Alberta’s ‘contrarian’ COVID-19 review task force releases final report, including recommendation to halt vaccines.
The “contrarian”-led task force that Premier Danielle Smith commissioned to review Alberta’s COVID-19 pandemic response has released its final report.
The 268-page report, posted online Friday afternoon, recommends “halting the use of COVID-19 vaccines without full disclosure of their potential risks” and for the province to allow physicians to prescribe alternative treatment options for the virus, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
It also encourages the province to end the use of COVID vaccinations among healthy children and teenagers; conduct further research into the vaccines’ effectiveness; establish support for “vaccine-injured” individuals, and provide an opt-out mechanism from federal public health policy.
“The COVID-19 vaccines were not designed to halt transmission of the virus and there is limited data on their effectiveness in preventing severe illness in children,” the report claimed.
Smith directed the task force’s creation in late 2022, shortly after she was elected. The panel’s mandate was to review health information data and the Alberta government’s decision-making processes regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, while also recommending how to better navigate a future pandemic.
A spokesperson from Health Minister Adriana LaGrange’s office said Saturday that the province is still reviewing and considering the report, and has not yet made any policy decisions related to its findings.
“Alberta’s government is committed to prioritizing the health and well-being of Albertans through responsible, evidence-based decision making,” said LaGrange’s press secretary, Jessi Rampton.
She added that the task force was designed to include health professionals from diverse practice areas, including infectious disease, public health, general practice, acute care, immunology, analytics and emergency medicine.
The province earmarked $2 million for the review, though Smith said she expected it to come in under budget.
But the review garnered controversy last April after media reports that Dr. Gary Davidson, the former chief of emergency medicine at the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre, was selected to chair the task force. Before his appointment, Davidson had publicly questioned some elements of Alberta’s COVID-19 response, including his claim in 2021 that hospital admission numbers were exaggerated and manipulated to justify the need for public health restrictions.
Smith defended Davidson’s appointment to lead the review, arguing she wanted to hear a diverse range of view points, including from those who had been “shouted down in the public sphere.”
“I needed somebody who was going to look at everything that happened with some fresh eyes and maybe with a little bit of a contrarian perspective because we’ve only ever been given one perspective,” Smith told reporters last April. “I left it to (Davidson) to assemble the panel with the guidance that I would like to have a broad range of perspectives.”
Her comments were criticized by then-leader of the Alberta NDP Rachel Notley, who at the time called the review a waste of public money and a secret consultation led by a doctor with “fringe views.”
“I believe the Earth is round, and I don’t think that the people of Alberta should be paying for people who believe it’s flat to be engaging in the conversation,” Notley said.
In addition to calling for an end to COVID-19 vaccines, the report touts the benefits of herd immunity, or the idea that prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 can provide durable and protective immune responses.
“Infection-acquired immunity should not be overlooked or downplayed in public health messaging and policies,” the review states.
It also criticized what it called a “restrictive approach taken by Alberta health authorities” regarding alternative treatment options for COVID-19, including drugs like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, fluvoxamine, and colchicine.
“Alberta should allow healthcare professionals to prescribe treatments in their patients’ best interest and ensure access to therapies with established safety records,” it stated. (That recommendation contravenes a Health Canada public advisory from 2021 that states Ivermectin is not authorized to prevent or treat COVID-19 and that it “may cause serious health problems” if used to treat the virus.)
On Friday, Davidson discussed his task force’s report on the Chris and Kerry Show, a podcast hosted by the owner of the Whistlestop Cafe — the rural restaurant that made headlines in 2021 for refusing to comply with public health restrictions.
During the interview, Davidson was asked to respond to a Globe and Mail report that the review contradicted scientific consensus. He responded by claiming there is no such thing as consensus in science and that he encourages people to read his team’s report.
“Science is all about questioning everything, experimenting and proving whether it’s true or not,” he said. “That’s science. Consensus is a religion idea and I don’t think it belongs in this field.”
Alberta Health Services (AHS) declined to comment on the task force’s report Saturday, directing Postmedia to instead seek comment from the Alberta government. AHS has previously called Davidson’s claims about hospitalizations during the pandemic “completely false.”
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Read The Task Force’s Report
BREAKING: Massive Alberta Government Task Force Report Calls for Halt to COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
“Task Force recommends halting the use of COVID-19 vaccines without full disclosure of their potential risks, ending their use in healthy children and teenagers.”
