When parents, voters, and political leaders understand the true nature of Drag Queen Story Hour and the ideology that drives it, they will work quickly to restore the limits that have been temporarily—and recklessly—abandoned. They will draw a bright line between adult sexuality and childhood innocence, and send the perversions of “genderfuck,” “primitivism,” and “degeneracy” back to the margins, where they belong.


“Advocates of Drag Queen Story Hour might reply that these are outlier cases and that many of the child-oriented events feature drag queens reading books and talking about gender, not engaging in sexualized performances. But the spirit of drag is predicated on the transgressive sexual element and the ideology of queer theory, which cannot be erased by switching the context and softening the language. The philosophical and political project of queer theory has always been to dethrone traditional heterosexual culture and elevate what Rubin called the “sexual caste” at the bottom of the hierarchy: the transsexual, the transvestite, the fetishist, the sadomasochist, the prostitute, the porn star, and the pedophile. Drag Queen Story Hour can attempt to sanitize the routines and run criminal background checks on its performers, but the subculture of queer theory will always attract men who want to follow the ideology to its conclusions.”

Research Has Been Done To Provide Some Pertinent Email/Contact Info

If you would like to see a venue here, send info to (twitter) @1FamilyFootball

Chilliwack BC


Sidekick Brewing Chilliwack
106-45530 Vedder Mountain Rd. Chilliwack, BC

 at @sidekickbrewingbc
Drag Bingo hosted by @thehuntyadler

Kids In The Ball Chilliwack
Arts & Entertainment


SideKick Brewing Chilliwack Drag Show Kids Allowed
Sidekick Brewing Chilliwack Children Allowed Drag Event

Hailey Adler is in Chilliwack
@sidekickbrewingbc 6-8 PM.

We will be doing these Chilliwack Pride Fundraisers every 1st Wednesday of the Month. 5$ CASH for 2 Boards, we come around each round to collect, there are 4 rounds in total.

Chilliwack BC


Bricklayer Brewing Chilliwack
101 – 46126 Yale Road, Chilliwack BC – 604.991.BEER


Maple Ridge BC


Golden Ears United Church Maple Ridge
22165 Dewdney Trunk Rd
Maple Ridge, BC
V2X 3H7.


Children under 12 free.

Vancouver BC


Zawa Restaurant Vancouver
920 Commercial Dr. Vancouver, BC

Hosted by:

Review More Eventbrite WTFProductions Events




Carousel Theatre For Young People Vancouver

Has announced their ‘Drag Queen Summer Camps‘ for ages 7 to 17. Community members, who are concerned about protecting the innocence of our children, youth and minors are speaking out against the planned summer camp.


Carousel Theatre Main

1411 Cartwright St
Vancouver, BC V6H 3R7


Board of Directors
Stephen Robertson, President, Board of Directors
Sarah Hudson, Secretary, Board of Directors
Kathie Schwaia, Treasurer, Board of Directors
Susan Shank, Board Member
Fila Testini, Board Member
Roger Watts, Board Member

Vancouver City
Here is an online form to send message to Mayor and Council:

Find out more here.


Drag Queen Summer Camp for Children

Duncan BC

If you have a quick minute, consider writing to some, or all of the sponsors on the list.
Maybe there can be a cancelation for this event, or for AT LEAST the all ages part of it.
Drag has its place, may it be for you and not for me, it does not matter… but when kids or politics are brought into it, it is no longer appropriate.. ESPECIALLY with the children.

A couple letters already written by people who want to Protect Childhood Innocence:

Dear Jeremy,

I am writing to you today in regards to your sponsorship of the “Sparkle Tour” taking place May 19, 2023. I couldn’t help but notice one of the shows is for all ages.

I am surprised that you would be so presumptuous as to think that the majority of your customer base would support the overt sexualization of young boys and girls.

I, along with many multitudes of people in this province and country find it highly offensive that it is considered amusing and fitting entertainment to “impersonate a female” by producing such a grotesque characature of a woman in a most objectified way, so as there is nothing left but sexualization. No beauty, no grace, no dignity, no value.

I want to let you know that as a woman, a wife and a mother I am deeply disturbed by this form of entertainment.

Do the women in your life dress, do their makeup and behave as these men dressed as supposed women do? Does your wife, or your mother, maybe your daughter or grandmother cast aside true femininity for such a cheap parody of reality? Do they all go about dressed up like whores??

There is no dignity in this. You are inviting all ages but especially young children to learn the art of the degradation and mockery of every noble virtue of what it is to be a woman.

I would suggest a careful study of the last 100 years of family friendly fundraising events could give you a great many ideas of appropriate events to throw your support behind instead.

