Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola / Fact Checked January 22, 2023

Here, we discuss some of her experiences since the release of her books, and delve deeper into the disturbing merger of the intelligence state, Silicon Valley and medicine, and how transhumanism — eugenics rebranded — is being rolled out under the guise of health care.

[Learn more about CBDC Here]


  • Silicon Valley is essentially fused with the national security state. Silicon Valley is now also entering into joint ventures with medical companies, and many of these ventures are financed by groups like In-Q-Tel, which is the CIA’s venture capital arm
  • There’s a concerted effort to frame transhumanism — which is really the new eugenics — as health care. Joint ventures involving Big Tech, Big Pharma and the security state typically focus on products and services that normalize and further the transhumanist agenda
  • Food and agriculture are also being tossed into the mix. The U.S. government has launched a “Food is Medicine” program, which is yet another way for the government to seize control of the population. Food as medicine will be used to get you into their control system, and keep you there
  • In 2023 and 2024, watch for the rollout of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). It’s crucial that as many people as possible refuse the system during the initial voluntary phase. Once it becomes mandatory, it cannot be stopped and all freedoms will be lost
  • If the singularity cannot be achieved, technocrats may end up faking it, because if they can blame eugenics, depopulation and other unethical decisions on artificial intelligence running the government, they can do whatever they want, with no repercussions


I recently interviewed investigative journalist Whitney Webb about her two-volume book series, “One Nation Under Blackmail.” She’s been on tour, promoting the books in dozens of interviews.

Read the transcript of

We also talk about censorship and other tactics used to mold public perception, and how artificial intelligence may be overhyped to give technocrats and eugenicists carte blanche to do whatever they want without having any accountability.

The Encroaching Surveillance State
Her book tour brought her back to the U.S. for the first time in eight years. When asked about her first impressions after being gone for such a long time, she expresses surprise at how willing Americans have become to embrace spy tools like Ring cameras on their front doors.

“This is actually troubling,” she says, “because a lot of those tech companies, Google included, are contractors for the military and for intelligence. I think it would be naive to assume they don’t have backdoor access to those devices, knowing when you’re home and when you’re not and all of that.

I think it’s interesting, the willingness of so many people, so many households, to invite that type of technology into their homes. I didn’t see inside people’s homes much, but a lot of people, as I understand it, have things like Amazon’s Alexa. Numerous stories have come out that they’re recording you without your consent, even though they say they’re not.

But people still continue to use the product, and I really wish people would wise up about inviting that type of technology into your house. So much of what we’re being sold today is being marketed as convenience, but really a lot of it is really just the building blocks for the infrastructure of a very dangerous and Orwellian system of control.”

How the Transhumanist System Is Being Pushed Forward
As a former contributor to Mint Print Press News, which provides a lot of great coverage on the encroaching surveillance state, Webb knows a thing or two about Orwellian systems of control. Much of her work there focused on the intersection of intelligence agencies and Silicon Valley.

“Even after I left and started to do my own thing, I maintained a lot of that focus,” she says. “I guess a theme of my work would be the structure of power and how it really works. If you’re looking at Silicon Valley today, it’s very clear that it’s essentially fused with the national security state …

One thing we’ve seen happen, specifically during the COVID era, is that Big Pharma is now getting in this mix. There’s a lot of merging happening between Big Pharma and Silicon Valley. You’re seeing this with a lot of joint ventures into the health care space of Silicon Valley companies. A lot of it’s through wearables and these efforts to normalize technology like CRISPR or
nanotechnology injectables.

You’re seeing them all come together, and a lot of these joint ventures or companies in this particular space that’s spanning big pharma in Silicon Valley tend to have a lot of funding from groups like In-Q-Tel, which is the CIA’s venture capital arm.

I think we’re seeing, in the effort to push through this technocratic transhumanist system, a lot more overlap between the power structure of the national security state in Silicon Valley with Big Pharma. And that’s very, very bad. I don’t know how else to put that.

It’s awful. I think more people should be paying a lot more attention to that specifically … [There’s] an effort to frame transhumanism — which is really the new eugenics — as health care, and that’s what a lot of this is about.”

The Coming Food Coup
Food and agriculture are also being tossed into the mix. In early December 2022, I wrote about how John Rockefeller eliminated food from medicine 112 years ago and how, now, The Rockefeller Foundation is working with the White House to bring nutrition back in. While it sounds like a great idea, the real purpose is the same now as it was a century ago. It’s all about controlling the population. As noted by Webb:

“If these people take over the food supply, they’ll be framing it as a return to ‘food is medicine,’ but it’s not. Well, it’s not exactly food as medicine as people would think of it when someone like you talks about that concept …

This idea, for example, of putting vaccines in your food, like in tomatoes. Eating one of these GMO tomatoes is the equivalent of taking a vaccine and stuff like that … It’s taking this age-old adage and twisting it to fit their purposes. Food as medicine is only convenient to them when it’s not something that actually heals you, but [rather] something that keeps you in this new system they’re creating.”

Predictions for 2023
As we record this in late November 2022, we seem to be in a bit of a lull, in terms of tyrannical overreaches. It’s a bit like being in the eye of a hurricane. You know the storm will be upon you yet, again, it’s only a matter of time. The question is, what comes next?

“I think there’s a couple things to watch really closely in the next year,” Webb says. “One is how this World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty, which tries to [supersede] the Constitution, not just of the U.S. but pretty much every country that signs it.

That’s definitely something to pay close attention to, because if that does get passed, I think it’s likely we’ll see an effort to repeat a lot of what we saw during COVID 19 from these particular groups. And if it’s not signed, I think they’re going to wait …

They’re waiting to get that type of new authority so they don’t have to deal with so much dissent, whether it’s from nation states or from particular domestic populations that have had enough and are unlikely to believe all of this a second time.

I think they’re really counting on having that WHO super-national authority in order to go forward with the biosecurity agenda, in terms of a repeat of what we saw in recent years.

The other thing I think is really important is the central bank digital currency (CBDC) agenda. Almost every country in the world at this point — there are exceptions, but I think it’s a majority — have some sort of CBDC pilot program going on right now. In the U.S., they’ve even announced they’re doing pilots of [CBDCs] with commercial banks like JP Morgan and some of the big financial giants of Wall Street.

I would say that either 2023 or 2024 is likely to be the year of the CBDC. In countries where they’ve already launched a CBDC, or have a very advanced pilot program, it’s framed first as voluntary, and then of course, once enough people start using it, it becomes the only form of legal tender in use. At least that’s the end game for CBDCs in any particular country.”

Programmable CBDCs Mean Someone Else Controls Your Money
As explained by Webb, CBDCs are programmable money. The Central Bank will decide when, where and on what you’re allowed to spend your money. You also cannot save when and however much you want, because some of the CBDCs have expiration dates. Use it or lose it. You don’t get to decide when you spend your money, the state does.

CBDCs can also be programmed to only work for certain types of items, including certain types of food. If your health records indicate you have a health problem, your CBDCs can be programmed such that you cannot buy foods deemed unhealthy for you. Purchases can also be blocked based on your carbon footprint score, and they can be blocked based on geofencing parameters.

“If they declare a lockdown, for example, and you’re not allowed to go five miles beyond your home, your money won’t work five miles beyond your home. That’s basically why CBDCs are attractive to the powers that be. But they’re going to frame it as voluntary first, before it moves into involuntary.

We’re going to see it pop up in a lot more countries over the next two years. And obviously, that is the phase to mass reject CBDCs in any way you can … I’ll go back to COVID for a second to explain where I’m trying to go here.

I understand and have empathy for people that didn’t want to lose their jobs and were worried about being thrown into a position of poverty, so they took the vaccine because of the mandates. But the more steps you take down that path of, ‘It’s convenient,’ the harder it will be to go on the alternative path later on.

For people that were in that situation with COVID 19, that should have been a huge wake up call to start doing something different and think about how to get off that path …

… if you went down that path, and then go down the CBDC path just because it’s more convenient for now, there’s going to come a point where, if you make enough compromises, it’s going to be almost impossible, if not entirely impossible, to redirect and go towards a different outcome.

These are things that are very important for people to pay attention to right now, in terms of developments, and plan how to keep your family independent of these types of systems and resilient in the face of all the shocks to the system that we already see coming.”

The Poor Will Be Squeezed First
As noted by Webb, those who will feel the squeeze of tyranny first are the poor and lower-middle class. We’re already seeing how they’re planning to encourage mass adoption of CBDCs through various assistance programs such as food stamps.

As food and energy prices continue to soar, more and more people will qualify for government assistance and be forced into those systems. Webb also suspects that any future stimulus checks, if there are additional long-term lockdowns, may be paid out only in CBDCs.

“It’s a very insidious plan,” Webb says. “They’re trying to reduce the standard of living of people, and then in order for them to maintain their standard of living, they’re forcing them to adopt a control system disguised as a monetary system …

They’re going to frame it as voluntary before it becomes involuntary. That stage where it’s voluntary is when it’s critical for people to act [and reject it] … I don’t think we can prevent them from implementing it, but you can prevent yourself, your family and your community from adopting that system, and use a parallel economic system [instead].”

While some have speculated that decentralized digital currencies such as Bitcoin might work as a parallel economic system, the problem with that idea is that government could easily make it illegal. They’ve already promised to implement new regulations of that space.

The safest alternatives are those that government cannot regulate or make illegal (at least not easily). This includes trading and bartering of goods and services, without any type of currency, with the exception perhaps of physical gold and silver.

“So, so we have to think about these sorts of things when countering the CBDC agenda,” Webb says. “That voluntary stage is the time to make those plans so you don’t get swept up when it moves from voluntary to involuntary, which they are definitely going to do, or attempt to do.

But it will only be successful if there’s mass adoption. The more people who opt out and do some sort of parallel system for their economic activity at the neighborhood or community level, the less successful that agenda will be.”

People Are Waking Up to the Social Media Manipulation
While it seems we’re headed into a dystopian future that cannot be avoided, and with no clear means of escape, Webb feels there is still reason to be optimistic. Importantly, more people than ever before are now getting wise to the globalists’ agenda, and are hungry for explanations about what’s really going on.

People who want the truth are more likely to search for it, and are ready to take it in. They’re less likely to stick their head in the sand and write everything off as a baseless conspiracy theory.

“I think a lot of people on a visceral level know something is really wrong. And I think that’s why there are so many efforts to censor that type of information. I also think there is a major investment by the state in efforts to make us think we are a minority when we are not.