The Alberta government’s $2 million, 269-page task force report, led by Dr. Gary Davidson, has finally been released:
“Task Force recommends halting the use of COVID-19 vaccines without full disclosure of their potential risks, ending their use in healthy children and teenagers, conducting further research into their effectiveness, establishing support for vaccine-injured individuals, and providing an opt-out mechanism from federal public health policy.”
While this call for a halt to COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ is conditional on full disclosure of risks, it represents a significant step forward, particularly as it unconditionally advocates ending their use in children.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, the Trump-nominated NIH director, is listed as one of the contributors to the Alberta government’s task force report.
According to one of the report’s authors, molecular virologist Dr. David Speicher, nearly six months after the massive report was submitted to Premier Danielle Smith, it was quietly released by the Government of Alberta on their website:

In a Substack post, Dr. Speicher said,
Regarding the report, I think that it is a very well-written critique of the Government of Alberta’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is not a final conclusive report. This is a good start to opening the door for some important deep governmental discussions that need to happen, including diving deeper into the harms caused by the COVID-19 modRNA vaccines, like the DNA contamination and the presence of the SV40 promoter-enhancer nuclear localization sequences, the vast number of vaccine-injured people, and the increased risk of turbo cancer. While I am disappointed that the Government of Alberta, namely Premier Smith, tried to bury this report by sitting on it for six months and quietly releasing the report without a proper press conference on the week of the USA inauguration I am relieved to see that the report was finally made public. The government’s attempt to bury the report shows that this is indeed a damning report and the government’s response could have been much better. However, I hope that this report will bring about government transparency and begin that well-needed conversation so that our society can indeed heal.
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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity
by Michel Chossudovsky
Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.
“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”
This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon
In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia
In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig
Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac
A reading of Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late. You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin
ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022, PDF Ebook, Pages: 164, 15 Chapters
Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.
You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.
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The original source of this article is Courageous Discourse Copyright © Nicolas Hulscher, Courageous Discourse, 2025
ÚLTIMA HORA: Un informe masivo del grupo de trabajo del gobierno de Alberta pide detener las “vacunas” contra la COVID-19
“El grupo de trabajo recomienda detener el uso de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 sin divulgar plenamente sus posibles riesgos y poner fin a su uso en niños y adolescentes sanos”.
Finalmente se publicó el informe del grupo de trabajo del gobierno de Alberta, de 269 páginas y 2 millones de dólares , dirigido por el Dr. Gary Davidson:
“El grupo de trabajo recomienda detener el uso de las vacunas contra la COVID-19 sin divulgar completamente sus riesgos potenciales, poner fin a su uso en niños y adolescentes sanos, realizar más investigaciones sobre su eficacia, establecer apoyo para las personas afectadas por las vacunas y proporcionar un mecanismo de exclusión voluntaria de la política federal de salud pública”.
Si bien este pedido de suspender las “vacunas” contra la COVID-19 está condicionado a la divulgación total de los riesgos, representa un avance significativo, en particular porque aboga incondicionalmente por poner fin a su uso en niños.
El Dr. Jay Bhattacharya , director del NIH nominado por Trump, figura como uno de los contribuyentes al informe del grupo de trabajo del gobierno de Alberta.
Según uno de los autores del informe, el virólogo molecular Dr. David Speicher , casi seis meses después de que se presentara el enorme informe a la primera ministra Danielle Smith, el Gobierno de Alberta lo publicó discretamente en su sitio web :

En una publicación de Substack , el Dr. Speicher dijo:
En cuanto al informe, creo que es una crítica muy bien escrita de la respuesta del Gobierno de Alberta a la pandemia de COVID-19, pero no es un informe final y concluyente. Es un buen comienzo para abrir la puerta a algunas discusiones gubernamentales importantes y profundas que deben tener lugar, incluyendo profundizar en los daños causados por las vacunas de ARN modificado contra la COVID-19, como la contaminación del ADN y la presencia de las secuencias de localización nuclear del promotor-mejorador SV40, la gran cantidad de personas lesionadas por la vacuna y el mayor riesgo de cáncer de turbo. Si bien me decepciona que el Gobierno de Alberta, en particular el Primer Ministro Smith, haya intentado enterrar este informe guardándolo durante seis meses y publicándolo silenciosamente sin una conferencia de prensa adecuada en la semana de la toma de posesión de los EE. UU., me siento aliviado de ver que el informe finalmente se hizo público. El intento del gobierno de enterrar el informe demuestra que se trata de un informe condenatorio y que la respuesta del gobierno podría haber sido mucho mejor. Sin embargo, espero que este informe genere transparencia gubernamental y dé inicio a esa conversación tan necesaria para que nuestra sociedad pueda realmente sanar.
