BC Human Rights Tribunal Denies 3 Witnesses | Odessa Orlewicz Interview | Quick Clips
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Two Weeks of Tribunal Hearings Bring No Resolution
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BC Human Rights Tribunal Denies 3 Witnesses for Barry Neufeld, Based on “Irrelevance”

December 4 2024

KLP an adult female. She transitioned as an adult and is now detransitioning;

FG, an adult female. She was transitioned in Canada starting at age 16, and is now detransitioning;

SG, a gay man who does not identify as ‘queer’.

All were to speak on their life experiences, as it relates to Barry’s case.

Information From the Letter of Denial:

Tribunal Members: Devyn Cousineau, Robin Dean, Laila Said Alam
Counsel for the Complainant: Lindsay Waddell, Alanna Tom, Stefanie Quelch
Counsel for the Respondent: James SM Kitchen
Counsel for BC’s Human Rights Commissioner: No submissions

[1] This complaint arises out of statements and publications made by Barry Neufeld during his tenure as an elected Trustee of the Chilliwack Board of Education, about provincial resource materials addressing sexual orientation and gender identity. The British Columbia Teachers’ Federation [BCTF] and the Chilliwack Teachers’ Association [CTA] bring the complaint on behalf of CTA members who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ [the Class]. They allege that Mr. Neufeld’s statements discriminated against the Class based on their gender identity, gender expression, and/or sexual orientation in violation of ss. 7 and 13 of the Human Rights Code.

[2] The hearing of the complaint is underway. In support of his case, Mr. Neufeld seeks to admit evidence from three lay witnesses about their personal experiences and views of the subject matter of his impugned communications. The Complainants object to these witnesses being permitted to testify. They argue that their proposed evidence is irrelevant and/or inadmissible opinion, and, in one case, Mr. Neufeld failed to give notice of the witness as required by the Tribunal’s directions and orders. Both parties made oral submissions about the objection.

[3] For the reasons that follow, we agree with the Complainants that the proposed evidence of the three witnesses is irrelevant to the issues we must decide. It is neither necessary nor appropriate to admit this evidence and we decline to do so: Human Rights Code, s. 27.2.

Nov 25, 2024 is the first day of this two week “hate speech” hearing. The British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) & the Chilliwack Teachers’ Association (CTA) have taken Mr. Barry Neufeld to the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT). Barry Neufeld, a former 27 year school board trustee in Chilliwack British Columbia, Canada, spoke out in 2017 to protect children from radical-trans-queer gender ideology resources that were being brought into the BC schools. SOGI was ‘sold’ to our communities as an anti-bullying resource… has turned out to be just the opposite.
[SOS Convoy Barry Needs Our Help Nov. 25 from Chilliwack to Vancouver]

Odessa Orlewicz of Liberty Talk Canada

“You Don’t Approve of Mutilating Kids Genitals?” THIS Case Could Set Precedent It’s Now Hate Speech.

Don’t Like Seeing Children’s Body Parts Chopped Off? Like To Say It Out Loud With Concern? Want To Run For Office? In BC, Canada THIS Case Will Set Precedent YOUR Concern Could Be Deemed “HATE SPEECH” & You Can’t Run For Politics With YOUR Values…Interview with Barry Neufeld who is going up against the Canadian Cabal soon to try to keep you and me free… BARRYNEUFELD.COM

Shared from https://barryneufeld.com/a-pawn-in-the-game-barry-neufeld-hate-speech-hearing-will-set-precedent-on-acceptable-values/

Quick Clips

BC, A Human Rights Tribunal Case That Has Far-Reaching Implications For Faith & Freedom

Barry Neufeld’s First Thoughts on Sogi123
Shadoe Davis Show

Barry Neufeld on the Trans Agenda in Other Countries

Scan this code to make a donation to Barry’s legal fund

Or visit this webpage

Derek Sloan interviews Barry Neufeld and his lawyer James Kitchen

Barry Neufeld is facing a human rights complaint for his statement that transitioning children is child abuse. His hearing will be held November 25, 2024 after many years of delays.