More than anything else, what social media is used for by the powers that be is to make us think certain ideas are more popular than they really are. [Take] the bot situation on Twitter … a lot of those bots serve to promote ideas that many
people don’t necessarily have, or make certain figures or ideas look more popular than they are …

When you combine that with the censorship, removing ideas that otherwise would be popular with real authentic accounts … you’re manipulating people’s perception of how the rest of the country feels … A lot of what’s going on right now on social media is to completely change how we perceive a particular situation or agenda, in the hopes that change in perception will cause a change in behavior.

If you’re censoring an idea, you’re trying to take it out of the public mind and have it just not be part of the discourse anymore. That obviously causes a change in perception, because you’re only having one idea, or a very small spectrum of opinion about a particular idea, out there.

That’s all people are going to engage with if you censor all the other takes. The idea is to completely wipe out dissent so that everyone has a rather homogenous perception of events, people, ideas and agendas, and then from there, behavior will be molded to the benefit of these particular powers.”

Is Elon Musk Pulling the Wool Over Our Eyes?
When it comes to Twitter, with Elon Musk now at the helm many are hoping it will become a bastion of free-speech. Webb, however, is skeptical. She suspects Musk is promoting free speech and reinstating banned accounts because he wants to turn
Twitter into a U.S. version of WeChat, an “everything app” that’s connected to digital ID, CBDCs and the social credit system. The more users he has, the more people will be lured into the digital prison system.

“We’re in this paradigm shift, where we’re going from an oil-based economy to a data-based economy. Data is the new oil, and whoever owns the ‘everything app’ in this new system is going to be the king of the castle of the new economy.
They’re going to be the Rockefellers of the data age,” she says.

“There’s nothing good about that. I think what we’re seeing right now is an effort to coax people back Twitter, and there might be some benefits to that. But ultimately, what Elon Musk is interested in is the data and getting more people on Twitter than before, with the goal of turning it into WeChat, which is a segue to this ‘everything app.’

And it’s worth pointing out that the company behind WeChat, Tencent, is one of the most active advisors to Tesla and a major shareholder in Tesla. There is a relationship there.”

Artificial Intelligence and the Rise of ‘Smart Dictatorship’
Webb and I also discuss the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI), and the role of social media in feeding AI with data for programs relating to pandemic outbreak detection and pre-crime. But while AI and its successor, artificial general intelligence
(AGI), has impressive capabilities, Webb believes there’s a lot of false hype, and that this hype will be used to shield human powerbrokers from accountability.

“A lot has been said about the role of AI in our lives once it reaches a particular point referred to as the singularity, which is where AI intelligence allegedly outpaces human intelligence so extensively and so rapidly that it’ll basically take over. If you ask me, based on everything I’ve seen, I don’t think the singularity is actually possible. Or if it is possible, I think it’s very far away.

But if you are the people behind … this agenda — people like Eric Schmidt and Henry Kissinger who just put out their ‘New Age of AI’ book, which has a lot about AI and its role in government, basically having AI become the government — all you really need to do is convince people … that the singularity is here and … that it’s so far superior to human intelligence that we should outsource all our decision-making to it.

Then, there’s a Wizard of Oz type guy … behind the curtain who makes the decisions. If you look at what Schmidt and Kissinger and these guys say about AI and government, they say it’s going to be so far above our intelligence that there’s no way for the AI to explain its decision-making. It’ll just be ‘The computer says this.’

And if you’re basically organized crime, running the government, which I would argue is the situation today, and you don’t want to have to explain the reasons for your policy because it’s a horrible reason that no one would agree with, what
a great curtain, what a great facade to have for your smart dictatorship.

They just have to say that it was the AI’s decision. They have plausible deniability about everything, don’t they? And a lot of the stuff they say in that context is very unsettling. Stuff like, AI may decide to sacrifice hundreds of thousands, if not millions of their own population to win.

If the goal given is winning, then AI is willing to make all sorts of sacrifices that humans wouldn’t make. But if you look at people like Kissinger and Eric Schmidt, they’d be very happy to kill a bunch of people and then blame it on AI for the decision.

They don’t care about killing millions of people. They care about expanding their money and power infinitely. How do you have plausible deniability about that and get away with mass murder, eugenics programs and population control? You say ‘There’s this new super intelligence thing that’s going to take over government because it’s so superior. It’s going to churn out policies and we’re just going to follow them.’

It’s the new god basically. It’s superior to us and it can’t explain how it got to this conclusion because it thinks so differently from us. So, we just have to follow what it says, but we’re not responsible for what it says at the same time … People like Ray Kurzweil said the singularity was going to happen a long time ago and it didn’t happen. And if you look at programs like Welcome Leap … where they’re trying to map baby brains and child brains by forcing kids to use very invasive, biometric technology … because they think that will create the singularity — that, to me, says they are grasping at straws.

They have no way of producing something equivalent to the human brain. They can mimic stuff very successfully with AI and they have done so, but in terms of creating consciousness? These are the most unconscious people on the entire planet trying to recreate consciousness in their image. Good luck … I think they’re going to try and fake it.

And, here’s the other thing. This whole inevitability of AI narrative is a major marketing narrative necessary to get transhumanist technologies widely adopted … The super intelligent singularity stuff is most likely a PSYOP to get
you into the transhumanist box that you’re not going to get out of. Once you get a brain chip, there’s no going back.”

What You Can Do to Prepare
Clearly, we all face enormous challenges in the years ahead, regardless of where we live, as this is a global takeover. So, what can you do to prepare? Here are some of Webb’s recommendations:
• Build community and local parallel economies.
• Build your knowledgebase on how to grow and raise food, even if you’re not in a position to grow food right now. There are many free videos online that you can peruse. Ideally, download them so you can watch them offline, even if the internet
goes down. Books on homesteading and basic survival skills are also a valuable investment. “Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills” is one option. As a general rule going forward, you’ll want hard copies or copies on external hard
drives of any information that you want to have access to in the future, as the internet is becoming increasingly scrubbed of important information. If using an external hard drive, make sure you store it in a faraday bag to protect the information from electromagnetic weapons.
• Stock up on backup supplies such as food and energy generators. Also have a plan for how to secure potable water. Since the economy is collapsing and inflation skyrocketing, your money is not doing you much good in the bank. You’re losing
purchasing power with each passing month, and a bank bail-in could wipe you out completely. So, if you need survival items, buying them now might be one of the better investment strategies out there.
• Do everything you can to avoid entering the CBDC system when it rolls out.
• Go back to using more cash if you don’t do that already. Also, consider cutting back on your online usage, social media in particular. “If things get really bad and the war on domestic terror gets underway and there’s all this profiling going on, I would stay as far away from the online world as you can,” Webb says.

More Information
In closing, Webb is now investigating the FTX scandal. Could we end up seeing a Volume 3 in her “One Nation Under Blackmail” series? Perhaps, but she’s not making any promises. She’s also working on an investigative series with Ian Davis about the United Nations sustainable development goals, showing point by point “the agenda under the hood.”

To stay abreast of Webb’s work, sign up for her newsletter at Unlimited Hangout. There you will also get the best price for her two-volume series “One Nation Under Blackmail.” I couldn’t recommend her site more strongly. She’s a world-class investigator, and is willing to take deep dives into crucial topics few others dare to touch.

Transcript of:

One Nation Under Blackmail A Special Interview With Whitney Webb
By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Welcome, everyone. Dr. Mercola, helping you take control of your health. Today we have a real treat for you. We are going to be dialoguing with a person who I believe is the best investigative journalist out there, Whitney Webb. We are so pleased to have her.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Why is she on? Well, she is on because she has written a new book. It’s actually a giant book. It was so big, they had to cut it into two. It’s “One Nation Under Blackmail,” and it’s a fascinating book. It is the third longest book I read. Actually, I’m listening now. The two longer ones… Actually, three longer ones. The Bible is longer. Of course, “The Miracles” is longer and “Atlas Shrugged” is longer. But hers comes in close. Those books don’t have references. Hers does. And it’s actually significantly longer than Bobby Kennedy’s book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” which has, I think, 2,000 to 3,000 references. Hers has over 3,000 references. It’s crazy. This is amazing.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
But before I get into some more details of this, and about Whitney herself, I want to give you guys a hint. As you’re aging, one of the things you tend to lose, especially if you’re looking at screens all the time, is your far vision. Many people have lost it already for a variety of reasons. We have an epidemic of myopia. But if you still have your far vision, you will lose it if you fail
to look in the distance.
My strategy was to walk on the beach, get sunshine and fresh air, and I would read books to multitask. That reading is near-vision. I abuse my near-vision. I’m on a screen all day long. This does play a part in her book, okay? So, there is a way that you can listen to books, and Whitney was kind enough to give me a draft version of her book in a Word document. If it was a PDF,
you can convert a PDF through Word in the program, Word.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Why is that important? Because if you have a Word document, if you have an iPhone, there is a section in there. I just want to tell you how to do this because it’s a really neat trick. You go to iPhone and you go to Accessibility in Settings. In accessibility, you go into spoken content. There’s some controls there you just have to turn on, and then an icon will appear on your screen, and then that will allow you to read anything on your screen. So, if you put the book on your phone, you can actually have your phone read the book to you. It doesn’t have to be Audible. Are any of your books going to be Audible?
Whitney Webb:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Okay, okay. In her case, then, you can do that too. But a lot of books aren’t in Audible form. Certainly, when Whitney gave it to me, it wasn’t on the market yet. I wanted to listen to it because I wanted to preserve my far vision. So, that’s just a little trick for you. So, I listened to Whitney’s book. I didn’t really read it, I listened to it. But it’s fascinating. Whitney is an amazing
individual, I’ve known her for a number of years now, at least of her work. There’s no one I know that that goes into depth like her. In fact, you’re an anomaly. You’re like a computer. How you’re able to
Whitney Webb:
Thank you.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
-keep track of all these disparate and unrelated pieces of information, and keep track of them and connect the dots, it’s just amazing. I don’t know anyone else who can do this. It’s just really shocking.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I have a fascination with world-class individuals like Magnus Carlson, who’s probably the best chess player of all time, and John Carmack, who’s maybe one of the best computer programmers that ever lived. He was the former CTO of Oculus Rift with Meta, formerly Facebook. Worldclass poker players, anyone who’s the best in what they do, I’m just fascinated how they got there and what drives them, and what is the catalyst for achieving that type of world-class behavior. Whitney, you fall in that category. You’re a great treasure for the community because you are capturing pieces of information that just – they’re not commonly available.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
The data you’re providing, you’re providing a unique service that I can’t see anyone else doing. It’s really pretty shocking. And the depth and intensity of the information that you acquire is just shocking how well you put things together. We’ll definitely go into the book a bit. You’re coming on, I think, for a second interview, so we’ll talk about some other fascinations I have, which is the disappearance of information from the internet, which you and I have personally experienced.
I really want to go dive deep on that because it’s important to understand how we got here and what this means for
Whitney Webb:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
-the future of humanity, because they are disappearing the knowledge. They are burning the Library of Alexandria. They absolutely are. I’ve seen it just in the last few years. It’s just gone, gone, gone. It’s gone because they’ve thrown the keys away. It’s still exists, but unless you have the index, you’re never going to find it. Or you’ve downloaded it previously. Because they’re not essentially destroying the websites, but they’re destroying the index to it, or eliminating it. Hopefully that’ll change.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
But anyway, I’d like to understand how a person like you was able to achieve your level of excellence. I wonder if you can give us a little bit of your history to help understand what motivates you to do this, because it’s extraordinary. You have to have the utmost dedication and commitment to get this type of information up. You’ve got to be driven beyond reason.
Something’s driving you, and I’d like to understand what that is. So maybe if you can give us a bit of your backstory.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I do know from listening to some of your previous interviews that you actually grew up in Florida and don’t have a passion for it right now, even though many of us do. I grew up in Chicago, and I love Florida beyond what you can possibly imagine. You know what I mean? There’s a climate perspective, but also, the freedom compared to Illinois is just diametrically polar opposite. So, maybe tell us what happened in Florida, and then how you got to be an itinerant and you’re living in Chile now. Actually, you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, which is why we see you in winter clothes in the middle of the summer.
Whitney Webb:
Yes, because it’s winter here. Well, coming out of winter now, I guess.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
You’re going into spring and we’re going into fall as we’re recording this. So, if you wouldn’t mind, if you could give us some of the backstory, that would be really great.
Whitney Webb:
Well, I’m not really used to talking about myself in interviews, just because I try and keep a focus on the work I do more than the person doing the work. Because I think independent media to a large degree, and this certainly isn’t true of everyone, but there are some people who like to make it about them. I’m just not that type. I don’t really like the spotlight. I don’t even really like to do interviews that much because I’m adverse to public speaking. If I didn’t have to do it, I probably wouldn’t do very much of it.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Are you an introvert? Would you consider yourself an introvert?
Whitney Webb:
I didn’t used to be, but I think it just became that way with time. I guess I got used to that as I was living in Latin America. I’ve been in Latin America probably for 10 years now. My Spanish wasn’t great at the beginning, so I just got used to listening a lot more. When I lived in the U.S., I was a lot more extroverted, initially. I also worked in food service for a while, even though I had college degrees, but I graduated in the middle of recessions and stuff, so the labor market wasn’t great. You have to be extroverted to do that kind of work well. So anyway, I don’t know how far you want me to go back, really. But I went to
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
As far back as you need to help us understand what happened in your brain to inspire you and motivate you to pursue this line of work. Because it appears you really want justice served. You must have experienced some injustice in your life to have such a
Whitney Webb:
That’s true, but I don’t know how personal I want to get, just because my parents are still alive and I don’t want to cause any complications. But I, in my personal circumstances growing up, had one parent that I felt did not treat me or my sister very nicely. I definitely grew up feeling that there was an injustice being done or that had been done. I ended up not really trusting adults very much at all. I had maybe one teacher at school that I trusted, was the adult I trusted, but as I
got older, that trust ended up being betrayed also. So, I didn’t really believe grownups, I guess, you could say, and decided to analyze and make my own opinions instead of taking the words of others for it. I questioned some big events of the time. I’m 32 right now, so I was relatively young when 9/11 and the Iraq war happened and all of that, and remembered not exactly buying the narratives at the time, even though I was pretty young, probably because of my experience growing up.
Whitney Webb:
So, it was a little complicated in Florida, for sure. That’s part of why I haven’t really been back in a long time. The weather is nice. But then again, when you grow up in Florida, I think it’s common that people try to go to climates very opposite to where they may haven’t grown up. I don’t really like extreme heat and humidity, so I’m now in Chile, which is like the Pacific
Northwest in terms of climate. So, it’s, again, radically different. Like Florida and Chicago, as you brought up.
Whitney Webb:
So anyway, in college, I was originally majoring in biology, and I ended up double majoring. In biology, I was very interested in the environmental crisis caused by factory farming. I also had a couple things happen. One of them was a vaccine injury when I was in college, from the swine flu experimental
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Swine flu, wow.
Whitney Webb:
-vaccine. Because I was a sophomore, I think, in 2009 in college. I was pressured to take it ecause they were quarantining kids randomly at my school, like locking them up and not letting them outside for weeks and stuff.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
A harbinger of COVID-19.
Whitney Webb:
Really similar. But before that point, I had not questioned vaccines. I didn’t think pharmaceutical corruption – I knew about Big Pharma corruption, but I didn’t think our government would’ve allowed things that aren’t safe onto the market at the time. I had a really high fever and passed out in my bed for two days. My roommate and I weren’t very close, so she just thought I’d partied or something, and had left me there. But I had a really hard time recovering from that. I had to drop out of a class and some stuff. I had a really rigorous schedule because like I said, I was double majoring. So, I started to question some stuff with that.
Whitney Webb:
In my other major, I was originally doing East Asian religion, and I ended up getting more interested in American civil religion and Christianity and stuff like that by the end of it. It got too political, and I was being told not to go down those avenues, which I didn’t like. So that’s, I guess, the beginning of me. Some of the events, I guess, that led me to question some stuff.
Whitney Webb:
And then I developed a chronic health issue while I was in university that may have been caused by some other things that went on at the time that was related to digestive health. It was a candida albicans issue. So, I went to doctors in the U.S., while I still lived there, for a long time.
Well, not a long time, but several times. I was like, “There’s definitely something wrong with me, but I don’t know what it is.”
Eventually, they were just like, “You’re fine.” I was like, “No, I’m not.” I think this is something that happens to a lot of people in the U.S. that have chronic issues, is that they’re just gaslighted about having issues. Because if it’s a medical issue that Western Rockefeller medicine doesn’t recognize, then they just act like it doesn’t exist, basically.
Whitney Webb:
So, I ended up being taken by life’s circumstances in my efforts to figure out what was wrong with me and not feel sick all the time to Latin America. I worked on a farm for a while in Peru that was owned by an American lady, and I ended up just staying around here. I eventually went a little farther south from Peru to Chile.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Did your candida symptoms resolve at the farm?
Whitney Webb:
Well, I didn’t know what it was. It wasn’t until maybe 2014 that I figured out what the issue was. Because I didn’t know I couldn’t eat sugar. I was eating healthier on the farm for sure, and it helped a lot. But I still didn’t know what it was because I was just grasping in the dark. I didn’t really have the financial ability to seek help. I think that happens to a lot of people. The standard American diet causes a lot of problems and they don’t inform you about it, and then when you try and get help, they just deny there’s any issue. You have to go to practitioners that are almost always, insurance won’t cover it because they’re not recognized as “real” doctors. It’s just a mess.
Whitney Webb:
So anyway, I became acutely aware of a lot of these types of issues with health care and Big Pharma, and also the environmental issues and also some political stuff in relation to my thesis for my religion major. That’s what ended up happening. I spent so many years grasping for answers and trying to recover my health when I should have been technically in the prime of my life. I don’t know.
There’s just a lot of things you realize as you start to investigate that stuff, like how many people have been, for lack of a better word, screwed over or had things robbed from them, or sometimes their lives or their loved ones on the extreme end. But it can be something even significantly more minor like it was in my case. Just obviously, it was a system that isn’t working for people.