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La crisis mundial del coronavirus, un golpe de Estado global contra la humanidad
por Michel Chossudovsky
Michel Chossudovsky analiza en detalle cómo este proyecto insidioso “destruye la vida de las personas”. Ofrece un análisis exhaustivo de todo lo que hay que saber sobre la “pandemia”, desde las dimensiones médicas hasta las repercusiones económicas y sociales, los fundamentos políticos y los impactos mentales y psicológicos.
“Mi objetivo como autor es informar a la gente de todo el mundo y refutar la narrativa oficial que se ha utilizado como justificación para desestabilizar el tejido económico y social de países enteros, seguida de la imposición de la “mortal” vacuna contra el COVID-19. Esta crisis afecta a la humanidad en su totalidad: casi 8 mil millones de personas. Nos solidarizamos con nuestros semejantes y nuestros niños en todo el mundo. La verdad es un instrumento poderoso”.
Este es un recurso profundo de gran interés si lo que busca es comprender un poco mejor la perspectiva más amplia. El autor tiene un gran conocimiento de la geopolítica y esto se refleja en la forma en que se contextualiza el Covid. — Dr. Mike Yeadon
En esta guerra contra la humanidad en la que nos encontramos, en este asalto singular, irregular y masivo contra la libertad y la bondad de los hombres, el libro de Chossudovsky es una roca sobre la que sostener nuestra lucha. – Dr. Emanuel García
En quince capítulos concisos y basados en la ciencia, Michel rastrea la falsa pandemia de covid, explicando cómo una prueba PCR, que produce hasta un 97% de falsos positivos comprobados, combinada con una incesante campaña de miedo las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, fue capaz de crear una “plandemia” mundial cargada de pánico; que esta plandemia nunca habría sido posible sin la infame prueba de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa que modifica el ADN, que hasta el día de hoy se está imponiendo a una mayoría de personas inocentes que no tienen ni idea. Sus conclusiones están evidenciadas por científicos de renombre. — Peter Koenig
El profesor Chossudovsky expone la verdad de que “no existe una relación causal entre el virus y las variables económicas”. En otras palabras, no fue el COVID-19 sino, más bien, la implementación deliberada de confinamientos ilógicos y sin fundamento científico lo que provocó el cierre de la economía global. – David Skripac
La lectura del libro de Chossudovsky ofrece una lección completa sobre cómo se está gestando un golpe de Estado global llamado “El Gran Reinicio”, que, si no es resistido y derrotado por personas amantes de la libertad en todas partes, dará como resultado un futuro distópico que aún no se ha imaginado. Pase este regalo gratuito del profesor Chossudovsky antes de que sea demasiado tarde. No encontrará tanta información y análisis valiosos en un solo lugar. – Edward Curtin
ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Año: 2022, Ebook PDF, Páginas : 164, 15 Capítulos
Precio: $11.50 COPIA GRATIS! Haz clic aquí (docsend) y descárgalo .
También puedes acceder a la versión online del libro electrónico haciendo clic aquí .
La fuente original de este artículo es Courageous DiscourseCopyright © Nicolas Hulscher , Discurso valiente , 2025
Alberta doctor’s near-death experience raises questions about corruption and silence in COVID data task force
01/09/2025 // Lance D Johnson
- Dr. Daniel Nagase, a Canadian emergency room physician, alleges that Dr. Gary Davidson, a former head of the Red Deer Emergency Department, was the victim of an attempted murder through the deliberate injection of feces, resulting in a life-threatening sepsis infection.
- The incident, which occurred at Red Deer Hospital in 2023, involved Davidson’s sudden deterioration from pneumonia to a sepsis infection caused by five different bacteria, a condition that Nagase believes could only be caused by the deliberate introduction of bacteria into the bloodstream.
- Davidson, who had lost his medical license for prescribing ivermectin and expressing dissenting views on COVID-19, was also the chairman of Alberta’s COVID data task force, a $2 million initiative launched by Premier Danielle Smith to review the province’s pandemic response.