I REALLY hope that you will reconsider before going ahead with this. You don’t stand to lose billions…but how much are you willing to wager on this venture?


1) Red Arrow Brewery – 5255 Chaster Rd. (250) 597 0037

2) Cowitan tanning studio – 1-187 Kenneth St. (250) 748-0191

3) Industry Salon & Spa Inc. – 104 – 435 Trunk Rd. (250) 737 3242 (no email listed).
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/IndustrySalonandSpa/

4) ARC – assisting refugees in Cowichan is a community based group focused on sponsoring LGTBQ2S+ refugees (236) 594-0862 jleggat42@hotmail.com

5) Gibby’s Cafe & Catering – 3278 Sherman Rd. (250)746-3020 gibbysgourmet@shaw.ca

6) Alderlea Vineyards – 1751 Stamps Rd. (250) 746-7122 email on their page: https://www.alderlea.ca/index.php/contact/

7) Cowichan Festival Society 130 Canada Ave. (250) 748-1231 https://www.39daysofjuly.ca/contact to send a message

Dear Jeremy and anyone else at RedArrow:

I just today learned about the May 19th ‘Sparkle Tour’ drag queen event at the Eagles Hall in Duncan THAT INCLUDES CHILDREN and that Red Arrow Brewery appears as a sponsor. I’m curious if your company really put a lot of effort into thinking this through, particularly in light of the recent historic and dramatic fall of Bud Light and Jack Daniels for their support of drag, let alone drag indoctrinating children!

I for one (and suspect there are many others) will immediately and thoroughly spread the word far and wide across the valley and beyond on social media that this drag queen event, which includes children, is being sponsored by Red Arrow – a local company that I used to support and be very proud of. Most unfortunately, that ended today.

Canada was founded on Christian principles and will remain founded on Christian principles.

It’s never too late to do the right thing — well, until it’s too late-

Food for thought!

Most sincerely,

We add our concern to the several email/letters/calls you have received about sponsoring the Drag Queen Event at the Eagles. We encourage you to re-think this decision.

We will admit to having gone to a drag queen show 15 years ago in Mexico, as mature adults.

We have spent time with transgenders; we have G & L friends. None of them agree with this blatant display sensationizing their personal choices, especially with children; nor the govt. propaganda and clumping 2SLGBTQ??? all together.

In light of the recent political and educational propaganda that is negatively impacting the emotional, mental and physical health of every child around “gender identity”, especially in BC, Canada and the US, we would now consider any support as being ignorant and subversive.

This is an educated position we have come to after studying the SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) issue.

If you are not aware of SOGI  and it’s actions in the school system; we suggest you educate yourself on what is being jammed down children’s throats from age 3, by our provincial, federal & global governments.

If you have children, if you have grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or if you know any children you care about, you owe it to them to take some time to understand.

It is not too late to withdraw your support, by simply stating,”after further study of SOGI educational policies, we have reversed our support. This has nothing to do with Queens or Transgender, this has to do with govt. propaganda and the health of our children & patrons.”

Perhaps your withdrawal of support will cause the event to be cancelled, as with the NDP Frag Queen event at Cobble Hill FAMILY Hall.

The adults need to become aware of the unhealthy grooming for the sake of ALL children.

These other 2 letters also present intelligent facts., we hope you have considered.

We are including Just Jake’s as they have shares in/ partnership with Red Arrow.

Burnaby BC

Baby, That’s Drag at The Rec Room! Burnaby’s monthly drag showcase hosted by The Established, Shanda Leer.

See tickets for available seating and pricing. We’re staggering arrivals for this show. Please arrive according to the time on your purchased ticket. Food/drink are not included with the ticket. Your ticket is assigned seating so if you want to sit with your pals, you’ll need to buy tickets at the same table! (Can I say ticket one more time? Tickets are non-refundable.) This event is held at The Rec Room in Burnaby, BC.

Guests must be 19+ years of age with valid government issued photo ID and one secondary piece of ID (photos of ID not accepted).

Minors are allowed if accompanied by their parent or their legal guardian until 10 p.m. Visit The Rec Room Burnaby’s website for more venue details.

Sashay down to The Rec Room on Sunday, July 16 to catch this drag show! The cast includes two stars of ENBY 6, Mx. Bukuru and Rogue the dancing delight, Jas Minh and the handsome charm of Levi Thrust and baby, that’s drag! Hosted as always by The Established, Shanda Leer.

Contact The Rec Room

Contact the entertainers:
Mx Bukuru: https://twitter.com/BukuruMx
Rogue: https://twitter.com/itsjustrogue

Contact the organizer “The Established Shanda Leer” (Anthony Casey) who invites minors into this Adult, Queer-Cultured Event Here. & “The Established Shanda Leer” on facebook.


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