It’s not designed to work for people, it’s designed to weaken people for the benefit of the powerful. I don’t want to live in a world like that, and now I have kids, and I don’t want them to live in that world.
Whitney Webb:
What I’ve noticed over the past several years especially is the amount of attention of dangerous people with power targeting children to significant degrees. The food system’s part of that, but I think it’s quite clear to most Americans now that it goes far beyond things like that even now.
Though obviously, that’s one factor of it. But really, these things can’t continue.
To paraphrase, I forget exactly who said the quote, but something about – I think it was actually Napoleon, the world suffers a lot because of the silence of good people. More of us have to speak up. I felt that way, and felt like knowing the stuff, I had to do something. Thankfully for me, it eventually turned into a career, but it wasn’t always like that. I had to work.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It wasn’t by design. It wasn’t by design.
Whitney Webb:
No, it wasn’t planned. I wanted to stay and just do farming and gardening and stuff. I really enjoyed that. I wanted to do something I enjoyed for a living. I didn’t want to be stuck laboring away, spending my entire life doing something I didn’t enjoy. I enjoy gardening, I also enjoy writing about the stuff and researching it, so I’m lucky in that sense.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It’s interesting with respect to the catalyst for your entry into this was the challenge with the yeast problem because that’s actually what got me into natural medicine, was a patient I had. It was a child, must have been 2 or 3 years old, and had classic chronic yeast syndrome. There was a physician, Dr. William Crook, who wrote the book, “The Yeast Connection.” I don’t know if you’ve heard of him. He’s passed, probably two decades ago by now.
I had read his book and I thought, “Well, I’ll try this.” Part of his protocol was using an antifungal called Diflucan at the time. I tried it and it failed, and I said, “Oh, this can’t work.” But then, at least I tried that initially, five or six years ago when it just started, and I just assumed that his approach was hogwash.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
And then I reexamined it and then implemented the dietary suggestions he had, and then more importantly, connected with a group of like-minded physicians. At that time, it was the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. And started connecting with them and learning from what they were doing. It was such treat to understand that there’s other physicians who hold this perspective. That really was the catalyst for me entering into natural medicine and starting it from there.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I’m wondering because people are sometimes curious of how did I – I didn’t always have this. I was brainwashed when I went to med school, like almost every other medical student, into Rockefeller medicine. That’s probably the best way to describe it. I’ve actually written a chapter in my new book on that. As you well know, he’s the catalyst for the transformation of American
medicine, primarily through the founding of the Flexner Report in 1910. And really capturing the regulatory agencies
Whitney Webb:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
-and having complete control over what happened, and eliminating almost every single form of natural medicine from the medical school curriculum and was just taught drugs. That was the only option. So, I got brainwashed into that system and came out of it, thanks to this “Yeast Connection.” Are your symptoms better completely now? Have you resolved it?
Whitney Webb:
Yeah. It took a couple years of extreme dietary change. I understand that some people with more resources than I had at the time are able to do more than just diet, but I had to go the cheap route.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
No, that’s the most important.
Whitney Webb:
It really was the most important, for sure. But it was really debilitating when I lived in the U.S. I felt like I was going to die. That’s why I took an extreme step of moving, basically, to another continent because I didn’t know what else to do. Because I couldn’t get help in the US, I couldn’t really afford to live effectively. I didn’t have financial support from my parents. It was a very complicated time in my life, and I just didn’t really feel like I had any other options.
So, I was like, “Well, helping run an organic farm. I’ll go do that and I’ll hope it does something,” and it did, even though I still didn’t have all the answers at that point. But you have to start somewhere.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Now we know the motivation and the desire to do what you do, but it doesn’t explain your ability to do what you do. You’re like a supercomputer. Most people do not have the intelligence and the mental acuity to keep all these things straight and put them all together and do that. What do you attribute that to? Do you think you were just born that way? Is it a vaccine injury or what it?
Whitney Webb:
Well, actually, the vaccine injury did affect my ability to do this kind of work. It was really upsetting for a long time, because I just felt like abilities that were there to do intellectual work quickly were negatively affected by that. So anyway, but in terms of where it started, I guess it’s just something I’ve always had. I was technically a year ahead in school, but my mom wanted me to be with kids my own age, so I ended up doing second grade twice. Not because I needed to be held back or anything, just because she didn’t like the idea of me being with older kids, for whatever reason. When I was little, I did get bullied in early elementary school because I did really well and I was already a year ahead. There was a kid in the class that was older than me and didn’t do so well and didn’t like that.
Whitney Webb:
I was really tiny, obviously. Maybe that was why she wanted to do that. I went to a public magnet school and did really well school-wise. I went to a pretty high-ranking liberal arts school, got some scholarship money to attend. I guess I’ve had an ability, but it doesn’t necessarily translate into things like – I did well enough on things like the SAT and tests like that but I don’t think they necessarily test accurately for all types of intelligence. I guess, for me, it’s just been easy for me to do things like pattern recognition and stuff. It has always really been pretty easy, but, the vaccine injury in college was really difficult. It’s gotten easier with time, but definitely, throughout my 20s, I felt like I definitely had lost something. I don’t know if I recovered it or I just learned how to work without it.
Whitney Webb:
That experience, once COVID was here, I was like, “No way.” I know what those experimental things do. I think, eventually, that particular swine flu vaccine ended up being banned as well, I think, because it was causing narcolepsy in Europe or something, if I’m not mistaken, and was taken off the market eventually. I definitely knew by then to wait and see, but it also informed how I approached vaccination with my own children, being more aware that it’s not necessarily the way they sell it to people or the way that you’re taught how they work. I think most people growing up even know about adverse reactions most of the time or don’t know. They basically treat vaccines like it’s a vitamin or something and that there’s no drawback
to it, it’s how it’s often advertised. I no longer feel that way because of my personal experience, and obviously what’s happened over the past couple years I think has made it more clear.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah. Well, at least you got saved from the COVID jab. How is it in Peru? Did they have lockdowns? I think you were in the U.K. during the pandemic, weren’t you?
Whitney Webb:
I left Chile for the U.K., so I wasn’t in Peru for the lockdown. As I understand it, pretty much all of Latin America had really extreme lockdowns, the type that were imposed in places like Canada and Australia, pretty extreme. The U.K. had a lockdown, too, but it wasn’t – you were allowed to leave your house.
In Chile, it was very extreme, and Chile ended up, because of just the extreme messaging and fear and the excessiveness of the measures that were taken, a lot of people ended up taking the vaccine, but I think there’s a lot of shifts here now. Even just over the past month, there’s been a vaccine passport enforced this whole time. Restaurant unions around the country are saying they’re just going to boycott it and risk the fines and stuff because they’re just not going to do it anymore.
Whitney Webb:
I live in a touristic area in the hot springs near the mountains. They have a union, too, and they’re all opposing it. All this local resistance is starting to bubble up finally. Most people don’t wear masks anymore, and Chile was very masked for a very long time. A lot of people are really questioning stuff in a way they weren’t before. By the time the third dose rolled around, so many people had adverse reactions, and the media just doesn’t cover it at all because the media landscape here is very controlled. People started to really not trust what was going on.
Whitney Webb:
I think, based on my experience here, it would be very hard to pull off a COVID redux, Pandemic 2, as Bill Gates likes to call it, it would be very hard to pull off here again, that type of bio security stuff, because it only happened because people really believed it, because so many people had so much trust in the existing media landscape, which is CNN Chile or state TV
basically, is the media landscape here.
There’s not much in ways of independent media, unfortunately. It was definitely very complicated to be here. I wanted my daughter to go to daycare. That’s part of why I was in the UK, because they closed daycares here. Obviously, that’s not fair to kids. One of the reasons I’m back here is things like cost of living and stuff like that and because my daughter’s father is
Chilean. Family stuff, it gets a little complicated sometimes.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It seems like you’re drawn towards the complicated.
Whitney Webb:
No. I don’t know. I think it’s just-
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Or it’s drawn towards you.
Whitney Webb:
Yeah. Well, life circumstances, things can shift, and I don’t think anyone really expected COVID until it was here, that whole event when it took a lot of people by surprise.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It did. I think people who’ve been aware and studying this were taken by surprise because they tell you what their plans are and you know that they’ve got – just like they’re doing with The Great Reset and Klaus Schwab and publishing that and basically telling us what’s going to happen. In some ways what was predictable, the specifics were surprising. No one was really expecting that, unless you got Event 201, you believed it.
Whitney Webb:
Yeah. Well, I don’t think people were looking so much at the biosecurity agenda at that point. I think maybe after anthrax and stuff in 2001 for a couple years, maybe people were, but by the time 2020 rolled around, I think that caught a lot of people by surprise. But I think some people were sort of anticipating something. I know by late 2019 and in January 2020, actually I did a
report about, it was titled something like, “How U.S. Intelligence is Preparing the American Public for a Failed Election in 2020.” And this was before COVID, so it was basically clear that there was going to be some sort of what ended up being January 6th, some push for this domestic terror agenda that it was going to be Trump supporters and that there was going to be a lot of complications around 2020.
Whitney Webb:
That stuff was out in the open by the end of 2019 and COVID was sort of there in January and you could sort of see that something was going on there, but it wasn’t quite clear the extent of what was going to go on there. But I think some people were anticipating in independent media, some sort of 9/11 2.0, but it ended up being sort a biosecurity 9/11 as opposed to some sort of large attack or event of that time.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It’s a good segue into the new book that you wrote or books – plural – and I’ll give you the opportunity at the end to discuss the different options one has to obtain these books. But the book again is, “One World Under Black-“
Whitney Webb:
“One Nation Under Blackmail.”
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
One Nation, sorry. “One Nation Under Blackmail,” which is a primer, it’s the encyclopedia to provide the framework to understand a big part of this mess. And you go back almost a hundred years to World War II, I think, in the volume one, where you make the connections between the intelligence community in the United States and organized crime, and then to extend that connection. I think you’ve mentioned in our previous interviews, how there’s very few people who are reluctant to accept and believe that these connections exist when you talk about World War II or ’50s, ’60s, maybe even ’70s, once you start getting into the ’80s and above, then you’re automatically considered a conspiracy theorist. Which interestingly, I believe you can confirm this, but that term, “conspiracy theorist,” originated right after the Kennedy was shot in ’63.
Whitney Webb:
It did, the Kennedy assassination, with the Warren Commission.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah. That was a CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) plot to discredit people, the truthers back then, who really were opposed to the undercover, the true conspiracy that was there. It wasn’t a conspiracy theorist, it was conspiracy fact. Anyway, that’s the term that stuck. And I did think it was related to ’63, so thanks for confirming that. But I’ll let you kind of review the broad
perspective because folks, there are so many details in the book. It’s mind-[boggling] – my head spins when just go on. It’s just goes on. It’s literally encyclopedic, but it makes so much sense.