- Nagase criticized the lack of transparency and the withholding of critical COVID-19 data, suggesting that financial incentives and non-disclosure agreements may be preventing the release of important information.
- The article highlights the broader moral dilemma faced by medical professionals who must balance their professional obligations with personal fears, and urges doctors to prioritize human life over institutional loyalty.
In a chilling account that blurs the line between medical malpractice and potential criminality, Dr. Daniel Nagase, a Canadian emergency room physician, has revealed what he believes was an attempted murder of Dr. Gary Davidson, former head of the Red Deer Emergency Department and chairman of Alberta’s COVID data task force.
The alleged incident, which occurred in 2023 at Red Deer Hospital, involved Davidson’s sudden deterioration from pneumonia to a life-threatening sepsis infection caused by five different bacteria—a condition Nagase suggests could only result from the deliberate injection of feces into Davidson’s bloodstream.
The story, shared by Nagase in a recent Substack article, raises troubling questions about the motivations behind the withholding of critical COVID-19 data and the potential dangers faced by medical professionals who challenge the status quo.
A suspicious medical emergency
Dr. Gary Davidson, a physician who had previously lost his medical license for prescribing Ivermectin and expressing dissenting views on COVID-19, recounted his ordeal to Nagase during a private meeting. Davidson explained that his pneumonia, initially caused by a combination of cold exposure, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), and exposure to chicken feces while processing poultry, worsened despite treatment with oral antibiotics. Admitted to Red Deer Hospital, where he had once served as chief of the emergency room, Davidson’s condition took a dramatic turn when he developed sepsis—a blood infection involving five distinct bacteria.
Nagase, an experienced emergency physician, noted the rarity of such a multi-bacterial infection in a patient already receiving intravenous antibiotics. “The most feasible means of delivering multiple live bacteria into the blood is through an actual injection of feces,” Nagase wrote. He outlined three possible explanations: self-harm (Munchausen’s), harm by another person (Munchausen’s by proxy), or attempted murder. Nagase leaned toward the latter, suggesting that someone with knowledge of Davidson’s controversial stance on COVID-19 treatments may have sought to silence him.
When asked if he recalled any conversations or spiritual experiences during his time in the ICU, Davidson reportedly responded with a look of “horror” and declined to elaborate.
The COVID data task force and unanswered questions
The incident takes on added significance given Davidson’s role as chairman of Alberta’s COVID data task force, a $2 million initiative launched in 2022 by Premier Danielle Smith to review the province’s pandemic response. Tasked with assessing the “integrity, validity, reliability, and quality” of COVID-19 data, Davidson’s committee was expected to provide transparency on critical issues such as vaccine safety, treatment protocols, and mortality rates. Yet, more than two years later, no preliminary report or raw data has been released to the public.
Nagase criticized Davidson’s inaction, suggesting that financial incentives and non-disclosure agreements may have taken precedence over public health. “Raw Alberta Health Services data remains under wraps,” Nagase wrote. “I can only speculate as to why life-saving information is still held back under Dr. Gary Davidson’s chairmanship.”
The lack of transparency has had real-world consequences. Nagase cited cases like Sheila Annette Lewis, who died in 2023 after refusing an mRNA vaccine required for a lung transplant, and the ongoing inclusion of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in childhood immunization schedules despite safety concerns. He also noted a surge in unusual cancers and cardiovascular events following widespread mRNA vaccination—a trend he observed firsthand in his emergency room practice.
Silence, fear, and the moral dilemma
Nagase’s revelations come at a time when he himself has faced escalating threats, including a suspicious incident at his home on New Year’s Day. In his article, he announced his decision to discontinue publishing on Substack, citing both personal safety concerns and a sense that he has “nothing left to say.” Yet his critique of Davidson and the broader medical establishment underscores a deeper moral dilemma: the tension between professional obligations and personal fears.
“Crimes flourish when greed, cowardice, and individual decisions putting money, convenience, and one’s own anxieties above the life of another are the norm,” Nagase wrote. He challenged his colleagues to take a stand, arguing that continued silence in the face of injustice is tantamount to complicity. “The difference between evil and good lies in how the principle is used,” he added, urging doctors to prioritize human life over institutional loyalty.
mRNA ‘vaccine’ data. Biodistribution, persistence & adjuvant Toxicity library.. Dr. John Campbell