Airline Safety Compromised By COVID-19 Vaccinations. Pilots Cody Flint and Greg Pearson share their stories of adverse reactions after getting vaccinated against covid-19 and the risks posed to airline travel.

((There are many video interviews on this page. Scroll down for more))

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Vaccine Injured Pilot Steps Forward – US Freedom Flyers

Josh Yoder and the US Freedom Flyers introduce us to now former pilot, Cody Flint. Cody was a pro-vaxxer who took the jab and immediately lost the ability to fly. He tells us his story.

To get right to the interview, start at timestamp 2:29 (this is a news cast of more then 30 minutes. Not the same as the above clip).

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U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Theresa Long MD, MPH, FS calls out Nuremberg Code Violations
regarding Biden’s mandated vaccines for the military.

Senator Ron Johnson from the great state of Wisconsin organized a panel discussion with doctors and medical researchers who have treated COVID-19 vaccine injuries and are researching the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

One of the panelists was a physician by the name of Theresa Long. Long is also a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army.

Short comment on aviation safety. ((Long version and copy of testimony below))

“With respect to aviation safety, risk communication is critical. I saw five patients in clinic, two of which presented with chest pain, days to weeks after vaccination, and were subsequently diagnosed with pericarditis and worked up to rule out myocarditis. The third pilot had been vaccinated and felt like he was drunk, chronically fatigued within 24 hours after vaccination. The pilot told me he didn’t know what to do. So he drank a lot of coffee to try and quote, wake himself up, and continue to fly until he realized it wasn’t going away. After I reported to my command, my concerns that in one morning, I had to ground three out of three pilots due to vaccine injuries. The next day, my patients were canceled. My charts were pulled for review, and I was told that I would not be seeing acute patients anymore, just healthy pilots there for their flight physical.” – Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long

Long Version of Testimony


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Washington Times Story:

A senior U.S. Army flight surgeon with specialized training in infectious diseases has filed an affidavit against the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for active-duty military personnel, warning that problematic heart side effects may cause pilots to die in mid-flight.

Lt. Col. Theresa Long, the surgeon responsible for certifying the fitness of 4,000 flight-ready airmen at the 1st Aviation Brigade in Ft. Rucker, Alabama, said that she is concerned that the vaccines can cause inflamed heart muscles in young men in the age range of most flight-ready pilots, and that the Department of Defense has not followed its own protocols by requiring an MRI scan of each airman after vaccination.

“The majority of young new Army aviators are in their early twenties. We know there is a risk of myocarditis with each mRNA vaccination,” Dr. Long states in the affidavit.

Because the “vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna both have been linked to myocarditis, especially in young males between 16-24 years old,” she states “it is reasonable to conclude that these shots pose a serious risk to many humans due to direct adverse effect or allergic reaction.”

As such, she recommends against requiring vaccinations with either Comirnaty or BioNtech.

The colonel filed her affidavit under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act last week as part of a pending federal lawsuit that seeks a preliminary injunction against the shots.

Reached for comment, she referred questions to the two lead attorneys for the suit, David Wilson and Todd Callender.


More From US Freedom Flyers

Our mission is to promote informed consent and defend individual medical freedom through preserving citizen’s rights to work and travel without governmental obstruction. We accomplish our vision of medical freedom by engaging, informing, defending, and mobilizing in alliance with HFDF to preserve our Constitutionally protected rights.

Engage: We pursue opportunities to weigh in on issues that threaten medical freedom at nationwide events.

Inform: We encourage conversations to develop a deeper understanding of informed consent and our rights as citizens of this country.

Defend: We protect and rally citizens’ medical freedom and bodily sovereignty though teaming with Health Freedom Defense Fund and Davillier Law to fight back against the forthcoming Federal Mandate.

Mobilize: We use our national network to deploy representatives to ensure support is available when medical freedom is under attack, whether at the State or Federal level.

Legal Brief Health Freedom Groups Sue Over Federal Vaccine Mandate

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Laid Off Employees Said They Were Ready to Go Back to Work
While United Blames Omicron for Canceling Flights

In recent days, numerous airlines have canceled flights, citing the Omicron variant. One such airline, United Airlines, has a vaccine mandate in place, which CEO Scott Kirby has been determined to enforce in a particularly strict way. As Kirby insists on laying off workers or placing them on unpaid leave for not getting vaccinated, many have taken to Twitter to communicate they are ready to get back to work.

Writing for CNN Business, Pete Muntean reported that “More than 6,000 flights canceled on Christmas weekend.” Citing FlightAware, Muntean noted that “United canceled 201 flights on Friday, representing 10% of its total schedule, and 238 flights on Saturday, representing 12% of its schedule.”

Reporting from Dawn Gilbertson with USA Today on December 24 noted that with customer service phone lines, “United was quoting a 25- to 30-minute wait. A recording on United’s reservations line said “significant weather” has impacted its call center staffing and urged travelers without flights in the next 72 hours to call back later.”

Messages from United sent to travelers noted that cancelations were “due to an increase in Covid cases limiting crew availability.”

A memo sent to “All pilots” from United that was obtained by Townhall noted that “The nationwide spike in Omicron cases this week has had a direct impact in our flight crews and the people who run our operation. As a result, we’ve unfortunately had to cancel some flights and are notifying impacted customers in advance of them coming to the airport.”

Another memo obtained by Townhall to “Inflight services” addressed “Maintaining availability throughout the holiday season.” It read in part that “For the first half of December, roughly 15% of flight attendants have called in sick for their assignments, which equates to nearly 700 sick calls every day. While rates are already elevated, we are projecting rates to rise by 25% or more for the remainder of the month. Our projections show an especially challenging environment in our small bases and satellites, where rates are exceeding those at our hubs–yet we gave fewer available reserves to protect the operation.”

Ted Cruz highlighted during a Senate hearing earlier this month that United has placed over 2,000 employees on unpaid leave due to the vaccine mandate, which Kirby has tried to gloss over. 

Danielle Runyan, who is a co-founder and director of legislative affairs for Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom (AE4HF) tweeted that workers placed on unpaid leave for not getting vaccinated, even if they had religious or medical reasons not to, were ready to come into work. Click to read

331 pilots and hundreds of FAs needlessly placed on unpaid leave by @united are ready to get back to work tonight! Their bags are packed, and they’re ready to go! Crisis averted – just give ‘em a call! #jabs4jobs— Danielle AE4HF (@DanielleAE4HF)

In a statement for Townhall, AE4HF noted that members of their organization “would ask United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby why – as the Airline industry struggles to meet travel demand for the holidays – is he laying off pilots and workers over a needless mandate for Covid vaccinations?”

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