The later part of the book is a lot easier to get because it’s more contemporary things than you actually have gone through this yourself, you’ve read it in the news and everything and you put all the pieces together. But what is organized crime? Now, is that typically what we consider to be the mafia, or is it more extensive than that?
Whitney Webb:
Well, at this point it’s definitely different than it was in the ’20s and ’30s, which of course is the era that’s sort of been glamorized by Hollywood of what the mob and the mafia were. But at the end of the day, the mafia and the mob were professional criminals, that their businesses were basically rackets of illegal activity, most often sex trafficking or prostitution and drug smuggling and obviously those activities necessitate a lot of financial crimes like money laundering, among other things, in order to expand and maintain those rackets. That’s basically what I guess you could say organized crime is in a nutshell. You have someone like [Jeffrey] Epstein, who’s the focus of volume two of the book, Down the Line, who’s engaging in sex trafficking. But as I point out in the book, he was also involved in arms trafficking and money laundering to a significant degree.
Whitney Webb:
And that’s what these same “rackets” of organized crime going back to the ’20s and ’30s, that was their realms, but also became the realms of intelligence agencies. Not just U.S. intelligence though, definitely U.S. intelligence has engaged in those activities, but several intelligence agencies around the world, specifically intelligence agencies that collaborate or are very allied with the CIA, whether that’s intelligence agencies in Latin America, when you’re talking about drug smuggling.
Whitney Webb:
And one theme throughout the book is the different areas and I guess scandals, you could even say, where U.S. and Israeli intelligence have cooperated in the expansion of these rackets or in things like Iran-Contra for example, which is probably an accessible scandal to a lot of people. It was a lot more extensive than just arms for hostages situation. But at the end of the day, it was an arms trafficking and also drug trafficking situation with the idea of financing secret wars around the globe with a focus on the Contras in Nicaragua, but also elsewhere and that’s U.S. and Israeli intelligence.
And as I pointed out in the book, the sort of fusion of organized crime and intelligence became formalized in World War II in something that’s known as Operation Underworld, where the office of Naval intelligence with the CIA’s precursor, the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), formally aligned themselves with the New York mob or what was at the time referred to as the
National Crime Syndicate, which was basically a merger of the Jewish mob and the Italian mafia.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Was this pre World War II or [crosstalk 00:35:16]?
Whitney Webb:
This took place specifically in World War II
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
In World War II, okay.
Whitney Webb:
-and the reason though it happened is because the mob had taken over most of the unions and in doing so, they had also taken over most of the Democratic party as their power base was unions at the time. So, the mob took over the unions and then they took basically control of the Democratic party in New York and that preceded Operation Underworld.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
And is that what you consider as the formation of the intelligence committee in the United States?
Whitney Webb:
The first formal intelligence – well, it’s complicated because there were sort of intelligence agencies, but nothing like the CIA. If you want to talk about something like the CIA, its origins were with the Coordinator of Information Office, which became the Office of Strategic Services, relatively quickly, which was controlled by William Donovan, who was the director of the OSS.
And then in 1947, those networks developed as part of the OSS essentially or maintained and become the CIA. But before then you have things like the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) precedes World War II and some of these other agencies, the precursor to the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), the FBN (Federal Bureau of Narcotics) was around. And so, some of these agencies that were in theory, law enforcement, as well as intelligence agencies existed, but sort of a centralized thing. Central Intelligence Agency, that’s what the CIA stands for, so it was the centralization of theseDr. Joseph Mercola:
It’s mostly a 20th century phenomena, though.
Whitney Webb:
Yeah, mostly.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
That’s what I was thinking.
Whitney Webb:
Anyway, after I sort of lay out that stuff in the book, one of the, I guess the main themes of the book in keeping with Jeffrey Epstein is to show how sexual blackmail is something that was used by organized crime, even before U.S. intelligence existed. And then they get together and they essentially start cooperating in a lot of these rackets.
As I mentioned earlier, things like sex trafficking, arms trafficking, drugs trafficking, they sort of fused together and have this symbiotic relationship around all of those rackets. But one of the ways they protect those rackets and expand them is by compromising powerful people. A lot of times, politicians with a focus on congressmen and also presidents, as you go down the line. I’m basically tracing the continuity of those activities and those rackets and a lot of these same financial crimes, well beyond when these groups came together. I go through and point to numerous examples of the same groups and the same people from then through the ’50s, the ’60s, the ’70s, and then getting to the ’80s and all of that.
Whitney Webb:
What I’m basically trying to do is show that, people in the U.S. are aware that there was a point where organized crime was known to have had a lot of influence and clout and power in the United States. And unfortunately, people had been, I guess you could say, brainwashed to believe that it’s gone and that’s not what happened.
Instead, sexual blackmail took over our law enforcement agencies at a very early stage with the blackmail of J. Edgar Hoover, who himself was also very into blackmail and blackmailed other people because essentially what this boils down to is that, this is control of information and access to privileged information and the weaponization of information at the end of the day and that’s sort of what blackmail is in a sense.
Whitney Webb:
You’re having these wars over information at the end of the day and we see that now with the Internet Age, for example, which you sort of touched on earlier, but at this very early stage, you had the head of law enforcement of the FBI completely compromised by organized crime. And he refused to go after organized crime pretty much the whole time he was FBI director, which he was for the majority, you could even argue of I guess, of the 20th CenturyDr. Joseph Mercola:
One of the points you brought out in an earlier interview that you’ve had was that in reference to the ostensible appearance, that organized crime is being diminished, when these news stories emerge, it’s actually just a cover because what’s happening is a consolidation
Whitney Webb:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
… of organized crime. You can expand on that because you’ve covered this so well.
Whitney Webb:
Sure. Basically, the people that are most powerful in these rackets, especially the organized criminals in bed with intelligence, they have state protection in a sense, for their rackets, so that is a huge boon for them. And they can often weaponize it through their influence and power in the power of the CIA and groups like that in the U.S., have their competition taken out. And this is something that’s been going on for a very long time.
For example, one early example I give in the book is Thomas Dewey, he was eventually governor of New York and was a contender for U.S. president at one point, but he became famous as a prosecutor of organized crime. And he was actually involved in Operation Underworld, which was the alliance of intelligence and organized crime. He later becomes a business partner of the mob himself by the ’50s and ’60s.
Whitney Webb:
But his time as prosecutor and another guy politician that also became very tied with organized crime named [William] O’Dwyer, I’m forgetting his first name. I think, I can’t remember. But he was mayor of New York for an extended period of time. These two guys were prosecuting a mobster and they were praised in the media like The New York Times as being tough on crime and all of this stuff. But really that particular mobster they were going after, who, if I believe his name was Lepke Buchalter or something, not exactly the best at pronouncing these names maybe
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
You can remember
Whitney Webb:
He had basically been consigned to death by all the other guys in the mob, they wanted him out anyway. And so he was sold out and they took over his territory, but these prosecutors were praised as tough on crime and they’re elected on this tough of crime image, but really they’re in bed with organized crime. And you see this with someone like Rudolph Giuliani, decades later in the 1980s, he’s prosecuting Italian organized crime, but becoming very close to other sides of the National Crime Syndicate as it existed in that period. And he’s consolidating territory by only going after certain mobsters whose time had essentially already set. And then he has this toughon-crime image that he uses to build his political career, while still having these alliances behind closed doors, and this is a recurring theme.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Things are not always as they appear to be. And thankfully we have people like Whitney to help us understand what’s really going on. Just a curiosity question, from your perspective. What is your best guess as to where are all this wealth accumulation is going? You’ve got massive amounts of revenues being generated through these activities. And I think in your book, you talk about, you go deep into the Iran-Contra issue and how I believe Congress refused to fund some of these activities, so that seemed to be a catalyst for a lot of how these processes got started.
And in that case, it was funding U.S. imperialism and overtaking other countries, so that would be one ostensible use of the funds. But can you maybe elaborate on where is all this wealth accumulation going?
Whitney Webb:
Yeah. Epstein is a really good vehicle for exploring this and he’s the reason I started writing this book and it’s sort of expanded because I’m trying to essentially explain Epstein to people. And I’m like, “Well, okay, I have to go really far back to explain all of this stuff, so it makes a very detailed case that makes a lot of sense, but you have to go back in history to understand the context and the history,” which a lot of Americans don’t, and it’s not their fault. It’s the fault of the media, the education system and in all of that.
Whitney Webb:
If you look at Epstein’s career, for example, there’s things like the savings and loans crisis in the 1980s, for example, which was a huge wealth transfer to – according to people like Houston Post — Pete Brewton, who wrote a story on it, or a book on this, it was intelligence and organized crime that essentially collaborated with major Wall Street banks at the time, like Drexel
Burnham Lambert and some of these other groups and this particular nexus by taking $6 billion out of the savings and loan industry, when it was deregulated, basically by what they didn’t already own of corporate America.
Whitney Webb:
And so you have the same group more or less, having compromised politicians through sex blackmail for decades. And by the time they incorporate America due to the role that corporate America plays in U.S. politics, they can essentially buy everyone else out, at that point in time.
But like you mentioned earlier, during that same period of time, this network was also basically finding a way to off the books, finance activities, secret wars, really, all over the globe, not just in Nicaragua at the time, but really find a way to not have to tell or get a congressional approval to finance, proxy armies and stuff throughout the U.S.
Whitney Webb:
And for a long time, this was justified as this is necessary to fight the communists. And of course, with the fall of the Soviet Union, that excuse sort of collapses. And from that point, I see that power nexus in the ’80s, after the fall of the Soviet Union, I see that there’s two, really a split and you see it with U.S. politics today. You have people that are sort of hungry for a return to the Reagan-era days where America’s on top and use these same types of illegal activities to further U.S. imperialism with this sort of warped idea of American nationalism, and then you have this other side that’s the internationalist camp or the globalists that want global governance.
And you sort of have them competing, but they all really, both factions, go back to Iran-Contra and these intelligence/organized crime groups. That’s why the Clintons for example, you see them being involved in Iran-Contra, and I would definitely place them more in the internationalist camp. It’s pretty clear that Epstein moved in that direction by the ‘90s as well and that sort of explained some of his interactions with the Clinton White House throughout the 1990s, which were very scandalous, very scandalous to a significant degree, and have major implications for national security, in a way that I think really few Americans understand and I certainly didn’t understand until I went about in doing the research and writing this book. But then you have people sort of rally around Trump, for instance, you have an advisor to him be Reagan’s Attorney General Edwin Meese III, who was also in the rig administration involved in an extreme criminal activity and stuff like that.
Whitney Webb:
So, some of the big factions today sort of trace back to this time. So, I guess I’m getting a little away from your original question, which is what are they doing with the money? Well, we don’t really know, but if you look at someone like Epstein, who was in these financial networks, a key financial criminal, because he’s not just a sex criminal, that’s what they want to paint him as exclusively. He was a financial criminal that dabbled in sex crimes. I mean, that’s my conclusion from the book. But he was very important in these networks of capital.
