Chilliwack school board ‘striptease artist’ defamation case hits court

Drea Humphrey reports on the defamation case put forward by Chilliwack District 33 trustee Carin Bondar against a former colleague, Barry Neufeld, who referred to her as a “striptease artist” for videos she’s posted online. 
Help us fight against gender ideology!

On October 23, 2023 Dr. Carin Bondar a Trustee of School District 33 in Chilliwack British Columbia publicly published a video name calling and putting down parents and guardians, not only in her own area, but across Canada. Why? Because they want parental inclusion in their children’s educational experience.

Watch as Emily Duggan from Moms Against The Norm reacts to Bondar’s video, it is well worth 14 minutes.

For Bondar’s full unedited version follow this link

Defamation lawsuit brought by Dr. Carin Bondar against former trustee Barry Neufeld set to begin.
Nov 14, 2023 | 6:56 AM

CHILLIWACK — Oral arguments are set to commence today in the defamation lawsuit brought against former SD33 trustee Barry Neufeld by current Chilliwack school board member Dr. Carin Bondar.

The case in British Columbia Supreme Court will be heard in the Chilliwack Law Courts building.

The litigation arose after Neufeld, a multi-term trustee, referred to Bondar as a “strip-tease artist” during an Empower Hour segment, but did not mention her by name. The Empower Hour segment occurred on September 21, 2022 during which time Neufeld stated, “Richard Procee ran against that strip-tease artist in the by-election four years ago.” The actual by-election occurred in early 2021.

According to court filings, plaintiff Bondar is a biologist and science communicator who hosts a variety of of educational scientific series online and on TV. She is an adjunct professor at the University of the Fraser Valley. Her lawyers vehemently dispute the claim that Dr. Bondar is a strip-tease artist. A video circulated in the Chilliwack community back in 2021 showed Bondar on a wrecking ball, but there was a purpose behind the video, her counsel asserts.

Dr Carin Bondar
Organisms Do Evolve

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“In many of her educational YouTube videos, Dr. Bondar appears scantily clad,” court documents argue. “The video is a parody of a music video by pop singer Miley Cyrus, in which Cyrus is scantily clad. In Dr. Bondar’s video she sings a song about the science of evolution and the importance of relying on scientific evidence to understand the natural world. Dr. Bondar recreated many aspects of the video in her parody, including Cyrus’s style of dress. The video is not a strip-tease.”

The parody video was released in 2014 and, according to Bondar’s lawyers, received positive attention at the time of its release, including praise on popular websites like Discover Magazine and Business Insider. In 2021, when Bondar ran for and was first elected as a school trustee, the video was used against Dr. Bondar to malign her character and integrity on the basis of her perceived inappropriate behaviour as a woman.

Bondar released a statement to Fraser Valley Today through Facebook Messenger, saying she looks forward to have the issue addressed in court.

“I welcome this issue having it’s day in court. My legal team and I have prepared our case with ample supporting evidence. Although it continues to take an emotional toll, it remains critically important for women in politics to stand up against smear campaigns dedicated to decreasing our desire to serve. The only way forward is through,” Bondar said in her statement.

In Neufeld’s response filed with the court, he states he is a retired corrections, probation and restorative justice facilitation officer, a capacity he served in from 1981 until 2008. He served seven terms on the Chilliwack school board from 1992-2008 and 2011-2022, when he was not re-elected as a trustee in October 2022.

According to his response filed with the B.C. Supreme Court, Neufeld says he attracted considerable attention over his last two terms in office by criticizing a program in the schools that he perceived as indoctrinating children to certain gender ideology. Neufeld took issue with sexual orientation and gender ideology (SOGI123) policies because of their potential for far-reaching, adverse implications for children.

In early 2018, Neufeld states, the B.C. Teachers’ Federation and Canadian Union of Public Employees, whose public sectors unions were instrumental in developing and promoting SOGI123, instituted two separate campaigns against Neufeld at the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal on the belief that his criticism of SOGI policies violated B.C. human rights codes.

Neufeld goes on to say that Bondar’s partner and fiancee, Peter Lang, was the petitioner in a SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) lawsuit against him. Neufeld states Lang’s claim was funded by the B.C. Federation of Labour and was summarily dismissed under B.C.’s Protection of Public Participation Act.

As for the reference to a strip-tease artist, Neufeld said, “If anybody watching the September 21, 2022 Zoom meeting did, in fact, infer that the words ‘striptease artist’ meant the plaintiff, it is because of the plaintiff’s past reputation. Such notoriety was due, in part, because of her sexualised performances posted on YouTube which were controversial, and in my view, extraordinarily unique for anybody running for public office. She defended herself regarding these performances, such as with Global News on February 14, 2021. In my view, the plaintiff’s ‘entire body of work’ demonstrates her passion for deviant sexuality and performance art.”

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Some images were sourced from the web.

Dr. Carin Bondar: Wild Sex Series. Episode 7. “Cross Dressing” Created 2014. Clothes removed on screen.

Who said gender benders are for humans only? From male snakes that harness the power of oestrogen to girls that moonlight as boys, cross dressers from all corners of the animal kingdom use deceit to gain that reproductive advantage.
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Dr. Carin Bondar: Wild Sex Series. Episode 11. “Bloopers” Created 2014

There were penguins in the Arctic, paperless nautiluses, monkey misidentifications, trip-ups, stutters and lots of laughs. Turns out talking about animal sex all day takes its toll on the best of us (even the sassiest biologists). And because we’d never deprive you of a good laugh, here they are: the best of the Season 1 bloopers. Enjoy!
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Dr. Carin Bondar: Wild Sex Series. Episode 1. “Guy Guy Girl Girl”

Giraffe guys that get down, albatross ladies in love and beetles that just can’t get enough sexy time … If you thought monogamous guy-girl relationships were nature’s norm, you’re in for a serious shock or two!
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View More of Dr. Bondar’s Work HERE

A Systematic Attack Against Trustee, Barry Neufeld
September 21, 2022

Dr. Carin Bondar: Wild Sex Series. Episode 6. “BDSM”

What you’re about to see is going to make ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ seem like Cinderella. Don’t believe us? Well, get ready for genitals that become weapons, a side order of cannibalism, a few sexual stab wounds and maybe a round of penis fencing … It’s BDSM in the animal kingdom.


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