and diet changes, Dr. Marik cured himself of the affliction and ditched the numerous associated pharmaceutical drugs that came with it. “I think everything they told us [about Covid], like everything was a lie,” and now his eyes are wide open to the widespread corruption and fraud that allopathic medicine was built on.

FLCCC – I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Summary | FLCCC – I-RECOVER Post Vaccine -2023-03-11

“Many of us didn’t see it. I didn’t see it…once you see it, and it’s as bright as day, you can’t unsee what you’ve seen,” says the Chairman and Chief Scientific Officer of the FLCCC.

Join us for this fascinating interview, as Dr. Marik discusses the corrupt medical system, the “humanitarian crisis” of mRNA injection adverse events, a treatment protocol for them and how many diseases can be effectively treated without–and should not be treated with–pharmaceutical drugs.

FLCCC post-vaccine treatment page

By Gord Parks / March 28, 2023

Study: COVID-19-vaccines An Australian Review from Dr Paul Marik 34826-1

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[The following information was mentioned in the video, I’ve detailed it below.]

COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 2,667 studies

Global Adoption

All studies  Early treatment  Mortality  Early mortality  Prophylaxis  Prophylaxis mortality  Physicians  Recent

Analysis of 50 COVID early treatments, approvals in 101 countries, database of 2,734 treatments 

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ICAN V-Safe Covid Vaccine Adverse Heath Impacts

V-Safe Data, as requested by lawyer Aaron Siri, representing Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).

Use the interactive webpage to search other options HERE

FLCCC – I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Summary


FLCCC – I-RECOVER Post Vaccine -2023-03-11

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One thought on “Covid: A Corrupt Medical System “I Can’t Unsee It” Dr Paul Marik ICU Specialist”
  1. […] ; ♦ Rischio di morte …triplicato … dopo la [falsa]vaccinazione COVID-19… ; ♦ Covid: A Corrupt Medical System … ; ♦ Fake-vax pericolosi, AIFA, Schillaci: Ambigue Inchieste dei Media di Destra: da […]

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