Whitney Webb:
So, if you look at where he shifted, he’s involved with Iran-Contra, then he gets involved with Clinton White House stuff, then he gets involved, after Clinton leaves office, with building up this new model of philanthropy, that’s typified by the Clinton Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He’s involved with both from a very early stage, specifically in designing the HIV/AIDS stuff. And you see him over time getting really involved with eugenics, transhumanism and all of these things, and a lot of these “philanthropies” are also promoting policies that lead us in those directions.
And from a very early stage, compared to other players in this scene, you have Epstein in 2012 trying to sell genomic sequences of people to Big Pharma for this gene-tailored medicine, that now, in the COVID era, we’re hearing about in a big way. So, as you’re centralizing control and taking control of all the money, eventually you don’t need any more money. It becomes about power and control on how to entrench yourself in that position, so that you maintain the status quo that benefits you, and obviously that doesn’t benefit the American public that benefits these career criminals.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
That is a powerful concept. Why don’t you say that again? Because you speak so fast and you have so much information, I just don’t want people to lose that because that is a golden pearl. It’s not just about the money, it’s more about the power and control.
Whitney Webb:
It’s about the power and control, and that’s why you see Epstein involved in this from the beginning. It starts with a total foray into health care. It’s getting into people’s bodies first and then getting into their gene sequencing and stuff, and really controlling people at a level that is so essentially molecular.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Which is why George Church is one of your favorite researchers.
Whitney Webb:
Yeah. So, Epstein and the George Church relationship is definitely disturbing, to say the least. But I mean Epstein in science, in general, he was so influential that Bill Gates tapped him to get him a Nobel Prize. Bill Gates wanted a Nobel Prize and he tapped Jeffrey Epstein to help him get it.
He doesn’t get it, but that’s how he got a meeting with people that are involved in selecting that prize and stuff like that. Very influential in the world of philanthropy in a way that I think very few people understand, and it’s certainly not talked about because the focus in the mainstream media on Jeffrey Epstein are on the sex crimes that he committed roughly between 2000 and 2006, and that’s literally all they’ll talk about.
Whitney Webb:
And the reason for that is because, if you talk anymore about Jeffrey Epstein, it unravels quite a lot, and that’s because I think he was a middle management for a whole bunch of these different rackets, I guess you could say, that are tied to people, like Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, in a very intimate way, and a way that they certainly don’t want the truth to come out of the extent of their relationships with Epstein. Bill Gates has tried to explain it away like, “Well, Epstein’s dead now, so it doesn’t matter what my relationship with Epstein really was.” And that’s not sell and so there is a lot more to come out. But the idea is control and that’s why they were so into these particular fields, because getting into health care and dominating health, I mean, you can see it with the Rockefellers going back to 20th century.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
The Rockefeller strategy. A hundred percent. And it’s my understanding that Rockefeller, or his associates, own 50% of the pharmaceutical [industry]. It’s 50%.
Whitney Webb:
Well, Epstein also had a relatively close relationship with David Rockefeller that has not been scrutinized by mainstream media. David Rockefeller was in one of Epstein’s contact books. Leon Black, a very close associate of Epstein, explained, officially, in official documents, where he’s explaining and justifying his relationship with Epstein, says he only got involved with Epstein because David Rockefeller personally appointed Epstein to the board of Rockefeller University.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Was David Rockefeller the most significant Rockefeller in the late 20th century?
Whitney Webb:
Yeah, I would probably say by the late 20th century, sure. There’s the Rockefeller brothers, people like Lawrence Rockefeller and some of the other siblings to David that are also involved in a lot of stuff. But David Rockefeller had created, for example, the Trilateral Commission, which Epstein was a member of, and was very involved in the Council on Foreign Relations, which Epstein was also a member of, and they didn’t boot him out after he was outed as a pedophile and sex criminal, they kept him in.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
You know why I like the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations? Because the front group for them is CCDH, Center for Countering Digital Hate, and that’s the one that outed me as the most
Whitney Webb:
Ah, right.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
-important super spreader of misinformation in the entire world.
Whitney Webb:
Yeah, well, good on you.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So, essentially, that is the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, that’s their attempt to focus on me. I like that. They got to be going somewhere in the right direction.
Whitney Webb:
So, it’s pretty complicated stuff at the end of the day. But ultimately, what you’re seeing with this group over time is that, they can’t believe they get away with it so often, for so long. They become so wealthy and so rich, that not only do they have this, they don’t have any use for any more money, it becomes about power and control. But also, they see the rest of us as subhuman because they think we’re such saps, that they can just screw us over and loot us and we’ll do nothing, all the time.
And a lot of this is generational and some of it’s not. But there are some families involved here, where you have several generations of them, and they’re basically taught that the rest of us are just idiots, and that there’s this classism there, where, “We are the elite and we are herding these people along, and they’re complete idiots, and we can treat them however we want and exploit them.” And you see that also manifest in the sex trafficking activities of Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, where Ghislaine Maxwell is calling the girls they’re trafficking trash and stuff. But they view all of us like that.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I always hesitate to refer them in my articles as the elite. I just call them the global cabal and that
Whitney Webb:
Well, they see themselves as elite and a lot of people call them that because they have become an economic elite, but they have become an economic elite through criminal activity, not through honest means, the vast majority of them. And it’s quite disturbing, their rise, and that’s what I try and chronicle in the book, because you can’t understand this network, you can’t understand Epstein unless you understand this network, and that network precedes Jeffrey Epstein’s existence by decades, and it continues even after he is gone. And that’s what I want people to really take away from the book, because we’re basically being told by mainstream media that now that Epstein is gone, the one bad billionaire in the world has been dealt justice and now everything’s fine, go back to sleep, and it’s not sell. And it’s very important to realize the extent of his involvement in financial crimes because those financial crimes weren’t just perpetrated. It’s not like the sex crimes, which were perpetrated against X number of minors. Obviously, those are horrific crimes, but the financial crimes, pretty much every American’s been affected by that to a significant degree.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
You talked about the intelligence community in the ‘40s overtaking the unions and the Democratic Party at that time. It would seem, in observing what’s happened in the past few years, and especially with the Democratic Party, that that control still exists to this day. But clearly, it’s not just the Democratic Party. So, I’m wondering if you can expand on how it’s also, there really is not much of a difference between the two parties, Republican or Democratic, it’s just a distraction to take us away from the reality. So, give us your take on that. Or is there a difference? I mean, have they controlled the Democratic Party more effectively than the Republican Party?
Whitney Webb:
I think only, what I would say is that, maybe their control of the Democratic Party happened earlier. And I would say that it definitely happened in New York first and maybe in, well, in New York and Chicago, and maybe the West Coast, around that point.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
That’s supposedly how Kennedy got elected in 1960 with [inaudible 00:56:30]
Whitney Webb:
Well, they were very influential, for example, even in the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the career of Harry Truman.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Really? Wow.
Whitney Webb:
Oh yeah, absolutely. Actually, it was Harry Truman that came and stepped in for that mob-linked mayor I mentioned, O’Dwyer. Harry Truman basically made him U.S. ambassador to Mexico to shield him from criminal charges related to organized crime activity of the mayor’s office, on why he was mayor. And then he later had to go back and testify to the Senate Committee on Organized Crime, the Kefauver Committee, and was basically guilty as sin.
But Harry Truman had stepped in for that, and that’s because, at that point, the Democratic Party, especially the New York Democratic Party, which you could argue was one of the most powerful state factions of the Democratic Party at that time, was completely built on the system of what I refer to in the book and it’s a quote from something, “a system of unsavory alliances,” and that’s just the nature of power.
Whitney Webb:
A lot of this backroom dealing and stuff, it’s about deal-making. I mean, you hear this sort of with Donald Trump and it’s no coincidence, because Donald Trump’s mentor was Roy Cohn, whose father was very instrumental in this whole thing, including the O’Dwyer thing I mentioned, family friends, who become family.
And a lot of the people in that world, the power elite, I guess, the people that represent the hidden, perhaps, power structure of New York City, at that point in time it was all about deal making. So, the art of the deal, as Donald Trump calls it, comes from that. It’s about the deals you make with people. “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.” And they’re not necessarily
legal or illegal deals, a lot of them are in this gray, murky area between legal and illegal.
Whitney Webb:
But that’s how power has worked, specifically in that city, for a very long time. And of course, that model has made some people very rich and expanded over time, and it’s definitely impacted the Republican Party by this early stage as well. So, you’re talking about the ‘40s and ‘50s, Thomas Dewey, who is one of the figures I mentioned earlier, he gets in bed with the mob. He ran against Eisenhower to be president. He lost, but if he hadn’t lost, we would’ve had a mob league president then.
You could probably make all sorts of arguments about it, about how many U.S. Presidents, how far back it’s gone, this mob association. But at this point, I mean, it’s very obvious. And I mean, you’ll hear it with, I guess, Donald Trump from the left a lot more, talking about the Russian mafia. But as I point out in the book, the supposed Russian mafia that Donald Trump’s involved with is really just Robert Maxwell’s former business partners.
Whitney Webb:
People are aware of the earlier stage of the Trump-Epstein-Maxwell relationship going back to the ‘90s, and Trump on Maxwell’s yacht and stuff. So, he’s involved in that world. But the Clintons, who have essentially control, and for lack of a better word – or at least rather the donors behind the Clintons still control the DNC (Democratic National Committee) today. Yeah.
They’re very bad, in a way that I’m not trying to absolve Donald Trump in saying that, I definitely don’t feel that way. But I definitely think that the crimes of the Clinton family are just so egregious and out of control, that it’s just stunning to me, that they have been able to evade any sort of legal case.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
And by crimes, we’re talking about deaths. Is it over 30? Is it over 150? How many people?
Whitney Webb:
It’s a lot. Well, I think a lot of people with the so-called Clinton kill list, they have it at 30 something but that doesn’t include all the people that died on that flight, that Commerce Secretary, Ron Brown, died on, which is about 34. It’s probably longer than that. But yeah, it’s sizeable. And some of those deaths aren’t necessarily tied to the Clinton, some of them are tied to
Mena, Arkansas and the drug running that was part of Iran-Contra, which the Clintons knowingly allowed to happen in the state, while Clinton was governor.
It doesn’t mean the Clintons themselves were involved in the nuts and bolts of that necessarily, but obviously there’s some involvement there. But yeah, this is criminal stuff that has entrenched their power in that particular camp, which is more allied with the internationalist side of things, have just sold the U.S. down the river, in a way that is just mind-boggling, just truly mindboggling.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
The best example of the Clinton death is one that you talk about in your book with Mark Middleton, I forget his position in The Clinton White House, but was responsible for connecting with Epstein for 17 visits at the White House. And he actually was suicided earlier this year, right when you were writing the book. So, why don’t you elaborate on that?
Whitney Webb:
Yeah, sure. So, Mark Middleton was special assistant to the chief of staff at the Clinton White House, Mack McLarty, I believe he was recruited for that position as part of the ‘92 election. He stood out as a bundler for the Clinton family, which probably means a legal financial activity when you look into Clinton fundraisers, in the ‘80s and ‘90s, it’s suspect. So you basically have
