2022 Award Winner: Tamara Lich
George Jonas Freedom Award Dinner – Toronto, Vancouver & Calgary

The Board of Directors of the Justice Centre considered many worthy candidates for the 2022 Award and ultimately selected Tamara Lich. Ms. Lich inspired Canadians to exercise their Charter rights and freedoms by participating actively in the democratic process, and took the initiative to help organize a peaceful protest and serve as one of its leaders. The resulting peaceful protest in Ottawa awakened many Canadians to the injustice of Charter-violating lockdowns and mandatory vaccination policies. Ms. Lich has suffered for the cause of freedom by spending 18 days unjustly jailed, and exemplifies courage, determination and perseverance.

We recognize that Canada’s legal system is founded on a principle of innocent until proven guilty. While Ms. Lich’s bail conditions prohibit her from entering Ontario, these are under appeal and the outcome of the appeal is pending. For any questions, please email: dinners@jccf.ca

TicketsRegular: $200       |       VIP: $500       |       Early Bird: $150

An exclusive reception for VIP ticket holders will be held from 4:30-5:30 before dinner. Location of venue will be sent to ticket holders closer to the date of the event.

Toronto – Thursday, June 16, 2022

Vancouver – Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Calgary – Thursday, August 11, 2022

For more information: https://www.jccf.ca/george-jonas-freedom-award/

About the Event

Freedom is a foundational Canadian principle, which George Jonas (1935-2016) promoted throughout his life, both before and after coming to Canada from communist Hungary.

A renowned Canadian author, poet and columnist, George Jonas made freedom a consistent and important theme in all of his writings. The annual George Jonas Freedom Award recognizes and honours one individual each year who has contributed significantly to advancing and preserving freedom in Canada.

This wonderful evening includes a reception, dinner, the award presentation, and keynote speeches.

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