To support Barry click here:

Find out more about lawyer, James Kitchen:

A Systematic Effort To Undermine Barry Neufeld’s Character & Credibility

Barry Neufeld’s Testimony at the National Citizens Inquiry in Vancouver

School Trustee Fights BC Teachers Federation To Keep Kids Safe

Talk Truth Hosts Allan and Corri Hunsperger Interview Barry Neufeld

OPEN MIKE with Michael Thiessen ~ October 13, 2024

In this episode of Open Mike, Dr. Michael Thiessen interviews Barry Neufeld, a former school trustee from Chilliwack, BC, who has faced significant persecution for his Christian beliefs regarding gender ideology in schools. The conversation explores the implications of hate speech laws, the impact of gender ideology on families, and the role of the church in addressing these issues.

First Hearing Date: November 25, 2024 (Full Dates: Nov. 25 – Dec. 6)

Audio, online hearing only. Link: (will be posted as soon as it’s released)
BC Human Rights Tribunal location 605 Robson St. Vancouver BC.

Embattled former BC school trustee Barry Neufeld raising money for legal defence ahead of trial

Neufeld’s saga began in October 2017, when as a trustee he posted a public statement on Facebook that read, “Transitioning Children was Child abuse.”

Embattled former Chilliwack, BC school board trustee Barry Neufeld has begun raising money for his defence ahead of his trial, which is set to begin October 21. [Date changed to November 25, 2024]

Neufeld has been dealing with the BC Human Rights Tribunal for nearly seven years, all for a statement he posted on social media referring to the medical transition of children as “child abuse.”

In an interview with the Western Standard, Neufeld revealed that the Rights and Freedoms Fundraising Society had stepped in to host his donation campaign, and that in just the first week alone he has brought in over $3,000.

He explained that total costs for his new lawyer, James Kitchen, would likely amount to around $60,000, but that the seasoned litigator has already started forming his defence.

Neufeld’s saga began in October 2017, when as a trustee he posted a public statement on Facebook that read, “Transitioning Children was Child abuse.” Four months later the Chilliwack CUPE 411 local filed a human rights complaint against him and the Chilliwack School District, alleging that they had created an “unsafe work environment.” In April 2018, the Chilliwack Teacher’s Association filed a similar complaint against him alone.

He initially retained Kitchen as his legal representation via the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, however the BC Public School Employers’ Association intervened and provided him with indemnity lawyers.

Legal proceedings involving CUPE, the CTA, the BCTF, the Chilliwack School Board, and Neufeld went back and forth over the following years, and in January 2024, the CTA made an out-of-court settlement offer. It would have required Neufeld to issue a public apology, promise to never run for public office again, participate in a “reeducation program,” and donate $50,000 to an LGBTQ+ charity.

Despite being assured by his lawyers that it was a fair settlement and that indemnity insurance would cover the donation, Neufeld rejected it, opting instead to fight further.

As a result, Neufeld’s indemnity lawyers said they would no longer be representing him, leaving him legally stranded. After months of failing to find anyone who charged a reasonable rate, he and Kitchen got back in touch and are now preparing for the upcoming hearing.

Shared from https://www.westernstandard.news/news/embattled-former-bc-school-trustee-barry-neufeld-raising-money-for-legal-defence-ahead-of-october-trial/58234

Former BC trustee faces hate speech complaint, six years after calling transitions ‘child abuse’

A former Chilliwack school trustee is defending himself against hate speech more than six years after expressing his opposition to transitioning children.

In a video posted by Gays Against Grooming Canada, Barry Neufeld said comments he made online in 2017 were somewhat misinterpreted. 

“I said that people who transition children are guilty of child abuse, and I was thinking of the therapists, the pharmacists, the endocrinologists and the surgeons who are damaging children’s bodies. But it was the school teachers that took offence of that because they support that process,” Neufeld said.

The British Columbia Teachers Federation filed a complaint against Neufeld on behalf of the Chilliwack Teachers’ Association.

“My crime was being critical of the SOGI 123 program, which was implemented secretly without knowledge of publicly elected school trustees. I didn’t see it as benefiting children. And in the last six years, as more and more research has come in, it’s been discovered that children who transition, that does them more harm than good,” Neufeld said.

For decades, Neufeld had a career helping at-risk children, usually foster kids. He said transitioning became a trend after smart phones and school materials promoted it.

“Kids used to cut themselves or drug themselves or starve themselves, but now the trend is to to trans themselves. It’s a trendy thing. It’s catching on like a social contagion,” he said.

Neufeld said his accusers, the Chilliwack teachers’ association, failed to silence him and this means he is being made to answer for thousands of pages of evidence, including 500 pages of online comments.