him being placed in that position, because of his role as a fundraiser during that election cycle. But by February 1995, he has to resign.
And the circumstance of his resignation are very suspicious and the investigation into Mark Middleton is so suspicious that the George W. Bush Administration invoked executive privilege for the first time, just weeks before 9/11, to keep documents about the investigation into Mark Middleton out of the hands of Congress. And that is astounding, because it’s not even the same administration, ostensibly an administration against the corruption of the Clinton era, supposedly, we’re told.
Whitney Webb:
But invoking executive privilege for the first time to protect a guy that’s special assistant to chief of staff, obviously Mark Middleton was involved in some very suspect activity. And those investigations don’t deal with Epstein, they deal with other people that Mark Middleton was meeting with, while he was meeting with Epstein in the same exact period of time. It’s often
remembered really only by conservatives today, but remembered as China Gate. I think that’s sort of a misnomer.
China’s definitely involved, but it’s more fair, I think, to call it Riady Gate. Riady referring to the family of Mochtar Riady, who’s sort of an East Asian oligarch of Chinese origin, but they’re Indonesian. And they bankrolled the Clinton’s, back when Clinton was governor of Arkansas and through his presidency, but by the early nineties had become official business partners of China, so were involved in basically infiltrating and targeting the commerce department. And this is part of why Commerce Secretary Ron Brown ends up dead in this plane crash in 1996.
Whitney Webb:
It’s all tied up with the stuff involving Mark Middleton, and Epstein is in the middle of it. And while Epstein is meeting with Mark Middleton, he is courting the very airline at the center of Iran-Contra and Mena, Arkansas drug-running and arm-smuggling, Southern Air Transport, to run cargo between China and the U.S., ostensibly for the businesses of Leslie Wexner. But given who he’s meeting with at the time and all of this other stuff, it points to some sort of illegal arm smuggling into the United States.
And a lot of these guns, that were Chinese made, ended up in the hands of gangs in American inner cities at the same time that the same network created the crack epidemic, which has been reported on by people like the late journalist, Gary Webb. No relation, by the way. I think he’s a hero, but we are not related, a lot of people think that. Maybe very distantly, but I’m not aware of it.
Whitney Webb:
So, you basically have the same people not only creating a drug epidemic in American inner cities, then you have Clinton becoming president. He’s creating private prisons, to basically create a new model of de facto slavery for African-Americans and inner cities arrested on trumped up drug charges, for a drug epidemic they created. But also, for gang violence that they
exacerbate by smuggling illegal weapons into the U.S. from China, with the direct involvement of some of these families and also Chinese military intelligence, which of course, China has a military-industrial complex just like the U.S., and the top companies in that had a business relationship with Epstein, going back to the 1980s.
Whitney Webb:
So, there is a lot of scandalous stuff that went on the Clinton Administration that I think most Americans don’t even have a handle on anymore. And part of it, conveniently the investigation into it and Congress that could have unraveled, it was totally upended by 9/11. And then that’s why that effort by the Bush Administration to stonewall that investigation, they stonewalled it and then it gets memory hold, because obviously of the events during and after September 11th, 2001, obviously took the focus off of Mark Middleton, but Epstein brought a focus back to that.
Whitney Webb:
So, last December was the first time we got the full visitor logs of Epstein at the White House. And what had previously been thought to have been five meetings with Mark Middleton at the White House, turned into about 15 and 17 in total for Epstein, two or three of them were for other events. But almost all of them tied to very crazy and very illegal fundraising activity by the Clintons, either in the ‘92 election or the ‘96 election, and Epstein was in the middle of that. And basically, Clinton financial criminality and then of course becomes involved in the creation of the Clinton Foundation after Clinton leaves office, which as most people know now, is basically their slush fund.
Whitney Webb:
So, he’s an important financial criminal for these people and there’s a reason that so little attention has been paid to his finances. And if you’re looking at the Epstein case in the past couple of years, the only innocent person to turn up dead, was the son of the judge that was going to oversee the Epstein-Deutsche Bank case. There was a hit on that family, the family of
the judge, that is still very suspect for a number of reasons. But basically, all the other people in the Epstein case, that have ended up dead in the couple years, have been co-conspirators of Epstein or Epstein himself.
Jean-Luc Brunel, Epstein, I guess now, Steve Hoffenberg, and then you have the son of the judge. I don’t think they want people going into the Epstein-Deutsche Bank relationship, the Epstein, JP Morgan or Bear Stearns relationship, for a number of reasons. And unfortunately, I didn’t get to cover this in the book but would like to look at it in the future, it seems like Epstein’s role in the collapse of Bear Stearns was very significant. And this is troubling, because the collapse of Bear Stearns basically started the 2008 financial crisis.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I was thinking, that was
Whitney Webb:
Which was a huge wealth transfer, again, just like the 1980s.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It was exponentially bigger than the 1980s.
Whitney Webb:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
And of course, no one went to jail. No bank executive went to jail, because they’re all part of the crime called syndicate. But just touch on how Mark Middleton got taken out May this year, was it?
Whitney Webb:
Yeah, so sorry, I got off track there. So, it was only a couple months after these logs come out and the extent of Epstein’s meeting with Mark Middleton become known, but they’re not reported on by the U.S. media at all, it’s only British media, a handful of outlets and British media cover the Epstein-Clinton White House visitor logs with Mark Middleton. And only local news in Arkansas covered Mark Middleton’s death, not covered by national news, covered again by U.K. media. But I just find it stunning that Epstein’s relationship with the Clinton White House gets zero mainstream media press attention and I think that should tell you all you need to know. There’s obviously something there.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
That’s no coincidence.
Whitney Webb:
Yeah. And in terms of Mark Middleton’s death, also very suspect. He was found hanging from a tree by the neck, it was an extension cord, not a rope, a shotgun wound to the chest, ruled a suicide, no pictures or video footage of the death scene is allowed to be made public by a judge order in Arkansas. So, I mean it’s just nuts to be honest. And the property the tree was on where he was found dead is tied to the Clinton Foundation, it’s called Heifer International.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah. Pretty crazy. So, the amazing stuff you’re uncovering, and especially on these suicide deaths, one would think that you might be at personal risk because of you exposing this corruption, but I believe your protection is in part due to all this is open source and you’re not using any whistle blowers, but what
Whitney Webb:
Yeah, exactly.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
And you live in Peru, so it’s a bit
Whitney Webb:
Chile. Yeah.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I’m sorry, Chile. It’s a little bit more difficult to get you there, but are you concerned about your personal safety?
Whitney Webb:
I’m not, and part of that is because I just feel like the way to really beat these people is by not being afraid of them. And I feel like if you even give in to the fear a little bit, they’ll use it to control you or undermine you or destroy you.
So, if you’re looking at something like COVID-19, for example, over the past couple years there was a reason that the propaganda was so fear-intensive, people who are afraid are easy to control.
So, even if you know everything about these people, if you’re afraid of them, they have power over you. And the only way for, not just me, but anyone to be free from them is to be free of fear of them. You can’t be scared of these people.
Whitney Webb:
Actually, they’re scared of us and they’re scared of regular people waking up because obviously there’s more of us than there are of them at the end of the day. And if exposed for all their criminality, as I’m trying to do in the book, the more people that are aware of that, the more quickly it can unravel. And I think, with a lot of the stuff in the past couple years especially, I mean they’ve really overplayed their hand.
If they did something to me, it would just make my book like a bestseller, more people would read it. I don’t think they want that and that’s why they use the conspiracy theorist thing so much because when you use that excuse, you’re convincing people to laugh at the person and to not engage with their information at all, because they don’t want people to engage with the information. If people start engaging with the information, people are going to make up their own minds and draw their own conclusions.
Whitney Webb:
What I’ve produced in these books are just the facts. It’s very well-sourced, not just in terms of the number of citations, but the quality of the sources and there’s a lot of material there for people to chew on and do their own research and follow whatever lead they want. It’s a resource for people and it’s a starting point and they don’t want people to engage with that type of information because obviously when they have their narratives about these events, it won’t hold up because they’re not presenting the facts, they’re presenting propaganda.
So, they don’t want people to engage with the information. So, if they target me for example, I mean it’s just going to make more people read my book and I don’t think they want that. It’s easier these days for them to just smear you as a conspiracy theorist and make fun of you because they don’t want people engaging with the information.
Whitney Webb:
But at the same time, again because I think they’ve overplayed their hand, more people are looking for that information that’s counter to their propaganda. Just because of the state of the world and things that are going on, a lot of people that may not have dabbled in these types of ideas and histories before are wondering what’s going on and the existing narratives, official
narratives can’t explain things sufficiently for them. So, too many people are looking for it and they’ll find it and I don’t think they’ll want to make a martyr of someone and have more people read it.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It’s not the strategy, good advice.
Whitney Webb:
But I think at the end of the day though, for most people you can’t be afraid of them because a lot of people bring this up and I don’t really bring this up that much into my work because I’m trying to be objective and stuff, but a lot of what we’re fighting now is, in a sense, people say it too, a fight for the soul of the nation, the soul of the world, it’s a spiritual war on a level. So if you’re giving in to fear, you’re losing, no matter how much knowledge you’ve accumulated about how things work and how these people are, if you’re afraid of them, you’re giving them power over you at the end of the day.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah. Thanks for being the leader, helping us follow that message. So my favorite chapter of the book is chapter 21, the last chapter in which you highlight that there likely will not be many, if any, future Epstein types because they don’t need blackmail anymore in the technical sense of how they acquire that information through sexual escapades because they have other ways of acquiring it. So, why don’t you summarize that chapter?
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
And it’s a powerful message, but in some ways, it’s also somewhat distressing because almost, it essentially allows almost all of us to be vulnerable to this type of blackmail. Although interestingly, for the last, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, the last year, The New York Times had a team of investigative journalists on me to dig up dirt for a year, from The New York Times. And they didn’t find anything, they made a big video documentary for about an hour and they had no dirt except – so, the producers of the film just started interviewing themselves. It was comical. It was really fun. But what
Whitney Webb:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So, why don’t you explain that? How they’re going to use the technology of the last decade to why are the pieces of information for blackmail instead of guys like Epstein?
Whitney Webb:
Sure. So people like Epstein before, and a lot of the other people that I chronicled in volume one, were involved in sex blackmail just because it was effective for a very long time. But by the time you get around to the digital age and technology is so ubiquitous and so commonplace for people, it’s not cost effective anymore to maintain an asset like Epstein for the purpose of sexual blackmail.
With someone like Epstein or his predecessors in that particular type of activity, you have to pay for their expenses, you have to pay for the expenses of the women and girls they’re trafficking, you have to pay for expenses to maintain mansions or other locations with these pinhole cameras where wealthy men feel at ease. It’s like a party, sort of, scenario, so they’ll “let loose” and compromise themselves. And that’s just the tip of the ice – I mean there’s lots of other expenses.
You have to pay off law enforcement so they don’t prosecute these guys and all of that stuff.
Whitney Webb:
