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The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Canadians seek a declaration that a prorogued Parliament is illegal 

On January 7, 2025, Justice Centre lawyers filed an application with the Federal Court, seeking a declaration that the proroguing of Parliament by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was “incorrect, unreasonable or both.” The court application contends that the Prime Minister’s decision to prorogue “was not made in furtherance of Parliamentary business or the business of government, but in service of the interests of the LPC [Liberal Party of Canada].” 

Our lawyers are working on behalf of two applicants, Canadians David MacKinnon and Aris Lavranos. They seek a Federal Court declaration that Prime Minister Trudeau’s recent prorogation of Parliament is unreasonable and must be set aside. 

When Parliament is prorogued, the parliamentary session is terminated, and all parliamentary activity, including work on bills and in committees, immediately stops. 

Applicants argue that a prorogued Parliament only serves the interests of the Liberal Party 

Among its many grounds arguing that Trudeau’s decision to advise the Governor General to exercise her prerogative power to prorogue Parliament to March 24, 2025, this application argues that the decision to prorogue Parliament was “incorrect, unreasonable or both.” 

At his January 6 press conference, the Prime Minister’s stated that the justification for the prorogation was (1) to “reset” Parliament and (2) to permit the Liberal Party of Canada time to select a new party leader. No explanation was provided as to why Parliament could not recess instead. No explanation was provided as to why Members of Parliaments could not immediately exercise their right to vote on a motion of non-confidence in the government. A majority of MPs have now repeatedly promised to do just that, which would trigger an election and provide the needed “reset” in a democratic and legitimate way. 

No explanation was provided as to why a prorogation of almost three months is needed. No explanation was provided as to why the Liberal Party of Canada ought to be entitled to such a lengthy prorogation simply so it can hold an internal leadership race. 

Prime Minister Boris Johnson tried the same thing. It was found to be illegal.  

This Federal Court application includes language taken from a decision of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, which ruled in 2019 that then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson had prorogued Parliament unlawfully, as a means of avoiding Parliamentary scrutiny amidst heated democratic discussions about “Brexit” – the U.K.’s departure from the European Union.  

The application contends, among other things, that “in all of the circumstances surrounding it, the [prorogation] has the effect of frustrating or preventing, without reasonable justification, the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions as a legislature and as the body responsible for the supervision of the executive, particularly insofar as it relates to Parliament’s ability to deal quickly and decisively with especially pressing issues, such as the situation caused by President-Elect Trump’s stated intention to impose a 25% tariff on all goods entering the United States from Canada.” 

Applicant MacKinnon calls on Canadians to remember their history and common law 

Lawyer James Manson, acting on behalf of David MacKinnon and Aris Lavranos, stated, “This prorogation stymies the publicly stated intent of a majority of MPs to bring a motion for non-confidence in the government and trigger an election. Prorogation serves the interests of the Liberal Party, but it does not further Parliamentary business or the business of government. It violates the constitutional principles of Parliamentary sovereignty and Parliamentary accountability,” stated .  

Mr. Manson continued, “We will invite the Court to conclude that the Prime Minister’s decision to advise the Governor General to prorogue Parliament was without reasonable justification.” 

Applicant David MacKinnon feels strongly about this case. He stated, “This case concerns a living tree – our Constitution – and how that living tree withers without proper care. If we are to fight tyranny – for it is tyranny that confronts us – we must find the answer within the memory of our historical past. We call this memory ‘the common law.’ It is enshrined in the preamble of our constitution.”  

On the importance of the rule of law in Canada, Mr. MacKinnon continued, “The common law is the repository and guarantor of our justice and our wealth and happiness. Had we nurtured our living tree, and looked to our past, we would have read Lord Denning’s admonishment to the Attorney General of an earlier time: ‘Be ye never so high, the law is above you.’” 

Chief Justice Paul S. Crampton grants motion for expedited hearing

On Saturday, January 18, 2025, the Federal Court granted the Applicants’ Motion to expedite the case. The hearing is scheduled to take place Thursday and Friday, February 13-14, 2025, in the Supreme Court Building in Ottawa. In his decision, Chief Justice Paul S. Crampton of the Federal Court set the accelerated timeline. The Applicants were given until February 3, 2025, to file their arguments. The government had to file by February 7, 2025.  

Applicants submit their Memorandum of Fact and Law to the Federal Court

Lawyers for the Applicants filed their Memorandum of Fact and Law with the Federal Court on February 3, 2025. 

Lawyers for the government filed their Memorandum of Fact and Law of the Respondent on February 7, 2025.

James Manson, lawyer for the Applicants, has been filing video updates about the case on social media; these are archived by the Justice Centre on YouTube here

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