In an interview with Western Standard, Neufeld said, the legal representation trustees typically have access to fell through after he refused a settlement offer.

“They wanted a public apology, and they want you to promise to never run for public office again, and they want you to take sensitivity training so you can so you understand what transgender is. And finally, they want you to donate $50,000 to an LGBTQ charity. But they said, don’t worry about the $50,000, the insurance will cover that.”

Neufeld said he gave the offer “some pretty serious thought” but refused.

“Very politely, I said, ‘No, I’m not going to apologize. They have never given me the names of anybody that I have threatened or harmed. Secondly, they have no right to tell me that I can’t run for public office. Thirdly, I’ve been studying this issue for the last six and a half years. I know both sides of the argument, and nothing will convince me that transitioning children is a good idea. Finally, even if the $50,000 isn’t mine, I don’t want to see $50,000 go to an organization that might encourage children to damage their bodies.’”

Two weeks of tribunal hearings for Neufeld start October 21, two days after the provincial election. He finds irony that a human rights complaint can wait longer than criminal proceedings.

“If I was convicted of bloody murder, the crown would have 18 months to prove their case, and if they couldn’t prove it, the criminal court would throw it out for abuse of process. This has dragged on for six and a half years,” he said.

Neufeld said the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms said they didn’t have enough spare resources to help at this point. He is left to pay administrative expenses as a lay counsellor helps him with the human rights case.

“If they succeed in convicting me of hate speech, then they will go after the many other organizations that are also agreeing with me and having the same opinion. In other words, they’re going to make a criminal code offense to criticize gender ideology in the schools,” Neufeld predicted.

Neufeld will also be in court December 13 to appeal a defamation ruling against him. In an interview Neufeld said a fellow school board candidate had lost to “a striptease artist.” Candidate Carin Bodnar, unnamed in his comments, had spoofed Miley Cyrus in the video below. She remains on the Chilliwack School Board.

Shared from https://www.westernstandard.news/news/former-bc-trustee-faces-hate-speech-complaint-six-years-after-calling-transitions-child-abuse/57808

Two weeks of tribunal hearings bring no resolution for embattled former BC trustee

Two weeks of hearings by a BC Human Rights Tribunal won’t offer enough time to resolve complaints against a former trustee.

Next Hearing Dates: Feb. 24 & 25 2025

Former Chilliwack School Board trustee Barry Neufeld faces complaints stemming from a Facebook post in 2017 where he said transitioning children was child abuse.

The Chilliwack Teachers’ Association complained such comments amounted to workplace discrimination and hate speech.

Friday morning, Neufeld told the Western Standard by Facebook Messenger his interrogation won’t happen for months yet.

“Today is the last day of my trial before the BC Human Rights Tribunal, which the media is ignoring. I am giving my testimony today.  Today is the day my enemies have been waiting for. The only problem is: there won’t be time to cross examine me. The case may be adjourned for several months. I will have to remain silent, and the BCTF lawyers will have a long time to prepare their cross examination questions,” Neufeld said.

“Devyn Cousineau, the Tribunal chair, has decided that detransitioners Kelli-Lynn Pirie, Faith Grouleau and gay man Scott Geiler will not be allowed to testify because they are ‘irrelevant.’

Lawyer James Kitchen said he [may] be appealing to the Supreme Court of BC to overturn that decision. This will stall the tribunal three to six months,” Neufeld added.

In 2017, Barry Neufeld posted to Facebook, “At the risk of being labelled a bigoted homophobe, I have to say that I support traditional family values and I agree with the College of Pediatricians that letting little children choose to change gender is nothing short of child abuse.”

Shared from https://www.westernstandard.news/news/two-weeks-of-tribunal-hearings-bring-no-resolution-for-embattled-former-bc-trustee/60238

Former BC trustee faces hate speech complaint, six years after calling transitions ‘child abuse’

Former BC trustee heads to human rights tribunal over trans comments

Gays Against Grooming founder opposes youth transitions, supports embattled former trustee

Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery

“Patients who have undergone gender-affirming surgery are associated with a significantly elevated risk of suicide, highlighting the necessity for comprehensive post-procedure psychiatric support.”

“The results of this study indicate that patients who have undergone gender affirmation surgery are associated with significantly higher risks of suicide, self-harm, and PTSD compared to general population control groups in this real-world database.”

Shared from https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11063965/


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