So in the technology age, you just put in a line of code or you hack into someone’s account about something and then you have the information right there because these days everyone, more or less, has some sort of incriminating information in their digital footprint that could be used against them and we willingly give our data away to whoever. And as a major theme in my work outside of this book has been almost all of the big tech companies, if not all of them, have some sort of tie to U.S. intelligence either from the off or very early on.
Whitney Webb:
So, basically we’ve been allowing them to profile us, but that may sound bad for people. And like you mentioned, and I did say this in the book, now we’re all blackmailable in that way because we all have digital footprints and we’ve been put in these digital corrals. But again, like I mentioned earlier, these people see us as subhuman and see us as complete idiots. So, they think that we’ll just be dependent on this technology because it’s easy forever and that we’ve become complete slaves to our own convenience and we’ll never take our power back.
Whitney Webb:
And it’s actually very easy to take your power back. I mean you don’t have to be a total slave to your smartphone or technology really anymore, and they rely on a lot of the ability to analyze these masses of data on artificial intelligence algorithms that, because of the same corruption in corporate America are oversold on their abilities and they’re not actually as good as they say they are. I mean some of them are powerful, but they’re not necessarily godlike, like some people like
to paint artificial intelligence in this space. So, they’re relying on you taking your smartphone everywhere you go and using it for everything and basically giving them what they want.
Whitney Webb:
And the way to take power back is to reduce that stuff in your life, get local and build parallel systems really at the end of the day, and that’s something that we can all take steps towards because they’ve just become so dependent on these electronic forms of control, blackmail being a form of control, but a lot has been said in the past couple years of the digital ID, agenda and vaccine passports, and central bank digital currencies and where all of that is going to go.
They fully expect us to go very willingly into these new and improved digital corrals that are much more controlling and much less free for the people that enter them, but they need us to voluntarily enter it. So, you have these dueling fuel and energy crises that are the obvious intent there, as I see it, is people who are cold and hungry are more likely to be voluntarily led into
these systems.
Whitney Webb:
But again, what you see there is that we have to agree to it. And that means that we have agency here and they know it and they can’t technically force us, we have to surrender our power completely to them and we have all the tools to take it back, we just have to take responsibility and start doing it. And this is why I would really caution people against what I see as
psychological conditioning, this idea that we have to wait for a political savior, vote for the right person, and as soon as we get the “right person” in the White House, everything will be fine.
The extent of the corruption is vast and there is no way one person at the White House can undo it all. And what we need are just regular people to take responsibility because so many of us are looking for the good guy versus the bad guy on the level of nation-state leadership. If you don’t think Donald Trump’s the good guy or Putin’s the good guy, you think Biden’s the good guy or this guy’s the good guy.
Whitney Webb:
No, no, no, no, the good guys are just the regular people like you and me and the bad guys are the people most often at the top that have stomped on heads and clawed their way to the heights of power, generally not nice people regardless of what nation-state you’re talking about. It’s regular people where you will find the “good guys” you’re looking for and it’s time for those people to come together and say, “Enough,” and we really can do it.
It just is about taking personal responsibility. So you’re not going to solve all your problems anymore, especially in the United States, at the ballot box. It has to be more than that and personal responsibility is something we all have to take for our lives. We have to take our power back and that starts on an individual level.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
That was outstanding. I’m going to clip that and put it in a lot of future articles because you don’t really discuss that in the book, but yet it’s the obvious conclusion and recommendation and the endorsement. So, thank you for sharing it that way. It’s very powerful. Thanks so much. Question on your previous experience because I want to get into how to buy your book and support you, and right now you’re with Unlimited Hangout, right? Is that your website, Unlimited
Whitney Webb:
That’s my website. Yeah. Yeah. I used to write for MintPress.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
[crosstalk 01:21:59] talk about MintPress. I like them. I just discovered them recently and there’s this writer, Alan McLeod, who did a real, I’m sure you know him, but I just recently found him. He did a huge, deep dive into intelligence connections with the internet, and I’d like to discuss it within our next visit, along with some of the other things.
But I think you got to be out of your mind not to do on RSS feed, an RSS feed is a really great tool. It’s such a powerful tool that it’s been suppressed. I mean because typically RSS readers are what you use to capture the RSS feeds, and I’ll let you talk about it in a bit, but Google had the best RSS reader out there, it’s called Google Reader, and they disliked it so much because they knew the potential it had, they discontinued it. They discontinued it.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
You don’t really hardly hear anyone talk about RSS feeds, but it is the way to get around social media and provide you with highly curated content of some of the best minds on the internet like you. So, you have got to be out of your mind if you don’t really regularly review what you’re producing on your site because you are clearly one of the best minds out there to help us understand what’s going on. So, I treasure your work and I greatly look forward to all your postings on your site. So, get an RSS feed for Unlimited Hangout. You’ve got to do that. You got to hear it
Whitney Webb:
Well and everything else, because like you said earlier, it really is a way to counter social media censorship because they’re censoring stuff from the newsfeed so people don’t see it. Essentially what you do with the RSS feed is that you add the content creators or writers or whoever that you like and you’re creating your own uncensorable newsfeed at the end of the day.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah. It’s brilliant. It really is the workaround. More of us need to understand that. Actually I’ve been using RSS feeds for almost 30 years. It’s really the reason why we are able to find good content on our site because we’ve got all these easy accesses to the great content. But why don’t you tell people now how to get your book because it’s available in a number of different formats and ways to purchase it.
It really is an encyclopedia, it’s a sort of foundation to help you understand the background of what’s going on now in a framework for all the future things that Whitney’s going to be producing and revealing and helping uncover and understand the levels that very few minds can put together. I mean I don’t know anyone that’s doing this type of work like you’re doing.
Whitney Webb:
Oh, well thank you. Well, what I’m trying to do in the book is show the power structure as it is today, but the origins of it. And I don’t claim to be able to present 100% of the power structure, but key parts of it that are easily documented and provable. So, if you want to understand how things work in the U.S. or how they have worked for a number of years, I think it’s an important resource. It was originally intended to be one book, but it was always written in two parts, it ended up running long, sorry about that, but there was a lot to say and a lot to document
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
She says with a grin. Yeah, right, “I’m really sorry.”
Whitney Webb:
Well, it ended up being like a hundred years of history, so like I mentioned-
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
It would take a normal human 10 years to write this book.
Whitney Webb:
Yeah. Well maybe so, but volume two is the Epstein-focused stuff, but volume one is all the stuff before Epstein and the origin of intelligence organized crime, which I think is really essential to not just understanding Epstein, but a lot of other stuff going on in the world today. So if you’re interested in buying both volumes, the best way to buy the physical copy, if you are in the
continental U.S., is to go to the publisher’s website,, and buy the bundle where you can buy both books for a significantly reduced price than buying them both separately. And people that buy the bundle will get volume two before volume two comes out on its own, which is in October. So you’ll get both books sooner if you buy the bundle. Volume one on its own comes out at the end of this month, in a couple of weeks, but if you buy the bundle, you may even get it a little earlier, depending.
Whitney Webb:
So, I would recommend that if you want it sooner because there is going to be an eBook and audio book available, which are going to be both volumes in one, so essentially one book for both of those, but they’re not quite done yet. They’re in progress and will be available soon.
Okay? So that may be the most cost effective people for option and people that don’t really care about having a physical copy, but there are several options. The best way to stay informed about the book is to sign up for the newsletter on my website.
You can go to, and any update about the book is there and at the end of all the newsletters we’re sending out for this month and probably next month and probably a couple months after, have something about the book at the bottom, if you’re interested. And we have an FAQ page on the website about the book and all other sorts of things.
We’re working with distributors in Europe, just because the international shipping from the U.S. to Europe is complicated and getting more complicated all the time. So, definitely check the website for updates.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I definitely would recommend the newsletter, although I don’t get it because I tend not to like to get stuff in my inbox. I use the RSS reader for all your content, and I think the RSS reader is superior to an email because I don’t know what email distribution content provider you’re using, but there are definitely problems with them and the delivery of them can be impaired. So, there is a chance, and it could be a significant chance, that even though you sign up for a newsletter you’re not going to get it, it’s going to wind up in spam filter or they provide the ISPs are not going to put it through, they’re going try to sabotage her in some way, but they cannot sabotage an RSS feed. They cannot sabotage it. You will get it 100%.
Whitney Webb:
So, in the case of my website, the newsletter is self-hosted and self-published so we don’t depend on a company like MailChimp or any of those.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
No, that’s good to know, but they still – I mean we do the same
Whitney Webb:
No, no, you’re right.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
[crosstalk 01:28:13] time and believe me, distribution of your emails is huge. It’s a constant hassle that we’ve always got to modify and correct because they’re being marked as spam so frequently, especially if you have larger and larger distribution
Whitney Webb:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
-and you got to get it into the box. So it’s really hard to do. And RSS is 100%.
Whitney Webb:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
So as you said, you’ve got – just I currently use Feed Reader as, I think, one of the best RSS readers, but there’s a lot of other ones. And once you understand the power of an RSS reader, you’ll never go back, especially it’s the way around. I think it became somewhat disenchanted, many people came disenchanted with it because of social media, but you do not want to use social media to get your news. You absolutely do not.
Whitney Webb:
Not anymore. Yeah.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Yeah. It’s a workaround. So we are going to meet again, virtually, and discuss some of these intelligence connections to tech and the censorship that’s been going on, not just eliminating sites like yours and mine, not sites, but social media platforms being banned and censored, but the elimination of really important information that you need to know, that the whole world needs to know that’s being obscured. It’s hidden, it’s just essentially removed from the internet.
So, I definitely want to dive deep on that because I want the world to hear from your perspective and help us understand it because your understanding is so comprehensive and you’re able to formulate solid recommendations like you just did in real time, I’m surprised that wasn’t in the book. But I mean, because it’s such a powerful message, if you have a chance, you may even want to update it because that should be in chapter 21, it really should be because that is really why you’re doing all this.
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
I mean because when you have a message, you have to have an action, but what is the action now that you know all this information? What are you going to do? And I couldn’t have made a better summary and succinct recommendation that you – really, I’m going to put a snippet of that, we’re going to put it, it’s so good. It is so good.
So, I’m looking forward to our next conversation and it is going to be fun, it really will be. And now, and you got to get, well you don’t have to, but I would encourage you to get the book. Just know it’s a long, long book and it’s just really detailed, but it’s powerful. And Whitney, you’re the best. As I said, I’m so grateful for all your work and what you’ve done, you continue to do.
Whitney Webb:
Thanks so much. I appreciate it.

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